
Defines functions lbfgs

Documented in lbfgs

lbfgs <- function(call_eval, call_grad,  vars, environment = NULL, ...,
  invisible = 0, m = 6, epsilon = 1e-5, past = 0, delta = 0, 
  max_iterations = 0, linesearch_algorithm = "LBFGS_LINESEARCH_DEFAULT", 
  max_linesearch = 20, min_step = 1e-20, max_step = 1e+20, ftol = 1e-4, 
  wolfe = 0.9, gtol = 0.9, orthantwise_c = 0, orthantwise_start = 0,
  orthantwise_end = length(vars)) {
  # Verify homogeneity of function input
  if (is.function(call_eval) != is.function(call_grad)){
    stop("Function and gradient must be either both R functions or 
      both pointers to compiled C++ functions.")

  # Initialize environment if NULL
  if(!hasArg(environment)) environment <- new.env()

  # Set up parameters
  N <- length(vars)
  xtol <- .Machine$double.eps
  # Check OWL-QN indexing
  if (orthantwise_end > N){
    stop("Orthantwise_end cannot be greater than the number of parameters. \n
          Note that the parameters count is zero-indexed.")
  # Linesearch algorithm swith structure
  if (linesearch_algorithm=="LBFGS_LINESEARCH_DEFAULT"){
    linesearch <- 0
  } else if (linesearch_algorithm=="LBFGS_LINESEARCH_MORETHUENTE"){
    linesearch <- 0
  } else if (linesearch_algorithm=="LBFGS_LINESEARCH_BACKTRACKING_ARMIJO"){
    linesearch <- 1
  } else if (linesearch_algorithm=="LBFGS_LINESEARCH_BACKTRACKING"){
    linesearch <- 2
  } else if (linesearch_algorithm=="LBFGS_LINESEARCH_BACKTRACKING_WOLFE"){
    linesearch <- 2
  } else if (linesearch_algorithm=="LBFGS_LINESEARCH_BACKTRACKING_STRONG_WOLFE"){
    linesearch <- 3
  } else{
    stop("Invalid linesearch algorithm name. Check documentation.")
  # Default to backtrack if OWL-WN is invoked
  if (linesearch_algorithm == "LBFGS_LINESEARCH_DEFAULT" & 
        orthantwise_c != 0){
    linesearch <- 2
  # Throw error for OWL-QN/More-Thuente combination
  if (linesearch_algorithm == "LBFGS_LINESEARCH_MORETHUENTE" &
        orthantwise_c != 0){
    stop("Cannot use More-Thuente linesearch algorithm with OWL-QN.")
  # Call main C++ routine
  ret <- .Call('RlibLBFGS_lbfgs', 
               PACKAGE = 'lbfgs', 
               call_eval, call_grad, vars, 
               environment, N, 
               invisible, m, epsilon,
               past, delta, max_iterations, 
               linesearch, max_linesearch,
               min_step, max_step, ftol, 
               wolfe, gtol, xtol, 
  # Construct output
  parameters <- c()
  for(i in seq(2, N + 1)){
    parameters <- c(parameters, ret[i])
  out <- list()
  out$value <- ret[1]
  out$par <- parameters
  convergence <- ret[N + 2]
  out$convergence <- convergence
  # Catch errors
  if(convergence == 1){
    out$message = "The execution of the function was halted."
  } else if(convergence == 2){
    out$message = "The initial variables already minimize the objective function."
  } else if(convergence == -1204){
    out$message = "Unknown error."
  } else if(convergence == -1203){
    out$message = "Logic error."
  } else if(convergence == -1202){
    out$message = "Insufficient memory."
  } else if(convergence == -1201){
    out$message = "The minimization process has been canceled."
  } else if(convergence == -1200){
    out$message = "Invalid number of variables specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1199){
    out$message = "Invalid number of variables (for SSE) specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1198){
    out$message = "The array x must be aligned to 16 (for SSE)."
  } else if(convergence == -1197){
    out$message = "Invalid epsilon parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1196){
    out$message = "Invalid past parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1195){
    out$message = "Invalid delta parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1194){
    out$message = "Invalid linesearch parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1193){
    out$message = "Invalid min_step parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1192){
    out$message = "Invalid max_step parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1191){
    out$message = "Invalid ftol parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1190){
    out$message = "Invalid wolfe parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1189){
    out$message = "Invalid gtol parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1188){
    out$message = "Invalid xtol parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1187){
    out$message = "Invalid max_linesearch parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1186){
    out$message = "Invalid orthantwise_c parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1185){
    out$message = "Invalid orthantwise_start parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1184){
    out$message = "Invalid orthantwise_end parameter specified."
  } else if(convergence == -1183){
    out$message = "The line-search step went out of the interval of uncertainty."
  } else if(convergence == -1182){
    out$message = "A logic error occurred; alternatively, the interval of uncertainty became too small."
  } else if(convergence == -1181){
    out$message = "A rounding error occurred; 
    alternatively, no line-search step satisfies the sufficient decrease and curvature conditions."
  } else if(convergence == -1180){
    out$message = "The line-search step became smaller than min_step."
  } else if(convergence == -1179){
    out$message = "The line-search step became larger than max_step."
  } else if(convergence == -1178){
    out$message = "The line-search routine reaches the maximum number of evaluations."
  } else if(convergence == -1177){
    out$message = "The algorithm routine reaches the maximum number of iterations."
  } else if(convergence == -1176){
    out$message = "Relative width of the interval of uncertainty is at most xtol."
  } else if(convergence == -1175){
    out$message = "A logic error (negative line-search step) occurred."
  } else if(convergence == -1174){
    out$message = "The current search direction increases the objective function value."
  # Return output

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lbfgs documentation built on June 23, 2022, 5:05 p.m.