
Defines functions points_as_mat

Documented in points_as_mat

#' points_as_mat
#' @description Points as matrix
#' @param pts SpatVector points or sf object
#' @details
#' Converts sf points to coordinates matrix
#' @return matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
points_as_mat = function(pts) {

    # convert to coords if sf object is provided
    if (inherits(x = pts, what = "sf") | inherits(x = pts, what = "sfc") | inherits(x = pts, what = "sfg") |
        inherits(x = pts, what = "SpatialPoints") | inherits(x = pts, what = "SpatVector")) {

        # convert to terra
        pts <- methods::as(pts, "SpatVector")

        # check of points
        if (terra::geomtype(pts) != "points") stop("landscapemetrics currently only supports point or polygon features.",
                                                   call. = FALSE)

        # get coords
        mat <- matrix(terra::crds(pts), ncol = 2)


    # already matrix provided
    } else if (inherits(x = pts, what = "matrix")) {

        # return error if not just two cols
        if (ncol(pts) != 2) stop("Please provide a matrix with coords, point or polygon  object.", call. = FALSE)


    # not supported class at all
    } else {

        stop("'y' must be a matrix, SpatVector, or sf object.", call. = FALSE)


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landscapemetrics documentation built on June 26, 2024, 5:09 p.m.