fitted.lcModel: Extract lcModel fitted values

View source: R/model.R

fitted.lcModelR Documentation

Extract lcModel fitted values


Returns the cluster-specific fitted values for the given lcModel object. The default implementation calls predict() with newdata = NULL.


## S3 method for class 'lcModel'
fitted(object, ..., clusters = trajectoryAssignments(object))



The lcModel object.


Additional arguments.


Optional cluster assignments per id. If unspecified, a matrix is returned containing the cluster-specific predictions per column.


A numeric vector of the fitted values for the respective class, or a matrix of fitted values for each cluster.


Classes extending lcModel can override this method to adapt the computation of the predicted values for the training data. Note that the implementation of this function is only needed when predict() and predictForCluster() are not defined for the lcModel subclass.

fitted.lcModelExt <- function(object, ..., clusters = trajectoryAssignments(object)) {
  pred = predict(object, newdata = NULL)
  transformFitted(pred = pred, model = object, clusters = clusters)

The transformFitted() function takes care of transforming the prediction input to the right output format.

See Also

fittedTrajectories plotFittedTrajectories stats::fitted predict.lcModel trajectoryAssignments transformFitted

Other lcModel functions: clusterNames(), clusterProportions(), clusterSizes(), clusterTrajectories(), coef.lcModel(), converged(), deviance.lcModel(), df.residual.lcModel(), estimationTime(), externalMetric(), fittedTrajectories(), getCall.lcModel(), getLcMethod(), ids(), lcModel-class, metric(), model.frame.lcModel(), nClusters(), nIds(), nobs.lcModel(), plot-lcModel-method, plotClusterTrajectories(), plotFittedTrajectories(), postprob(), predict.lcModel(), predictAssignments(), predictForCluster(), predictPostprob(), qqPlot(), residuals.lcModel(), sigma.lcModel(), strip(), time.lcModel(), trajectoryAssignments()


method <- lcMethodLMKM(Y ~ Time, id = "Id", time = "Time")
model <- latrend(method, latrendData)

latrend documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:51 a.m.