
if (at_home()) {
  options(tinysnapshot_device = "svglite")
  options(tinysnapshot_height = 7) # inches
  options(tinysnapshot_width = 7)
  options(tinysnapshot_tol = 200) # pixels
  options(tinysnapshot_os = "Linux")

  # Quick and Dirty Plot =======================================================
  plot_range <- function() plot(colour("smooth rainbow")(256, range = c(0.5, 1)))
  expect_snapshot_plot(plot_range, "plot_range")

  # Schemes ====================================================================
  expect_error(plot_scheme(1:5), "x must be a character vector of colors.")

  for (i in c(TRUE, FALSE)) {
    for (j in c(TRUE, FALSE)) {
      plot_scheme_muted <- function() plot_scheme(colour("muted", names = TRUE)(9), colours = i, names = j)
      expect_snapshot_plot(plot_scheme_muted, paste0("scheme_muted_", i, j))

  # Diagnostic Map =============================================================
  expect_error(plot_map(1:5), "x must be a character vector of colors.")

  # Keep the results the same for R versions prior to 3.6
  if (getRversion() >= "3.6") {
    # Set sample.kind = "Rounding" to reproduce the old sampling
    # Suppress warning "non-uniform 'Rounding' sampler used"
    suppressWarnings(set.seed(12345, sample.kind = "Rounding"))
  } else {

  plot_map_bright <- function() plot_map(colour("bright")(7))
  expect_snapshot_plot(plot_map_bright, "plot_map_bright")

  # Diagnostic Tiles", {
  expect_error(plot_tiles(1:5), "x must be a character vector of colors.")

  plot_tiles_bright <- function() plot_tiles(colour("bright")(7), n = 32)
  expect_snapshot_plot(plot_tiles_bright, "plot_tiles_bright")

  # Colourblind Schemes ========================================================

  plot_colorblind_bright <- function() plot_scheme_colorblind(colour("bright")(7))
  expect_snapshot_plot(plot_colorblind_bright, "plot_colorblind_bright")

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khroma documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:26 p.m.