lactcurves_Documentation: Lactation Curve Parameter Estimation

Description Usage Arguments Value Citation Note Author(s) Examples


AllCurves runs multiple lactation curve models and extracts selection criteria (RSE, R2, log likelihood, AIC, AICC, and BIC) for each model.


AllCurves(x, trait, dim)



data frame containing londitudinal trait records and time points of record collection


specifies the column containing longitudinal trait records


specifies the column containing time points




provides names and order number of models


gives model equation, default starting parameters, and other model specifications


gives selection criteria for all models sorted from best to worst accroding to specified criteria


gives RSS, RSD, and F-value for each model


gives all selection criteria for best model


gives model equation for best model for each selection criterion


gives a Warning if model failed to converge


gives a list of three tables containing the converged model parameters


gives the summary of a particular model. summary1 for example give the summary of the first model by Michaelis and Menten


Strucken, E.M. (2021). lactcurves: Lactation Curve Parameter Estimation. R package version 1.1.0


lactcurved requires installation of packages polynom, orthopolynom, and splines.

In general, if a lactation curve model is linear, it can be fitted directly in a test-day (TD) model. If lactation curve model is non-linear, parameters need to be estimated first and then fitted in a TD model with other fixed and random effects if required.

In lactcurves, starting parameters (defined in start) have been optimized across the first three lactations of 1.7 million Holstein Friesian dairy cows. If a lactation curve model fails to converge with other data, it is recommended to extract the model code and optimize the start values for the new data.


Eva M. Strucken


## create data set for 3 individuals with milk yield records on 24 days


dim=as.integer(rep(seq(from=5, to=340, by=14),3))


## run example




## plot curve
# set the number of days to consider

# look up the model and its estimated parameters

# use model and parameters to plot curve

Example output

Loading required package: orthopolynom
Loading required package: polynom
Loading required package: splines
         (12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4         (31) Diphasic Grossman power 
"Missing value or infinity produced"                  "singular gradient" 
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
(1) Michaelis-Menten                         0.000436136945130494
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                   0.0289724217151872
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)     0.0542874808895229
(2) Brody 1923                                  0.448256884723914
(3) Brody 1924                                  0.629630804183949
(4) Schumacher                               0.000504304715927073
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                      6.98640789966972e-07
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)     0.566911783624342
(6) Wood                                        0.669321128600804
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                              0.669321127136878
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                      0.669321128600804
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)                 0.555390438429652
(8) Cobby & Le Du                               0.640960351521598
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                      0.632467827759599
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                     0.660445302662788
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                     0.665927223050748
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                                 Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                     0.660537023523981
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)           0.674266311366721
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)           0.674266376335389
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                   0.650222438411305
(17) Wilmink                                    0.675562963081251
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                    0.675562963081251
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)             0.67556296308131
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)        0.67440855840462
(19) Dijkstra                                   0.674082529959148
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)             0.670024363428723
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)              0.670024363667883
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)            0.670024363435728
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                   0.674946271400491
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                            0.674577267303169
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)             0.674643931975275
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira)    0.479292102806952
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)                0.675197885716652
(28) Monophasic Grossman                        0.531795376490423
(29) Monophasic Grossman power                  0.674724565530623
(30) Diphasic Grossman                          0.654843991310803
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                                Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)          0.44035178382893
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)         0.592805988020771
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)               0.65785213762452
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)       0.627449264507741
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)       0.648653211920084
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)        0.65702780983457
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)     0.668185308971089
(1) Michaelis-Menten                         -0.0138433468127963
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                  0.0151005991682612
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)     0.012564869752296
(2) Brody 1923                                  0.44037484021997
(3) Brody 1924                                 0.618895465174788
(4) Schumacher                               -0.0137742052167025
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                      -0.0142850056643415
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)    0.554358501990265
(6) Wood                                       0.659736233777638
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                             0.659736232271281
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                     0.659736233777638
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)                0.542503204760946
(8) Cobby & Le Du                              0.630553405188891
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                     0.621814721317848
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                    0.650603137522579
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                    0.656243954153668
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                                Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                    0.650697516959459
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)          0.664824755174452
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)          0.659895775291362
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                  0.640083958365256
(17) Wilmink                                    0.66124956439366
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                   0.661249564393659
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)           0.661249564393721
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)      0.660044230098941
(19) Dijkstra                                  0.659703818045581
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)            0.655466614756461
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)             0.655466615006172
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)           0.655466614763775
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                  0.655540078648281
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                           0.655149044455597
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)            0.655219689108127
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira)   0.471853418561337
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)               0.660868380674739
(28) Monophasic Grossman                       0.518224227982899
(29) Monophasic Grossman power                 0.660374178715797
(30) Diphasic Grossman                         0.628695808834349
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                               Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)        0.415661421350794
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)        0.568495897753354
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)             0.637425399572252
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)      0.605207429552979
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)      0.622036031004938
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)      0.625368838434684
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)     0.63755626056842
                                                          RSE              logL
(1) Michaelis-Menten                         3.59525615182139 -193.281720163285
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                 23.7244670223584 -329.137918139084
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)   15.2202347178626 -296.134927219605
(2) Brody 1923                               2.67160756806929 -171.902409938783
(3) Brody 1924                               2.20428382149569 -157.540419693239
(4) Schumacher                               3.59512903842487 -193.279174495895
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                      3.59603464826013 -193.297308948489
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)  2.38378930408305  -163.17720663357
(6) Wood                                     2.08284005028978 -153.460158996869
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                           2.08284005030745  -153.46015899748
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                   2.08284005028978 -153.460158996869
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)              2.41511543041576 -164.117218264644
(8) Cobby & Le Du                            2.17038511200861 -156.424561111673
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                   2.19646172110655 -157.284466779958
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                  2.11063854120666 -154.414746278315
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                  2.09362258885141 -153.831930310728
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                             Error             Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                   2.1103278470548 -154.404146819842
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)        2.06718731925394 -152.917029095096
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)        2.08233154349797 -152.917021914775
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                2.14218642558004 -155.482972390874
(17) Wilmink                                 2.07818303776521 -152.773437506686
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                 2.07818303776521 -152.773437506686
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)         2.07818303776502 -152.773437506679
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)    2.08188270781563 -152.901501018249
(19) Dijkstra                                2.08292899193132 -152.937676703176
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)          2.09585245796881 -153.383018261428
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)           2.09585245796885  -153.38301826143
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)         2.09585245796881 -153.383018261428
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                2.09562327669507  -152.84180154928
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                         2.09681242508723 -152.882645914046
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)          2.09659764219359 -152.875270356632
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira) 2.59501733069156 -169.808132866373
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)             2.07935233514686 -152.813937180722
(28) Monophasic Grossman                     2.47841166179334 -165.979916786622
(29) Monophasic Grossman power               2.08086819160245  -152.86640635582
(30) Diphasic Grossman                       2.17575703498082  -155.00228477408
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                            Error             Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)      2.72945629428277 -172.401246435116
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)      2.34550481598836 -160.952575353478
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)            2.1502421533014 -154.694321901504
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)    2.24351175901512 -157.751580325174
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)    2.19517458036918 -155.641998495595
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)    2.18547485473226 -154.773521164847
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)  2.14963223431704 -153.582903528958
                                                          AIC             AICC
(1) Michaelis-Menten                         392.563440326571 389.730106993237
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                 664.275836278169 661.442502944835
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)   602.269854439211 597.825409994766
(2) Brody 1923                               349.804819877566 346.971486544233
(3) Brody 1924                               323.080839386479 319.414172719812
(4) Schumacher                               392.558348991791 389.725015658457
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                      392.594617896977 389.761284563644
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)   334.35441326714 330.687746600473
(6) Wood                                     314.920317993739 311.253651327072
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                            314.92031799496 311.253651328293
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                   314.920317993739 311.253651327072
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)              336.234436529287 332.567769862621
(8) Cobby & Le Du                            320.849122223347  317.18245555668
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                   322.568933559915 318.902266893248
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                  316.829492556629 313.162825889963
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                  315.663860621455 311.997193954789
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                             Error            Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                  316.808293639683 313.141626973017
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)        313.834058190191 310.167391523525
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)         315.83404382955 311.389599385106
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                318.965944781748 315.299278115081
(17) Wilmink                                 315.546875013372 311.102430568928
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                 315.546875013372 311.102430568928
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)         315.546875013359 311.102430568914
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)    315.803002036498 311.358557592054
(19) Dijkstra                                315.875353406352 311.430908961907
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)          316.766036522857 312.321592078412
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)            316.76603652286 312.321592078415
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)         316.766036522857 312.321592078412
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                 317.68360309856 312.516936431893
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                         317.765291828093 312.598625161426
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)          317.750540713265 312.583874046598
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira) 345.616265732746 342.782932399412
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)             315.627874361444    311.183429917
(28) Monophasic Grossman                     339.959833573244 336.293166906578
(29) Monophasic Grossman power               315.732812711641 311.288368267196
(30) Diphasic Grossman                       324.004569548159 318.171236214826
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                            Error            Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)      354.802492870232 350.358048425787
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)      333.905150706956  328.73848404029
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)           321.388643803007  316.22197713634
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)    327.503160650348 322.336493983681
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)    325.283996991189 319.450663657856
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)    325.547042329694  319.10259788525
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)  323.165807057916 316.721362613471
(1) Michaelis-Menten                         399.393438683619
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                 671.105834635217
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)   613.653185034291
(2) Brody 1923                               356.634818234614
(3) Brody 1924                               332.187503862543
(4) Schumacher                               399.388347348839
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                      399.424616254025
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)  343.461077743204
(6) Wood                                     324.026982469803
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                           324.026982471024
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                   324.026982469803
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)              345.341101005352
(8) Cobby & Le Du                            329.955786699411
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                   331.675598035979
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                  325.936157032693
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                   324.77052509752
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                             Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                  325.914958115748
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)        322.940722666256
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)        327.217374424631
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                328.072609257812
(17) Wilmink                                 326.930205608452
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                 326.930205608452
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)         326.930205608439
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)    327.186332631578
(19) Dijkstra                                327.258684001432
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)          328.149367117937
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)            328.14936711794
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)         328.149367117937
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                331.343599812656
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                         331.425288542189
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)          331.410537427361
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira) 352.446264089794
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)             327.011204956525
(28) Monophasic Grossman                     349.066498049309
(29) Monophasic Grossman power               327.116143306721
(30) Diphasic Grossman                       339.941232381271
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                            Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)      366.185823465312
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)      347.565147421053
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)           335.048640517103
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)    341.163157364444
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)    341.220659824301
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)    343.760371281823
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)  341.379136010044
(1) Michaelis-Menten                          0.114200878349857
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                  0.120907926845849
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)    0.888400819966546
(2) Brody 1923                                0.376910626682653
(3) Brody 1924                                0.188186754773245
(4) Schumacher                                0.113371144228218
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                        0.11942047511924
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)   0.416719426156101
(6) Wood                                     0.0945687400149908
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                           0.0945675865370632
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                   0.0945687400149908
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)               0.433923085756488
(8) Cobby & Le Du                             0.178461322299577
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                    0.200568137476301
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                   0.131291888745987
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                  0.0912436397755266
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                               Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                    0.11855566849671
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)        0.0754771858168258
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)        0.0754587911044452
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                 0.127507857349327
(17) Wilmink                                 0.0700474831897503
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                 0.0700474831900904
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)         0.0700474836639606
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)    0.0686020509894707
(19) Dijkstra                                0.0695794452553247
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)          0.0945507366423079
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)           0.0945507665758119
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)         0.0945507407251586
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                0.0722714602242768
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                           0.07151127366371
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)          0.0717294833211233
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira)  0.419625702485283
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)             0.0726632279080515
(28) Monophasic Grossman                      0.473709438060085
(29) Monophasic Grossman power               0.0684870730599199
(30) Diphasic Grossman                        0.192921048447174
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                              Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)       0.223331004480023
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)       0.263961612836572
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)            0.512539688210252
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)     0.268364610464506
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)     0.197670889599442
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)     0.175371961161375
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)   0.126652662421459
                                                          RSS              RSD
(1) Michaelis-Menten                         904.810675804671 3.59525615182139
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                 39399.5234846478 23.7244670223584
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)   15752.5770509445 15.2202347178626
(2) Brody 1923                               499.624089843556 2.67160756806929
(3) Brody 1924                               335.261834433826 2.20428382149569
(4) Schumacher                               904.746696204803 3.59512903842487
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                      905.202563404115 3.59603464826013
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)  392.089149791993 2.38378930408305
(6) Wood                                     299.337364581289 2.08284005028978
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                           299.337364586366 2.08284005030745
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                   299.337364581289 2.08284005028978
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)              402.461995414027 2.41511543041576
(8) Cobby & Le Du                            325.029435875575 2.17038511200861
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                   332.886642367757 2.19646172110655
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                   307.38085856226 2.11063854120666
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                  302.444632573872 2.09362258885141
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                             Error            Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                  307.290369921792  2.1103278470548
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)        294.855175489016 2.06718731925394
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)         294.85511667917 2.08233154349797
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                316.638425053817 2.14218642558004
(17) Wilmink                                 293.681442214943 2.07818303776521
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                 293.681442214943 2.07818303776521
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)         293.681442214888 2.07818303776502
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)    294.728021418918 2.08188270781563
(19) Dijkstra                                295.024336609106 2.08292899193132
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)          298.696631739025 2.09585245796881
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)           298.696631739038 2.09585245796885
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)         298.696631739026 2.09585245796881
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                294.239673494353 2.09562327669507
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                         294.573697182014 2.09681242508723
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)          294.513352107866 2.09659764219359
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira) 471.388046261269 2.59501733069156
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)             294.012017090287 2.07935233514686
(28) Monophasic Grossman                     423.834181206612 2.47841166179334
(29) Monophasic Grossman power               294.440845295953 2.08086819160245
(30) Diphasic Grossman                       312.438632567722 2.17575703498082
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                            Error            Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)      506.595353043187 2.72945629428277
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)      368.593320402247 2.34550481598836
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)           309.777268294896  2.1502421533014
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)     337.23411586022 2.24351175901512
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)    318.040234927735 2.19517458036918
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)    310.459522143355 2.18547485473226
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)  300.359718282967 2.14963223431704
(1) Michaelis-Menten                         2684.92711174352
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                 2.44870828360012
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)   9.92013693641833
(2) Brody 1923                               2.32868290403844
(3) Brody 1924                               1.59480373828494
(4) Schumacher                               1982.98898809965
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                      1574592.93799996
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)  1.72776928412965
(6) Wood                                     1.48491580214141
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                           1.48491680967084
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                   1.48491580214141
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)              1.80053545132517
(8) Cobby & Le Du                            1.53977071806507
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                    1.5246425986356
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                  1.49924378041851
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                  1.47739794556214
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                             Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                  1.52455610467793
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)        1.48309355105935
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)        1.48309338532961
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                1.55528649308585
(17) Wilmink                                 1.48024705414015
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                 1.48024705414675
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)          1.4802469910504
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)    1.48757318615145
(19) Dijkstra                                 1.4898325173184
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)          1.48763257781624
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)           1.48763225684594
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)         1.48763256839261
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                1.48159941277281
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                         1.48240990203685
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)          1.48226342848138
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira) 2.04634163966626
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)             1.48227134819178
(28) Monophasic Grossman                     1.86051164726256
(29) Monophasic Grossman power               1.48470825086781
(30) Diphasic Grossman                       1.53309071656495
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                            Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)      2.27091165909409
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)      1.68689254192379
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)           1.55188368247304
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)    1.59375435842536
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)    1.54165582105096
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)    1.52200559098372
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)  1.49659082080068
                                                           R2             R2adj
(1) Michaelis-Menten                                                           
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                                                   
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)                                     
(2) Brody 1923                                                                 
(3) Brody 1924                                                                 
(4) Schumacher                                                                 
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                                                        
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)                                    
(6) Wood                                                                       
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                                                             
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                                                     
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)                                                
(8) Cobby & Le Du                                                              
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                                                     
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                                                    
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                                                    
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                             Error             Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                                                    
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)                         0.664824755174452
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)                                          
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                                                  
(17) Wilmink                                                                   
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                                                   
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)         0.67556296308131                  
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)                                      
(19) Dijkstra                                                                  
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)                                            
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)                                             
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)                                           
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                                                  
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                                                           
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)                                            
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira)                                   
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)                                               
(28) Monophasic Grossman                                                       
(29) Monophasic Grossman power                                                 
(30) Diphasic Grossman                                                         
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                            Error             Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)                                        
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)                                        
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)                                             
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)                                      
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)                                      
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)                                      
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)                                    
                                                          RSE              logL
(1) Michaelis-Menten                                                           
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                                                   
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)                                     
(2) Brody 1923                                                                 
(3) Brody 1924                                                                 
(4) Schumacher                                                                 
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                                                        
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)                                    
(6) Wood                                                                       
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                                                             
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                                                     
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)                                                
(8) Cobby & Le Du                                                              
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                                                     
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                                                    
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                                                    
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                             Error             Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                                                    
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)        2.06718731925394                  
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)                                          
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                                                  
(17) Wilmink                                                                   
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                                                   
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)                          -152.773437506679
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)                                      
(19) Dijkstra                                                                  
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)                                            
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)                                             
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)                                           
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                                                  
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                                                           
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)                                            
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira)                                   
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)                                               
(28) Monophasic Grossman                                                       
(29) Monophasic Grossman power                                                 
(30) Diphasic Grossman                                                         
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                            Error             Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)                                        
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)                                        
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)                                             
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)                                      
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)                                      
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)                                      
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)                                    
                                                          AIC             AICC
(1) Michaelis-Menten                                                          
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                                                  
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)                                    
(2) Brody 1923                                                                
(3) Brody 1924                                                                
(4) Schumacher                                                                
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                                                       
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)                                   
(6) Wood                                                                      
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                                                            
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                                                    
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)                                               
(8) Cobby & Le Du                                                             
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                                                    
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                                                   
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                                                   
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                             Error            Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                                                   
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)        313.834058190191 310.167391523525
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)                                         
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                                                 
(17) Wilmink                                                                  
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                                                  
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)                                          
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)                                     
(19) Dijkstra                                                                 
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)                                           
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)                                            
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)                                          
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                                                 
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                                                          
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)                                           
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira)                                  
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)                                              
(28) Monophasic Grossman                                                      
(29) Monophasic Grossman power                                                
(30) Diphasic Grossman                                                        
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                            Error            Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)                                       
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)                                       
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)                                            
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)                                     
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)                                     
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)                                     
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)                                   
                                                          BIC                DW
(1) Michaelis-Menten                                                           
(1a) Michaelis-Menten (Rook)                                                   
(1b) Michaelis-Menten + Exponential (Rook)                    0.888400819966546
(2) Brody 1923                                                                 
(3) Brody 1924                                                                 
(4) Schumacher                                                                 
(4a) Schumacher (Lopez)                                                        
(5) Parabolic Exponential (Sikka, Adediran)                                    
(6) Wood                                                                       
(6a) Wood (Dhanoa)                                                             
(6b) Wood (Cappio-Borlino)                                                     
(7) Quadratic Polynomial (Dave)                                                
(8) Cobby & Le Du                                                              
(9) Papajcsik and Bodero 1                                                     
(10) Papajcsik and Bodero 2                                                    
(11) Papajcsik and Bodero 3                                                    
(12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4                             Error             Error
(13) Papajcsik and Bodero 6                                                    
(14) Mixed log model 1 (Guo & Swalve)        322.940722666256                  
(15) Mixed log model 3 (Guo & Swalve)                                          
(16) Log-quadratic (Adediran)                                                  
(17) Wilmink                                                                   
(17a) Wilmink (Kheidirabadi)                                                   
(17b) Wilmink (Laurenson & Strucken)                                           
(18) Bicompartemental (Ferguson & Boston)                                      
(19) Dijkstra                                                                  
(20) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Pollott)                                            
(21) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Vargas)                                             
(22) Morant & Gnanasakthy (Adediran)                                           
(23) Khandekar (Guo & Swalve)                                                  
(24) Ali & Schaeffer                                                           
(25) Fractional Polynomial (Elvira)                                            
(26) Pollott multiplicative reduced (Elvira)                                   
(27) Pollott modified (Adediran)                                               
(28) Monophasic Grossman                                                       
(29) Monophasic Grossman power                                                 
(30) Diphasic Grossman                                                         
(31) Diphasic Grossman power                            Error             Error
(32) Legendre Polynomial 3th (Jacobson)                                        
(33) Legendre Polynomial 4th (Jacobson)                                        
(34) Legendre + Wilmink (Lindauer)                                             
(35) Natural Cubic Spline (3 percentiles)                                      
(36) Natural Cubic Spline (4 percentiles)                                      
(37) Natural Cubic Spline (5 percentiles)                                      
(38) Natural Cubic Spline (defined Harrell)                                    
nls(formula = trait ~ a + (b - a) * (1 - e^(-k * dim)) - c * 
    dim, data = x, start = list(a = 20, b = 30, c = 0.005, k = 0.08), 
    control = list(maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-05, minFactor = 0.0009765625, 
        printEval = FALSE, warnOnly = TRUE), na.action = na.exclude, 
    algorithm = "default", trace = FALSE)

nls(formula = trait ~ a + b * dim^0.5 + c * log(dim), data = x, 
    start = list(a = 18.28, b = -1.58, c = 4.33), control = list(
        maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-05, minFactor = 0.0009765625, 
        printEval = FALSE, warnOnly = TRUE), na.action = na.exclude, 
    algorithm = "default", trace = FALSE)

nls(formula = trait ~ a + b * dim^0.5 + c * log(dim), data = x, 
    start = list(a = 18.28, b = -1.58, c = 4.33), control = list(
        maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-05, minFactor = 0.0009765625, 
        printEval = FALSE, warnOnly = TRUE), na.action = na.exclude, 
    algorithm = "default", trace = FALSE)

nls(formula = trait ~ a + (b - a) * (1 - e^(-k * dim)) - c * 
    dim, data = x, start = list(a = 20, b = 30, c = 0.005, k = 0.08), 
    control = list(maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-05, minFactor = 0.0009765625, 
        printEval = FALSE, warnOnly = TRUE), na.action = na.exclude, 
    algorithm = "default", trace = FALSE)

nls(formula = trait ~ a + b * dim^0.5 + c * log(dim), data = x, 
    start = list(a = 18.28, b = -1.58, c = 4.33), control = list(
        maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-05, minFactor = 0.0009765625, 
        printEval = FALSE, warnOnly = TRUE), na.action = na.exclude, 
    algorithm = "default", trace = FALSE)

nls(formula = trait ~ a + b * dim^0.5 + c * log(dim), data = x, 
    start = list(a = 18.28, b = -1.58, c = 4.33), control = list(
        maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-05, minFactor = 0.0009765625, 
        printEval = FALSE, warnOnly = TRUE), na.action = na.exclude, 
    algorithm = "default", trace = FALSE)

nls(formula = trait ~ a + b * dim^0.5 + c * log(dim), data = x, 
    start = list(a = 18.28, b = -1.58, c = 4.33), control = list(
        maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-05, minFactor = 0.0009765625, 
        printEval = FALSE, warnOnly = TRUE), na.action = na.exclude, 
    algorithm = "default", trace = FALSE)

nls(formula = trait ~ a * (1/(1 + b/(c + dim))) * e^(-d * dim), 
    data = x, start = list(a = -0.06608, b = 317.49, c = -328.06, 
        d = -0.027), control = list(maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-05, 
        minFactor = 0.0009765625, printEval = FALSE, warnOnly = TRUE), 
    na.action = na.exclude, algorithm = "default", trace = FALSE)

         (12) Papajcsik and Bodero 4         (31) Diphasic Grossman power 
"Missing value or infinity produced"                  "singular gradient" 

lactcurves documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 5:19 p.m.