
Defines functions get_used_iter fitted_save fitted_update_iterations fitted_load weightedLDA keyATM

Documented in keyATM weightedLDA

#' keyATM main function
#' Fit keyATM models.
#' @param docs texts read via [keyATM_read()].
#' @param model keyATM model: \code{base}, \code{covariates}, and \code{dynamic}.
#' @param no_keyword_topics the number of regular topics.
#' @param keywords a list of keywords.
#' @param model_settings a list of model specific settings (details are in the online documentation).
#' @param priors a list of priors of parameters.
#' @param options a list of options \itemize{
#'      \item \strong{seed}: A numeric value for random seed. If it is not provided, the package randomly selects a seed.
#'      \item \strong{iterations}: An integer. Number of iterations. Default is \code{1500}.
#'      \item \strong{verbose}: If \code{TRUE}, it prints loglikelihood and perplexity. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#'      \item \strong{llk_per}: An integer. If the value is \code{j} \strong{keyATM} stores loglikelihood and perplexity every \eqn{j} iteration. Default value is \code{10} per iterations
#'      \item \strong{use_weights}: If \code{TRUE} use weight. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#'      \item \strong{weights_type}: There are four types of weights. Weights based on the information theory (\code{information-theory}) and inverse frequency (\code{inv-freq}) and normalized versions of them (\code{information-theory-normalized} and \code{inv-freq-normalized}). Default is \code{information-theory}.
#'      \item \strong{prune}: If \code{TRUE} rume keywords that do not appear in the corpus. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#'      \item \strong{store_theta}: If \code{TRUE} or \code{1}, it stores \eqn{\theta} (document-topic distribution) for the iteration specified by thinning. Default is \code{FALSE} (same as \code{0}).
#'      \item \strong{store_pi}: If \code{TRUE} or \code{1}, it stores \eqn{\pi} (the probability of using keyword topic word distribution) for the iteration specified by thinning. Default is \code{FALSE} (same as \code{0}).
#'      \item \strong{thinning}: An integer. If the value is \code{j} \strong{keyATM} stores following parameters every \code{j} iteration. The default is \code{5}. \itemize{
#'            \item \emph{theta}: For all models. If \code{store_theta} is \code{TRUE} document-level topic assignment is stored (sufficient statistics to calculate document-topic distributions \code{theta}).
#'            \item \emph{alpha}: For the base and dynamic models. In the base model alpha is shared across all documents whereas each state has different alpha in the dynamic model.
#'            \item \emph{lambda}: coefficients in the covariate model.
#'            \item \emph{R}: For the dynamic model. The state each document belongs to.
#'            \item \emph{P}: For the dynamic model. The state transition probability.
#'      }
#'      \item \strong{parallel_init}: Parallelize processes to speed up initialization. Default is \code{FALSE}. Please `plan()` before use this feature.
#'      \item \strong{resume}: The resume argument is used to save and load the intermediate results of the keyATM fitting process, allowing you to resume the fitting from a previous state. The default value is `NULL` (do not resume).
#' }
#' @param keep a vector of the names of elements you want to keep in output.
#' @return A \code{keyATM_output} object containing:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{keyword_k}{number of keyword topics}
#'     \item{no_keyword_topics}{number of no-keyword topics}
#'     \item{V}{number of terms (number of unique words)}
#'     \item{N}{number of documents}
#'     \item{model}{the name of the model}
#'     \item{theta}{topic proportions for each document (document-topic distribution)}
#'     \item{phi}{topic specific word generation probabilities (topic-word distribution)}
#'     \item{topic_counts}{number of tokens assigned to each topic}
#'     \item{word_counts}{number of times each word type appears}
#'     \item{doc_lens}{length of each document in tokens}
#'     \item{vocab}{words in the vocabulary (a vector of unique words)}
#'     \item{priors}{priors}
#'     \item{options}{options}
#'     \item{keywords_raw}{specified keywords}
#'     \item{model_fit}{perplexity and log-likelihood}
#'     \item{pi}{estimated \eqn{\pi} (the probability of using keyword topic word distribution) for the last iteration}
#'     \item{values_iter}{values stored during iterations}
#'     \item{kept_values}{outputs you specified to store in \code{keep} option}
#'     \item{information}{information about the fitting}
#'   }
#' @seealso [save.keyATM_output()], \url{https://keyatm.github.io/keyATM/articles/pkgdown_files/Options.html}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   library(keyATM)
#'   library(quanteda)
#'   data(keyATM_data_bills)
#'   bills_keywords <- keyATM_data_bills$keywords
#'   bills_dfm <- keyATM_data_bills$doc_dfm  # quanteda dfm object
#'   keyATM_docs <- keyATM_read(bills_dfm)
#'   # keyATM Base
#'   out <- keyATM(docs = keyATM_docs, model = "base",
#'                 no_keyword_topics = 5, keywords = bills_keywords)
#'   # Visit our website for full examples: https://keyatm.github.io/keyATM/
#' }
#' @export
keyATM <- function(docs, model, no_keyword_topics,
                   keywords = list(), model_settings = list(),
                   priors = list(), options = list(), keep = c())
  # Check type
  if (length(keep) != 0)
    check_arg_type(keep, "character")

  model_name <- full_model_name(model, type = "keyATM")
  if (is.null(options$seed))
    options$seed <- floor(stats::runif(1) * 1e5)

  # Check if there is a resume object
  if ("resume" %in% names(options) && fs::file_exists(options$resume)) {
    resume <- TRUE
    fitted <- fitted_load(options$resume)
    exists_iter <- fitted$used_iter
    fitted <- fitted_update_iterations(fitted, options)
    fitted <- keyATM_fit(fitted, resume = TRUE)
    used_iter <- get_used_iter(fitted, resume, exists = exists_iter)
  } else {
    resume <- FALSE
    initialized <- keyATM_initialize(
      docs, model_name, no_keyword_topics,
      keywords, model_settings, priors, options
    fitted <- keyATM_fit(initialized)
    used_iter <- get_used_iter(fitted, resume)

  if ("resume" %in% names(options)) {  # first save or update
    fitted_save(options$resume, fitted, model_name, used_iter)

  # 0 iterations
  if (fitted$options$iterations == 0) {
    cli::cli_alert_info("`options$iterations` is 0. keyATM returns an initialized object.")

  # Get output
  out <- keyATM_output(fitted, keep, used_iter)


#' Weighted LDA main function
#' Fit weighted LDA models.
#' @param docs texts read via [keyATM_read()].
#' @param model Weighted LDA model: \code{base}, \code{covariates}, and \code{dynamic}.
#' @param number_of_topics the number of regular topics.
#' @param model_settings a list of model specific settings (details are in the online documentation).
#' @param priors a list of priors of parameters.
#' @param options a list of options (details are in the documentation of [keyATM()]).
#' @param keep a vector of the names of elements you want to keep in output.
#' @return A \code{keyATM_output} object containing:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{V}{number of terms (number of unique words)}
#'     \item{N}{number of documents}
#'     \item{model}{the name of the model}
#'     \item{theta}{topic proportions for each document (document-topic distribution)}
#'     \item{phi}{topic specific word generation probabilities (topic-word distribution)}
#'     \item{topic_counts}{number of tokens assigned to each topic}
#'     \item{word_counts}{number of times each word type appears}
#'     \item{doc_lens}{length of each document in tokens}
#'     \item{vocab}{words in the vocabulary (a vector of unique words)}
#'     \item{priors}{priors}
#'     \item{options}{options}
#'     \item{keywords_raw}{\code{NULL} for LDA models}
#'     \item{model_fit}{perplexity and log-likelihood}
#'     \item{pi}{estimated pi for the last iteration (\code{NULL} for LDA models)}
#'     \item{values_iter}{values stored during iterations}
#'     \item{number_of_topics}{number of topics}
#'     \item{kept_values}{outputs you specified to store in \code{keep} option}
#'     \item{information}{information about the fitting}
#'   }
#' @seealso [save.keyATM_output()], \url{https://keyatm.github.io/keyATM/articles/pkgdown_files/Options.html}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   library(keyATM)
#'   library(quanteda)
#'   data(keyATM_data_bills)
#'   bills_dfm <- keyATM_data_bills$doc_dfm  # quanteda dfm object
#'   keyATM_docs <- keyATM_read(bills_dfm)
#'   # Weighted LDA
#'   out <- weightedLDA(docs = keyATM_docs, model = "base",
#'                      number_of_topics = 5)
#'   # Visit our website for full examples: https://keyatm.github.io/keyATM/
#' }
#' @export
weightedLDA <- function(docs, model, number_of_topics,
                        model_settings = list(),
                        priors = list(), options = list(), keep = c())
  # Check type
  if (length(keep) != 0)
    check_arg_type(keep, "character")

  model_name <- full_model_name(model, type = "lda")
  if (is.null(options$seed))
    options$seed <- floor(stats::runif(1) * 1e5)

 # Check if there is a resume object
  if ("resume" %in% names(options) && fs::file_exists(options$resume)) {
    resume <- TRUE
    fitted <- fitted_load(options$resume)
    exists_iter <- fitted$used_iter
    fitted <- fitted_update_iterations(fitted, options)
    fitted <- keyATM_fit(fitted, resume = TRUE)
    used_iter <- get_used_iter(fitted, resume, exists = exists_iter)
  } else {
    resume <- FALSE
    initialized <- keyATM_initialize(
      docs, model_name, number_of_topics,
      keywords = list(), model_settings = model_settings,
      priors = priors, options = options
    fitted <- keyATM_fit(initialized)
    used_iter <- get_used_iter(fitted, resume)

  if ("resume" %in% names(options)) {
    fitted_save(options$resume, fitted, model_name, used_iter)

  # 0 iterations
  if (fitted$options$iterations == 0) {
    cli::cli_alert_info("`options$iterations` is 0. keyATM returns an initialized object.")

  # Get output
  out <- keyATM_output(fitted, keep, used_iter)
  out$number_of_topics <- number_of_topics
  out$no_keyword_topics <- NULL
  out$keyword_k <- NULL


# Resume related functions
fitted_load <- function(filename) {
  fitted <- readRDS(filename)
  if (! "keyATM_resume" %in% class(fitted))
    cli::cli_abort("The file is not a keyATM object.")
  cli::cli_alert_success("The fitted model is loaded from {.file {filename}}.")

fitted_update_iterations <- function(fitted, new_options) {
  if (! "keyATM_resume" %in% class(fitted))
    cli::cli_abort("The file is not a keyATM object.")
  if (! "iterations" %in% names(new_options))
    cli::cli_abort("The `options` argument must contain `iterations`.")
  fitted$model$options$iterations <- fitted$model$options$iterations + new_options$iterations  # total after the fitting
  fitted$model$options$iter_new <- new_options$iterations  # iterations to add

fitted_save <- function(filename, fitted, model_name, used_iter) {
  saveobj <- list(
    model = fitted,
    model_name = model_name,
    used_iter = used_iter,
    rand_state = .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
  class(saveobj) <- c("keyATM_resume", class(saveobj))
  saveRDS(object = saveobj, file = filename)
  cli::cli_alert_success("The fitted model is saved in {.file {filename}}.")

# Get indexes of used iterations
get_used_iter <- function(fitted, resume, exists = NULL) {
  thinning <- fitted$options$thinning
  if (resume) {
    exists_max <- max(exists)
    total_iter <- (exists_max + 1):(fitted$options$iterations)
    total_iter <- total_iter[(total_iter %% thinning == 0) | (total_iter == 1) | total_iter == max(total_iter)]
    used_iter <- c(exists, total_iter)
  } else {
    total_iter <- 1:(fitted$options$iterations)
    used_iter <- total_iter[(total_iter %% thinning == 0) | (total_iter == 1) | total_iter == max(total_iter)]

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keyATM documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:27 p.m.