
#' Working with \code{kdecopula} objects
#' The function [kdecop()] stores it's result in object of class `kdecopula`.
#' The density estimate can be evaluated on arbitrary points with [dkdecop()];
#' the cdf with [pkdecop()]. Furthermore, synthetic data can be simulated with
#' [rkdecop()].
#' @aliases dkdecop pkdecop rkdecop
#' @param u \code{mx2} matrix of evaluation points.
#' @param obj \code{kdecopula} object.
#' @param stable logical; option for stabilizing the estimator: the estimated 
#'   density is cut off at \eqn{50}.
#' @return A numeric vector of the density/cdf or a \code{n x 2} matrix of 
#'   simulated data.
#' @author Thomas Nagler
#' @seealso \code{\link[kdecopula:kdecop]{kdecop}}, 
#' \code{\link[kdecopula:plot.kdecopula]{plot.kdecopula}}, 
#' \code{\link[qrng:ghalton]{ghalton}}
#' @references 
#' #' Nagler, T. (2018)
#' kdecopula: An R Package for the Kernel Estimation of Bivariate Copula 
#' Densities. 
#' Journal of Statistical Software 84(7), 1-22
#' \cr \cr#' 
#' Geenens, G., Charpentier, A., and Paindaveine, D. (2017). Probit
#' transformation for nonparametric kernel estimation of the copula density. 
#' Bernoulli, 23(3), 1848-1873. 
#' \cr \cr 
#' Nagler, T. (2014). Kernel Methods for
#' Vine Copula Estimation. Master's Thesis, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 
#' \url{https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/node?id=1231221} 
#' \cr \cr 
#' Cambou, T., Hofert,
#' M., Lemieux, C. (2015). A primer on quasi-random numbers for copula models, 
#' arXiv:1508.03483
#' @examples
#' ## load data and transform with empirical cdf
#' data(wdbc)
#' udat <- apply(wdbc[, -1], 2, function(x) rank(x) / (length(x) + 1))
#' ## estimation of copula density of variables 5 and 6
#' fit <- kdecop(udat[, 5:6])
#' plot(fit) 
#' ## evaluate density estimate at (u1,u2)=(0.123,0.321)
#' dkdecop(c(0.123, 0.321), fit) 
#' ## evaluate cdf estimate at (u1,u2)=(0.123,0.321)
#' pkdecop(c(0.123, 0.321), fit) 
#' ## simulate 500 samples from density estimate
#' plot(rkdecop(500, fit))
#' @export
dkdecop <- function(u, obj, stable = FALSE) {
    stopifnot(all(u >= 0 & u <= 1))
    stopifnot(inherits(obj, "kdecopula"))
    ## define appropriately shaped udata frame for vapply
    u <- as.matrix(u)
    if (ncol(u) == 1)
        u <- matrix(u, 1L, nrow(u))
    ## adjust for flipping option of kdevine package
    d <- ncol(u)
    if (!is.null(obj$flip))
        u <- matrix(u[, 2:1], nrow(u), d)
    ## if independence copula is specified return 1
    if ("indep.copula" %in% class(obj))
        return(rep(1, nrow(u)))
    ## evaluate density  (use faster algorithm for d = 2)
    if (stable)
        u <- pmin(pmax(u, 1e-3), 1 - 1e-3)
    out <- interp_2d(u,
    ## stabilize output
    if (stable)
        out <- pmin(out, 10^(1 + d/2))
    ## return results

#' @rdname dkdecop
#' @export
pkdecop <- function(u, obj) {
    stopifnot(all(u >= 0 & u <= 1))
    stopifnot(inherits(obj, "kdecopula"))
    ## define appropriately shaped u matrix
    u <- as.matrix(u)
    if (ncol(u) == 1)
        u <- matrix(u, 1L, nrow(u))
    # adjust for flipping option of kdevine package
    if (!is.null(obj$flip)) {
        u <- matrix(u[, 2:1], nrow(u))
    d <- ncol(u)
    ## if independence copula is specified, return prod(u) directly
    if ("indep.copula" %in% class(obj))
        return(apply(u, 1, prod))
    ## define help objects
    tmplst <- split(rep(seq(-1, 2, 1), d), ceiling(seq.int(4*d)/4))
    helpind <- as.matrix(do.call(expand.grid, tmplst))
    m <- length(obj$grid)
    tmplst <- split(rep(obj$grid, d), ceiling(seq.int(m*d)/m))
    helpgrid <- as.matrix(do.call(expand.grid, tmplst))
    ## evaluate cdf

#' @param n integer; number of observations.
#' @param quasi logical; the default (\code{FALSE}) returns pseudo-random
#' numbers, use \code{TRUE} for quasi-random numbers (generalized Halton, see
#' [qrng::ghalton()]).
#' @rdname dkdecop
#' @importFrom stats runif 
#' @importFrom qrng ghalton
#' @export
rkdecop <- function(n, obj, quasi = FALSE) {
    n <- round(n)
    stopifnot(inherits(obj, "kdecopula"))
    if (!quasi) {
        # simulate independent uniform random variables
        W <- cbind(runif(n), runif(n))
    } else {
        # generate quasi random numbers
        W <- ghalton(n, d = 2)
    # if independence copula is specified, return W
    if ("indep.copula" %in% class(obj))
    # invert h-function otherwise
    U2 <- inv_hfunc(W,
    ## return results
    out <- cbind(W[, 1], U2)
    colnames(out) <- NULL

#' H-function and inverse of a `kdecop()` fit
#' Evaluates the h-function (or its inverse) corresponding to a `kdecopula`
#' object. H-functions are conditional distribution functions obtained by
#' integrating the copula density w.r.t. to one of its arguments (see also
#' [VineCopula::BiCopHfunc()].
#' @param u \eqn{n x 2} matrix of evaluation points.
#' @param obj \code{kdecopula} object.
#' @param cond.var integer; \code{cond.var = 1} conditions on the first variable,
#' \code{cond.var = 2} on the second.
#' @param inverse logical; indicates whether the h-function or its inverse shall be
#' calculated.
#' @return A length \eqn{n} vector of the (inverse) h-function evaluated at
#' \code{u}.
#' @author Thomas Nagler
#' @examples 
#' ## load data and transform with empirical cdf
#' data(wdbc)
#' udat <- apply(wdbc[, -1], 2, function(x) rank(x) / (length(x) + 1))
#' ## estimation of copula density of variables 5 and 6
#' fit <- kdecop(udat[, 5:6])
#' plot(fit) 
#' ## evaluate h-function estimate and its inverse at (u1|u2) = (0.123 | 0.321)
#' hkdecop(c(0.123, 0.321), fit, cond.var = 2) 
#' hkdecop(c(0.123, 0.321), fit, cond.var = 2, inverse = TRUE) 
#' @export
hkdecop <- function(u, obj, cond.var, inverse = FALSE) {
    stopifnot(all(u >= 0) & all(u <= 1))
    stopifnot(inherits(obj, "kdecopula"))
    stopifnot(all(cond.var %in% c(1, 2)))
    ## define appropriately shaped u matrix
    u <- as.matrix(u)
    if (ncol(u) == 1)
        u <- matrix(u, 1L, nrow(u))
    ## adjust for flipping option of kdevine package
    if (!is.null(obj$flip)) {
        u <- matrix(u[, 2:1], nrow(u))
        cond.var <- ifelse(cond.var == 1, 2, 1)

    # if independence copula is specified, return the conditioned variable
    if ("indep.copula" %in% class(obj))
        return(u[, -cond.var])
    if (!inverse) {
        # h-function
        out <- eval_hfunc_2d(u,
    } else {
        # inverse h-function
        out <- inv_hfunc(u,
    ## return results
    colnames(out) <- NULL

## Prepare the list for constructing the helpgrid in hkdecop
prep_hfunc <- function(i, cond.var, grid, d) {
    if (i %in% cond.var) {
    } else {

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