Man pages for knnIndep
Independence tests and benchmarks

benchmark.patchwork.copulaBenchmark function for a new type of non-functional...
calculate.powerCalculate power at a given significance level
generate.benchmark.dataGenerating functional dependencies
generate.patchwork.copulaGenerate data from a non-functional dependence
generate.pathsGenerate all nearest neighbours distances for one point in a...
generate.rocGenerate ROC curve data
knnIndep-packageA package giving the formulas of an exact distribution of ith...
novelTest.chisqA novel test of independence
novelTest.extremeA novel test of independence
optimise.copula.mioptimize the parameter 'c' of 'generate.patchwork.copula'
parametersCentral probabilty
P_ceqProbability of observing the ith nearest neighbour at the...
P_cge_aeqProbability of observing the ith nearest neighbour at a...
P_cge_aleProbability of observing the ith nearest neighbour at a...
Pc_givenaProbability of observing the ith nearest neighbour at...
Pc_givena4nnProbability of observing the ith nearest neighbour at...
P_diProbability distribution of the distance to the ith nearest...
power.plotPlot power of benchmarked tests of independence
roc.plotPlot a ROC
run.testsRun several tests of independence on a benchmark of different...
knnIndep documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:23 a.m.