rmse <- function(x1, x2) sqrt(mean((x1-x2)^2, na.rm=TRUE))
mae <- function(x1, x2) mean(abs(x1-x2), na.rm=TRUE)
allocate <- function(n, k) {
if(k < n) {
grp <- rep(NA, n)
i <- 1
resample <- function(x, ...) x[, ...)] # stolen from ?sample
while(!all(! {
grp[resample(which(, 1)] <- i
i <- i+1
if(i>k) i <- 1
} else {
grp <- seq(n)
#' Automated K-fold or Leave One Out Cross Validation
#' @description Runs k-fold or Leave One Out Cross Validation for a specified
#' component of a JAGS data object, for a specified JAGS model.
#' JAGS is run internally `k` times (or alternately, the size of the dataset),
#' withholding each of `k` "folds" of the input data and drawing posterior predictive
#' samples corresponding to the withheld data, which can then be compared to the
#' input data to assess model predictive power.
#' Global measures of predictive power are provided in output: Root Mean Square
#' (Prediction) Error and Mean Absolute (Prediction) Error. However, it is likely
#' that these measures will not be meaningful by themselves; rather, as a metric
#' for scoring a set of candidate models.
#' @param model.file Path to file containing the model written in BUGS code,
#' passed directly to \link[jagsUI]{jags}.
#' @param data The named list of data objects,
#' passed directly to \link[jagsUI]{jags}.
#' @param p The name of the data object to use for K-fold or LOO CV.
#' @param addl_p Names of additional parameters to save from JAGS output,
#' if a metric such as Log Pointwise Predictive Density is to be calculated from
#' cross-validation results. Defaults to `NULL`, indicating no additional parameters.
#' @param save_postpred Whether to save all posterior predictive samples,
#' in addition to posterior medians. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param k How many folds to use for cross-validation. Defaults to `10`.
#' If this is set to a number equal to (or greater than) the sample size, LOOCV
#' behavior will result.
#' @param loocv Whether to perform Leave One Out (rather than k-fold) Cross
#' Validation. Setting this to `TRUE` will override the input to `k=`. Defaults
#' to `FALSE`.
#' @param fold_dims A vector of margins to use for selecting folds, if the data
#' object used for cross validation is a matrix or array. For example, if the
#' data consists of a two-dimensional matrix, setting `fold_dims=1` will result
#' in whole rows being selected in each fold, or setting `fold_dims=2` will result
#' in whole columns. However, this is generalized to accept vectors of
#' multiple `fold_dims` and higher-dimensional arrays of data.
#' @param ... additional arguments to \link[jagsUI]{jags}. These may (or must)
#' include `n.chains`, `n.iter`, `n.burnin`, `n.thin`, `parallel`, etc.
#' @return A named list, which may consist of the following:
#' * `$pred_y`: Point estimates of predicted values corresponding to each data
#' element, calculated as the posterior predictive median value
#' * `$data_y`: Original data used for cross validation
#' * `$postpred_y`: All posterior predictive samples corresponding to each data
#' element, if `save_postpred=TRUE`
#' * `$rmse_pred`: Root Mean Square (Prediction) Error
#' * `$mae_pred`: Mean Absolute (Prediction) Error
#' * `$addl_p`: A list with length equal to `k` (or the number of folds), with
#' each list element containing all posterior samples for additional parameters,
#' if these are supplied in argument `addl_p=`.
#' * `$fold`: A vector, matrix, or array corresponding to the original data,
#' giving the numerical values of the corresponding fold used
#' @seealso \link{qq_postpred}, \link{plot_postpred}, \link{plotRhats}, \link{traceworstRhat}
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' #### test case where y is a matrix
#' asdf_jags <- tempfile()
#' cat('model {
#' for(i in 1:n) {
#' for(j in 1:ngrp) {
#' y[i,j] ~ dnorm(mu[i,j], tau)
#' mu[i,j] <- b0 + b1*x[i,j] + a[j]
#' }
#' }
#' for(j in 1:ngrp) {
#' a[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau_a)
#' }
#' tau <- pow(sig, -2)
#' sig ~ dunif(0, 10)
#' b0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)
#' b1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)
#' tau_a <- pow(sig_a, -2)
#' sig_a ~ dunif(0, 10)
#' }', file=asdf_jags)
#' # simulate data to go with the example model
#' n <- 45
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(n, sd=3),
#' nrow=20, ncol=3)
#' y <- matrix(rnorm(n, mean=rep(1:3, each=20)-x),
#' nrow=20, ncol=3)
# bundle data to pass into JAGS
#' asdf_data <- list(x=x,
#' y=y,
#' n=nrow(x),
#' ngrp=ncol(x))
#' # JAGS controls
#' niter <- 1000
#' ncores <- 2
#' # ncores <- min(10, parallel::detectCores()-1)
#' ## random assignment of folds
#' kfold1 <- kfold(p="y",
#' k=5,
#' model.file=asdf_jags, data=asdf_data,
#' n.chains=ncores, n.iter=niter,
#' n.burnin=niter/2, n.thin=niter/1000,
#' parallel=FALSE)
#' str(kfold1)
#' kfold1$fold
#' ## Performing LOOCV, but assigning folds by row of input data
#' kfold2 <- kfold(p="y",
#' loocv=TRUE, fold_dims=1,
#' model.file=asdf_jags, data=asdf_data,
#' n.chains=ncores, n.iter=niter,
#' n.burnin=niter/2, n.thin=niter/1000,
#' parallel=FALSE)
#' str(kfold2)
#' kfold2$fold
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @export
kfold <- function(model.file, data,
p, addl_p=NULL, save_postpred=FALSE,
k=10, loocv=FALSE,
...) {
if(!inherits(p, "character")) stop("Argument p= must be a character")
if(length(p) > 1) stop("Only one data object or parameter may be used at once")
if(!(p %in% names(data))) stop("Argument p= must correspond to the name of the data object to test")
data_y <- data[[p]]
if( | loocv) {
k <- length(data_y)
fold_dims <- fold_dims[fold_dims <= length(dim(data_y))]
if(is.null(dim(data_y)) | min(dim(data_y)==1)) {
# if data_y is a vector
fold <- allocate(n=length(data_y), k=k)
} else {
# if data_y is a matrix or array
if(is.null(fold_dims)) {
fold <- array(allocate(n=length(data_y), k=k), dim=dim(data_y))
} else {
rpt_dims <- (1:length(dim(data_y)))[-fold_dims] # dims where fold is repeated
nfold <- prod(dim(data_y)[fold_dims])
fold <- aperm(a = array(allocate(n=nfold, k=k),
dim=c(dim(data_y)[fold_dims], dim(data_y)[rpt_dims])),
perm = order(c(fold_dims, rpt_dims)))
pred_y <- NA*data_y
if(!is.null(addl_p)) {
addl_p_post <- list()
if(interactive()) pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
for(i_fold in seq(max(fold))) {
data_fold <- data
data_fold[[p]][fold==i_fold] <- NA
out_fold <- jagsUI::jags(model.file=model.file,
data=data_fold,, addl_p),
# n.chains=ncores, parallel=T, n.iter=niter,
# n.burnin=niter/2, n.thin=niter/2000,
codaOnly = FALSE, bugs.format = FALSE,
pred_fold <- out_fold$q50[[p]]
pred_y[fold==i_fold] <- pred_fold[fold==i_fold]
if(save_postpred) {
if(i_fold==1) { # initialize with the same dims as post pred
postpred_y <- NA*out_fold$sims.list[[p]]
for(irep in 1:dim(postpred_y)[1]) { # this is a hack
# this is hilarious!! can go as many commas as I want, but would be better to generalize
if(length(dim(postpred_y))==2) {
postpred_y[irep,][fold==i_fold] <- out_fold$sims.list[[p]][irep,][fold==i_fold]
if(length(dim(postpred_y))==3) {
postpred_y[irep,,][fold==i_fold] <- out_fold$sims.list[[p]][irep,,][fold==i_fold]
if(length(dim(postpred_y))==4) {
postpred_y[irep,,,][fold==i_fold] <- out_fold$sims.list[[p]][irep,,,][fold==i_fold]
if(length(dim(postpred_y))==5) {
postpred_y[irep,,,,][fold==i_fold] <- out_fold$sims.list[[p]][irep,,,,][fold==i_fold]
if(length(dim(postpred_y))==6) {
postpred_y[irep,,,,,][fold==i_fold] <- out_fold$sims.list[[p]][irep,,,,,][fold==i_fold]
if(!is.null(addl_p)) {
addl_p_post[[i_fold]] <- out_fold$sims.list[addl_p]
if(interactive()) setTxtProgressBar(pb=pb, value=i_fold/max(fold))
out <- list(pred_y=pred_y, data_y=data_y)
if(save_postpred) {
out$postpred_y <- postpred_y
out$rmse_pred <- rmse(x1=data_y, x2=pred_y)
out$mae_pred <- mae(x1=data_y, x2=pred_y)
if(!is.null(addl_p)) {
out$addl_p <- addl_p_post
out$fold <- fold
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