Man pages for lda
Collapsed Gibbs Sampling Methods for Topic Models

coraA subset of the Cora dataset of scientific documents.
filter.wordsFunctions to manipulate text corpora in LDA format.
lda.collapsed.gibbs.samplerFunctions to Fit LDA-type models
lda-packageCollapsed Gibbs Sampling Methods for Topic Models
lexicalizeGenerate LDA Documents from Raw Text a set of links keyed on source to a single list of...
newsgroupsA collection of newsgroup messages with classes.
nubbi.collapsed.gibbs.samplerCollapsed Gibbs Sampling for the Networks Uncovered By...
poliblogA collection of political blogs with ratings.
predictive.distributionCompute predictive distributions for fitted LDA-type models. the RTM to predict whether a link exists between two...
read.documentsRead LDA-formatted Document and Vocabulary Files
rtm.collapsed.gibbs.samplerCollapsed Gibbs Sampling for the Relational Topic Model...
sampsonSampson monk data
slda.predictPredict the response variable of documents using an sLDA...
top.topic.wordsGet the Top Words and Documents in Each Topic
word.countsCompute Summary Statistics of a Corpus
lda documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:47 p.m.