
Defines functions csolve predict.ols ols

# Ordinary least squares with generalized inverse from the ddml package
# See ?ddml::ols
ols <- function(y, X,
                const = FALSE,
                w = NULL) {
  # Add constant (optional)
  if (const) X <- cbind(1, X)

  # Data parameters
  calc_wls <- !is.null(w)

  # Compute OLS coefficient
  if (!calc_wls) {
    XX_inv <- csolve(as.matrix(Matrix::crossprod(X)))
    coef <- XX_inv %*% Matrix::crossprod(X, y)
  } else { # Or calculate WLS coefficient whenever weights are specified
    Xw <- X * w # weight rows
    XX_inv <- csolve(as.matrix(Matrix::crossprod(Xw, X)))
    coef <- XX_inv %*% Matrix::crossprod(Xw, y)
  # Return estimate
  coef <- as.matrix(coef)
  try(rownames(coef) <- colnames(X)) # assign coefficient names
  output <- list(coef = coef, y = y, X = X,
                 const = const, w = w)
  class(output) <- "ols" # define S3 class

# Complementary methods ========================================================

# Constructed fitted values
predict.ols <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...){
  # Obtain datamatrix
  if (is.null(newdata)) {
    newdata <- object$X
  } else if (object$const) {
    newdata <- cbind(1, newdata)
  # Calculate and return fitted values with the OLS coefficient
  fitted <- newdata%*%object$coef

# help function for generalized inverse ========================================

# Simple generalized inverse wrapper.
csolve <- function(X) {
  # Attempt inversion
  X_inv <- tryCatch(solve(X), error = function(e) NA)
  # If inversion failed, calculate generalized inverse
  if (any(is.na(X_inv))) {
    X_inv <- MASS::ginv(X)
  # Return (generalized) inverse

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kcmeans documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:17 a.m.