
Defines functions checkt check.ngroups

#'@importFrom spatstat.utils check.1.integer

#Check groups and things
check.ngroups <- function(Ngroups, N, order = 2){
  if (missing(Ngroups) || is.null(Ngroups)) {
    ng <- max(1L, floor(N ^ (1 / order)))
  else if (any(is.infinite(Ngroups))) {
    ng <- N
  else {
    ng <- min(N, Ngroups)

checkt <- function(t){
  if(inherits(t, "Date")){
    B <- as.numeric(t)
    return(B - min(B))
  else {
    if(is.null(t)) stop("observation times must be supplied as 't' or as a vector of marks to 'X'.")
    if(!is.vector(t)) stop("'t' must be a vector")
    if(!is.numeric(t)) stop("'t' must be numeric")
    if(sum(t < 0) != 0) stop("'t' must have non-negative components")

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kernstadapt documentation built on Nov. 16, 2022, 1:12 a.m.