#' @title HTML widget displaying an interactive tree
#' @description Create a HTML widget displaying an interactive tree.
#' @param nodes data, a list of nodes; each node is a list with a required
#' field \code{text}, a character string labeling the node, and optional
#' fields
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{children}}{
#' a list of nodes
#' }
#' \item{\code{data}}{
#' a named list of data to attach to the node; see the
#' \link[jsTreeR:jstreeExamples]{Shiny examples}
#' }
#' \item{\code{icon}}{
#' space-separated HTML class names defining an icon, e.g.
#' \code{"glyphicon glyphicon-flash"} or \code{"fa fa-folder"};
#' one can also get an icon from an image file in a Shiny app, see the
#' \emph{imageIcon} \link[jsTreeR:jstreeExample]{Shiny example};
#' you can also use a super tiny icon, e.g. \code{"supertinyicon-julia"};
#' see the \emph{SuperTinyIcons}
#' \link[jsTreeR:jstreeExample]{Shiny example} showing all available
#' such icons
#' }
#' \item{\code{type}}{
#' a character string for usage with the \code{types} option; see first
#' example
#' }
#' \item{\code{state}}{
#' a named list defining the state of the node, with four possible fields,
#' each being \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{opened}}{
#' whether the node should be initially opened
#' }
#' \item{\code{selected}}{
#' whether the node should be initially selected
#' }
#' \item{\code{disabled}}{
#' whether the node should be disabled
#' }
#' \item{\code{checked}}{
#' whether the node should be initially checked, effective
#' only when the \code{checkboxes} option is \code{TRUE}
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' \item{\code{a_attr}}{
#' a named list of attributes for the node label, such as
#' \code{list(title = "I'm a tooltip", style = "color: red;")}
#' }
#' \item{\code{li_attr}}{
#' a named list of attributes for the whole node, including its children,
#' such as
#' \code{list(title = "I'm a tooltip", style = "background-color: pink;")}
#' }
#' }
#' There are some alternatives for the \code{nodes} argument;
#' see \href{}{Populating the tree using AJAX},
#' \href{}{Populating the tree using AJAX and lazy loading nodes}
#' and \href{}{Populating the tree using a callback function}.
#' @param elementId a HTML id for the widget (useless for common usage)
#' @param selectLeavesOnly logical, for usage in Shiny, whether to get only
#' selected leaves
#' @param checkboxes logical, whether to enable checkboxes next to each node;
#' this makes easier the selection of multiple nodes
#' @param checkWithText logical, whether the checkboxes must be selected when
#' clicking on the text of a node
#' @param search either a logical value, whether to enable the search
#' functionality with default options, or a named list of options for the
#' search functionality; see the \emph{SuperTinyIcons}
#' \link[jsTreeR:jstreeExample]{Shiny example}
#' and the \href{}{jsTree API documentation} for
#' the list of possible options
#' @param searchtime currently ignored
#' @param dragAndDrop logical, whether to allow the rearrangement of the nodes
#' by dragging and dropping
#' @param dnd a named list of options related to the drag-and-drop
#' functionality, e.g. the \code{is_draggable} function to define which nodes
#' are draggable; see the first example and the
#' \href{}{jsTree API documentation} for the list
#' of possible options
#' @param multiple logical, whether to allow multiselection
#' @param types a named list of node properties; see first example
#' @param sort logical, whether to sort the nodes
#' @param unique logical, whether to ensure that no node label is duplicated
#' @param wholerow logical, whether to highlight whole selected rows
#' @param contextMenu either a logical value, whether to enable a context menu
#' to create/rename/delete/cut/copy/paste nodes, or a list of options; see
#' the \href{}{jsTree API documentation} for the
#' possible options
#' @param checkCallback either \code{TRUE} to allow to perform some actions
#' such as creating a new node, or a JavaScript function; see the example
#' where this option is used to define restrictions on the drag-and-drop
#' behavior
#' @param grid list of settings for the grid; see the second example, the
#' \emph{grid} \link[jsTreeR:jstreeExample]{Shiny example}, and the web page
#' \href{}{}
#' for the list of all available options
#' @param theme jsTree theme, one of \code{"default"},
#' \code{"default-dark"}, or \code{"proton"}
#' @param coreOptions a named list of core options, for advanced usage
#' @return A \code{htmlwidget} object.
#' @import htmlwidgets
#' @importFrom htmltools htmlDependency
#' @importFrom fontawesome fa_html_dependency
#' @importFrom shiny bootstrapLib
#' @importFrom jquerylib jquery_core
#' @export
#' @examples # example illustrating the 'dnd' and 'checkCallback' options ####
#' library(jsTreeR)
#' nodes <- list(
#' list(
#' text = "RootA",
#' type = "root",
#' children = list(
#' list(
#' text = "ChildA1",
#' type = "child"
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "ChildA2",
#' type = "child"
#' )
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "RootB",
#' type = "root",
#' children = list(
#' list(
#' text = "ChildB1",
#' type = "child"
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "ChildB2",
#' type = "child"
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' types <- list(
#' root = list(
#' icon = "glyphicon glyphicon-ok"
#' ),
#' child = list(
#' icon = "glyphicon glyphicon-file"
#' )
#' )
#' checkCallback <- JS(
#' "function(operation, node, parent, position, more) {",
#' " if(operation === 'move_node') {",
#' " if( === '#' || parent.type === 'child') {",
#' " return false;", # prevent moving a child above or below the root
#' " }", # and moving inside a child
#' " }",
#' " return true;", # allow everything else
#' "}"
#' )
#' dnd <- list(
#' is_draggable = JS(
#' "function(node) {",
#' " return node[0].type === 'child';",
#' "}"
#' )
#' )
#' \donttest{jstree(
#' nodes,
#' dragAndDrop = TRUE, dnd = dnd,
#' types = types,
#' checkCallback = checkCallback
#' )}
#' # example illustrating the 'grid' option ####
#' library(jsTreeR)
#' nodes <- list(
#' list(
#' text = "Products",
#' children = list(
#' list(
#' text = "Fruit",
#' children = list(
#' list(
#' text = "Apple",
#' data = list(
#' price = 0.1,
#' quantity = 20
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "Banana",
#' data = list(
#' price = 0.2,
#' quantity = 31
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "Grapes",
#' data = list(
#' price = 1.99,
#' quantity = 34
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "Mango",
#' data = list(
#' price = 0.5,
#' quantity = 8
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "Melon",
#' data = list(
#' price = 0.8,
#' quantity = 4
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "Pear",
#' data = list(
#' price = 0.1,
#' quantity = 30
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "Strawberry",
#' data = list(
#' price = 0.15,
#' quantity = 32
#' )
#' )
#' ),
#' state = list(
#' opened = TRUE
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "Vegetables",
#' children = list(
#' list(
#' text = "Aubergine",
#' data = list(
#' price = 0.5,
#' quantity = 8
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "Broccoli",
#' data = list(
#' price = 0.4,
#' quantity = 22
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "Carrot",
#' data = list(
#' price = 0.1,
#' quantity = 32
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "Cauliflower",
#' data = list(
#' price = 0.45,
#' quantity = 18
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "Potato",
#' data = list(
#' price = 0.2,
#' quantity = 38
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' ),
#' state = list(
#' opened = TRUE
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' grid <- list(
#' columns = list(
#' list(
#' width = 200,
#' header = "Name"
#' ),
#' list(
#' width = 150,
#' value = "price",
#' header = "Price"
#' ),
#' list(
#' width = 150,
#' value = "quantity",
#' header = "Qty"
#' )
#' ),
#' width = 600
#' )
#' jstree(nodes, grid = grid)
#' # example illustrating custom context menu ####
#' library(jsTreeR)
#' customMenu <- JS("function customMenu(node)
#' {
#' var tree = $('#mytree').jstree(true);
#' var items = {
#' 'rename' : {
#' 'label' : 'Rename',
#' 'action' : function (obj) { tree.edit(node); },
#' 'icon': 'glyphicon glyphicon-edit'
#' },
#' 'delete' : {
#' 'label' : 'Delete',
#' 'action' : function (obj) { tree.delete_node(node); },
#' 'icon' : 'glyphicon glyphicon-trash'
#' },
#' 'create' : {
#' 'label' : 'Create',
#' 'action' : function (obj) { tree.create_node(node); },
#' 'icon': 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus'
#' }
#' }
#' return items;
#' }")
#' nodes <- list(
#' list(
#' text = "RootA",
#' children = list(
#' list(
#' text = "ChildA1"
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "ChildA2"
#' )
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "RootB",
#' children = list(
#' list(
#' text = "ChildB1"
#' ),
#' list(
#' text = "ChildB2"
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' \donttest{jstree(
#' nodes, checkCallback = TRUE, elementId = "mytree",
#' contextMenu = list(items = customMenu)
#' )}
jstree <- function(
nodes, elementId = NULL,
selectLeavesOnly = FALSE,
checkboxes = FALSE,
checkWithText = TRUE,
search = FALSE, searchtime = 250,
dragAndDrop = FALSE, dnd = NULL,
multiple = TRUE,
types = NULL,
sort = FALSE,
unique = FALSE,
wholerow = FALSE,
contextMenu = FALSE,
checkCallback = NULL,
grid = NULL,
theme = "default",
coreOptions = NULL
if(!isNodesList(nodes) && !isCallbackNodes(nodes)
&& !isAJAXnodes(nodes) && !isLAZYnodes(nodes)){
"Invalid `nodes` argument.", call. = TRUE
message("Populating tree using a list.")
}else if(isCallbackNodes(nodes)){
message("Populating tree using a callback function.")
}else if(isLAZYnodes(nodes)){
message("Populating tree using AJAX and lazy loading.")
}else if(isAJAXnodes(nodes)){
message("Populating tree using AJAX.")
stopifnot(is.null(elementId) || isString(elementId))
stopifnot(isBoolean(search) || isNamedList(search))
stopifnot(is.null(dnd) || isNamedList(dnd))
stopifnot(is.null(types) || isNamedList(types))
stopifnot(is.logical(contextMenu) || isNamedList(contextMenu))
is.null(checkCallback) || isTRUE(checkCallback) || isJS(checkCallback)
stopifnot(is.null(grid) || isNamedList(grid))
stopifnot(is.null(coreOptions) || isNamedList(coreOptions))
# forward options using x
x = list(
data = nodes,
selectLeavesOnly = selectLeavesOnly,
checkbox = checkboxes,
checkWithText = ifelse(checkboxes, checkWithText, TRUE),
search = search,
searchtime = searchtime,
dragAndDrop = dragAndDrop,
dnd = dnd,
multiple = multiple,
types = types,
sort = sort,
unique = unique,
wholerow = wholerow,
contextMenu = contextMenu,
checkCallback = checkCallback %||% (dragAndDrop || contextMenu),
grid = validateGrid(grid),
theme = match.arg(theme, c("default", "default-dark", "proton")),
coreOptions = coreOptions
# create widget
name = 'jstreer',
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
package = 'jsTreeR',
elementId = elementId,
dependencies = list(
jquery_core(major_version = 3, minified = TRUE),
bootstrapLib(theme = NULL),
name = "jstree",
version = "3.3.16",
src = "htmlwidgets/lib/jstree/dist",
script = "jstree.min.js",
stylesheet = c(
"themes/default/style.min.css", "themes/default-dark/style.min.css"
package = "jsTreeR"
name = "jstreegrid",
version = "3.10.1",
src = "htmlwidgets/lib/jstreegrid",
script = "jstreegrid.min.js",
package = "jsTreeR"
# htmltools::htmlDependency(
# name = "bootstrap",
# version = "3.4.1",
# src = "www/shared/bootstrap",
# stylesheet = "css/bootstrap.min.css",
# package = "shiny"
# ),
name = "SuperTinyIcons",
version = "0.4.0",
src = "www/SuperTinyIcons",
stylesheet = "SuperTinyIcons.css",
package = "jsTreeR",
all_files = TRUE
name = "OtherIcons",
version = "0.0.1",
src = "www/OtherIcons",
stylesheet = "OtherIcons.css",
package = "jsTreeR",
all_files = TRUE
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.