
Defines functions map2color plot_3d_beta

Documented in map2color plot_3d_beta

#' @import grDevices
#' @import graphics
#' @import rgl

# Generates plot for a given restriction on r_TstarU and kappa
#' Plot ivdoctr Restrictions
#' @param y_name Character string with the column name of the dependent variable
#' @param T_name Character string with the column name of the endogenous regressor(s)
#' @param z_name Character string with the column name of the instrument(s)
#' @param data Data frame
#' @param controls Vector of character strings specifying the exogenous variables
#' @param r_TstarU_restriction 2-element vector of bounds for r_TstarU
#' @param k_restriction 2-element vector of bounds for kappa
#' @param n_grid Number of points to put in grid
#' @param n_colors Number of colors to use
#' @param gray_k 2-element vector of kappa restrictions to recolor graph as gray
#' @param gray_rTstarU 2-element vector of rTstarU restrictions to recolor graph as gray
#' @param fence Vector of left, bottom, right, and top corners of rectangle
#' @param theta Graphing parameters for orienting plot
#' @param phi Graphing parameters for orienting plot
#' @return Interactive 3d plot which can be oriented and saved using rgl.snapshot()
#' @examples
#'endog <- matrix(c(0, 0.9), nrow = 1)
#'meas <- matrix(c(0.6, 1), nrow = 1)
#'plot_3d_beta(y_name = "logpgp95", T_name = "avexpr",
#'             z_name = "logem4", data = colonial,
#'             r_TstarU_restriction = endog,
#'             k_restriction = meas)
#' @export
plot_3d_beta <- function(y_name, T_name, z_name, data, controls = NULL,
                         r_TstarU_restriction = c(-1, 1), k_restriction = c(0, 1),
                         n_grid = 30, n_colors = 500, fence = NULL,
                         gray_k = NULL, gray_rTstarU = NULL,
                         theta = 0, phi = 15) {
  color <- NULL
  obs <- get_observables(y_name, T_name, z_name, data, controls)

  if (k_restriction[1] == 0 & k_restriction[2] == 1) {
    k_lower <- pmax(get_bounds_unrest(obs)$k$Lower, min(k_restriction))
    k_upper <- pmin(1, max(k_restriction))
  } else {
    k_lower <- min(k_restriction)
    k_upper <- max(k_restriction)

  r_TstarU_lower <- min(r_TstarU_restriction)
  r_TstarU_upper <- max(r_TstarU_restriction)
  r_TstarU <- seq(r_TstarU_lower, r_TstarU_upper, length.out = n_grid)

  # We will plot k, but get_r_uz and get_beta both take k_tilde as inputs
  k <- seq(k_lower, k_upper, length.out = n_grid)
  k_tilde <- (k - obs$T_Rsq) / (1 - obs$T_Rsq)
  fullGrid <- expand.grid(r_TstarU = r_TstarU, k_tilde = k_tilde)
  r_uz <- get_r_uz(fullGrid$r_TstarU, fullGrid$k_tilde, obs)
  beta <- get_beta(fullGrid$r_TstarU, fullGrid$k_tilde, obs)

  # Creating grid of points and removing infinite values of beta
  graphData <- data.table(cbind(fullGrid, r_uz = r_uz, beta = beta))[beta < Inf & beta > -Inf]

  # Generating colors for beta. Red is negative, blue is positive, and gray is
  # based on a separate argument
  graphData[beta >= 0, "color" := "blue"]
  graphData[beta < 0, "color" := "red"]

  blues <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "blue"))(n_colors / 2)
  reds <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "white"))(n_colors / 2)
  gray <- colorRampPalette("gray")(1)

  if (!is.null(gray_k)) {
    graphData[k_tilde < min(gray_k), ':=' (color = "gray", hexCol = gray)]
    graphData[k_tilde > max(gray_k), ':=' (color = "gray", hexCol = gray)]
  if (!is.null(gray_rTstarU)) {
    graphData[r_TstarU < min(gray_rTstarU), ':=' (color = "gray", hexCol = gray)]
    graphData[r_TstarU > max(gray_rTstarU), ':=' (color = "gray", hexCol = gray)]

  blueCol <- map2color(graphData[color == "blue"]$beta, blues)
  redCol <- map2color(graphData[color == "red"]$beta, reds)

  graphData[color == "blue", "hexCol" := blueCol]
  graphData[color == "red", "hexCol" := redCol]

  # Rearranging data to match expected arguments for persp3d()
  rho_tu <- matrix(graphData$r_TstarU, ncol = n_grid)
  kappa <- matrix(graphData$k_tilde, ncol = n_grid)
  rho_uz <- matrix(graphData$r_uz, ncol = n_grid)

  view3d(theta, phi)
  persp3d(x = rho_tu, y = kappa, z = rho_uz, col = graphData$hexCol,
          xlim = c(r_TstarU_lower, r_TstarU_upper), ylim = c(k_lower, k_upper),
          xlab = "Rho_tu", ylab = "Kappa", zlab = "Rho_uz")

  if (!is.null(fence)) {
    left <- r_TstarU[which.min(abs(r_TstarU - fence[1]))]
    bottom <- k[which.min(abs(k - fence[2]))]
    right <- r_TstarU[which.min(abs(r_TstarU - fence[3]))]
    top <- k[which.min(abs(k - fence[4]))]
    k_diff <- diff(k)[1]
    r_TstarU_diff <- diff(r_TstarU)[1]

    my_rect <- rect_points(left, bottom, right, top, r_TstarU_diff, k_diff)
    my_rect$z <- get_r_uz(my_rect$x, my_rect$y, obs)

#' Generates a custom color palette given a vector of numbers
#' @param x Vector of numbers
#' @param pal Palette function generate from colorRampPalette
#' @param limits Limits on the numeric sequence
#' @return Hex values for colors
map2color <- function(x, pal, limits = NULL){
  if(is.null(limits)) limits = range(x)
  pal[findInterval(x, seq(limits[1], limits[2], length.out = length(pal) + 1), all.inside = TRUE)]

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ivdoctr documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:32 a.m.