Man pages for kimisc
Kirill's Miscellaneous Functions NA values
cut_formatConvert Numeric to Factor, with custom formatting
df_to_list-deprecatedConverts a name-value data frame to a named list
exportExports to an environment
export.listExports to an environment
gdiffGeneralized lagged differences a time value given in H:M:S format to the number of...
in.interval.loChecks if values are contained in an interval (open on the...
in.interval.roChecks if values are contained in an interval (open on the...
kimisc-deprecatedDeprecated functions
kimisc-packagekimisc: Kirill's Miscellaneous Functions
list_to_df-deprecatedConverts a list to a name-value data frame
nc-deprecatedSmart named vector
nin.interval.loChecks if values are outside of an interval (open on the...
nin.interval.roChecks if values are outside of an interval (open on the...
nlist-deprecatedSmart named list
ofactor-deprecatedOrder-preserving factors
sample.rows-deprecatedRandom Samples and Permutations for Data Frames a time value given as number of seconds since...
thisfile-deprecatedDetermines the path of the currently running script
tll-deprecatedTransposes a list of lists
vswitch-deprecatedVectorized switch
kimisc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:01 a.m.