
Defines functions markermenuItems mapmenuItems menuItem context_markermenuItems context_mapmenuItems context_menuItem removeallItemsContextmenu setDisabledContextmenu removeItemContextmenu insertItemContextmenu addItemContextmenu hideContextmenu disableContextmenu enableContextmenu showContextmenu addContextmenu contextmenuDependency

Documented in addContextmenu addItemContextmenu context_mapmenuItems context_markermenuItems context_menuItem disableContextmenu enableContextmenu hideContextmenu insertItemContextmenu mapmenuItems markermenuItems menuItem removeallItemsContextmenu removeItemContextmenu setDisabledContextmenu showContextmenu

contextmenuDependency <- function() {
      "lfx-contextmenu", version = "1.0.0",
      src = system.file("htmlwidgets/lfx-contextmenu",
                        package = "leaflet.extras2"),
      script = c("leaflet.contextmenu.js",
      stylesheet = "leaflet.contextmenu.css"

#' Add contextmenu Plugin
#' Add a contextmenu to the map or markers/vector layers.
#' @param map a map widget object created from \code{\link[leaflet]{leaflet}}
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @references \url{https://github.com/aratcliffe/Leaflet.contextmenu}
#' @export
#' @return A leaflet map object
#' @details
#' This function is only used to include the required JavaScript and CSS
#' bindings and to set up some Shiny event handlers.
#' \subsection{Contextmenu initialization}{
#' The contextmenu for
#' \itemize{
#'  \item {the \strong{map} must be defined in
#'         \code{\link[leaflet]{leafletOptions}}.}
#'  \item {the \strong{markers/vector layers} must be defined
#'         in \code{\link[leaflet]{markerOptions}} or
#'         \code{\link[leaflet]{pathOptions}}.}
#' }
#' }
#' \subsection{Contextmenu selection}{
#' When a contextmenu is selected, a Shiny input with the
#' ID \code{"MAPID_contextmenu_select"} is set (`MAPID` refers to the map's id).
#' If the selected contextmenu item is triggered from:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item {the \strong{map}, the returned list contains the \code{text} of
#'          the item.}
#'   \item {the \strong{markers}, the returned list also contains the
#'          \code{layerId}, \code{group}, \code{lat},
#'          \code{lng} and \code{label}.}
#'   \item {the \strong{vector layers}, the returned list also contains the
#'          \code{layerId}, \code{group} and \code{label}.}
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' library(leaflet)
#' leaflet(options = leafletOptions(
#'     contextmenu = TRUE,
#'     contextmenuWidth = 200,
#'     contextmenuItems =
#'      context_mapmenuItems(
#'        context_menuItem("Zoom Out", "function(e) {this.zoomOut()}", disabled=FALSE),
#'        "-",
#'        context_menuItem("Zoom In", "function(e) {this.zoomIn()}")))) %>%
#'   addTiles(group = "base") %>%
#'   addContextmenu() %>%
#'   addMarkers(data = breweries91, label = ~brewery,
#'           layerId = ~founded, group = "marker",
#'           options = markerOptions(
#'             contextmenu = TRUE,
#'             contextmenuWidth = 200,
#'             contextmenuItems =
#'               context_markermenuItems(
#'                 context_menuItem(text = "Show Marker Coords",
#'                          callback = "function(e) {alert(e.latlng);}",
#'                          index = 1)
#'               )
#'           ))
addContextmenu <- function(map) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, contextmenuDependency())
  leaflet::invokeMethod(map, NULL, "addContextmenu")

#' showContextmenu
#' Open the contextmenu at certain lat/lng-coordinates
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @inheritParams leaflet::addMarkers
#' @return A leaflet map object
#' @export
showContextmenu <- function(map, lat = NULL, lng = NULL,
                            data = leaflet::getMapData(map)) {
  pts <- leaflet::derivePoints(data, lng, lat,
                               missing(lng), missing(lat), "showContextmenu")
  leaflet::invokeMethod(map, NULL, "showContextmenu", pts)

#' enableContextmenu
#' Enable the contextmenu
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @inheritParams addContextmenu
#' @return A leaflet map object
#' @export
enableContextmenu <- function(map) {
  leaflet::invokeMethod(map, NULL, "enableContextmenu")

#' disableContextmenu
#' Disable the contextmenu
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @inheritParams addContextmenu
#' @return A leaflet map object
#' @export
disableContextmenu <- function(map) {
  leaflet::invokeMethod(map, NULL, "disableContextmenu")

#' hideContextmenu
#' Hide the contextmenu
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @inheritParams addContextmenu
#' @return A leaflet map object
#' @export
hideContextmenu <- function(map) {
  leaflet::invokeMethod(map, NULL, "hideContextmenu")

#' addItemContextmenu
#' Add a new contextmenu menu item
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @inheritParams addContextmenu
#' @param option new menu item to add
#' @return A leaflet map object
#' @export
addItemContextmenu <- function(map, option) {
  if (utils::packageVersion("leaflet") < "2.0.4") {
    warning("The `addItemContextmenu` function requires leaflet `2.0.4` to correctly register callbacks.")
  leaflet::invokeMethod(map, NULL, "addItemContextmenu", option)
# remotes::install_github("rstudio/leaflet#696")

#' insertItemContextmenu
#' Insert a new contextmenu menu item at a specific index
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @inheritParams addItemContextmenu
#' @inheritParams removeItemContextmenu
#' @return A leaflet map object
#' @export
insertItemContextmenu <- function(map, option, index) {
  if (utils::packageVersion("leaflet") < "2.0.4") {
    warning("The `insertItemContextmenu` function requires leaflet `2.0.4` to correctly register callbacks.")
  leaflet::invokeMethod(map, NULL, "insertItemContextmenu", option, index)
# remotes::install_github("rstudio/leaflet#696")

#' removeItemContextmenu
#' Remove a contextmenu item by index.
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @inheritParams addContextmenu
#' @param index Index of the contextmenu. (NOTE: Since the index is passed
#'   to JavaScript, it is zero-based)
#' @return A leaflet map object
#' @export
removeItemContextmenu <- function(map, index) {
  leaflet::invokeMethod(map, NULL, "removeItemContextmenu", index)

#' setDisabledContextmenu
#' Enable/Disable a contextmenu item by index.
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @inheritParams removeItemContextmenu
#' @param disabled Set to \code{TRUE} to disable the element and \code{FALSE}
#'   to enable it. Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @return A leaflet map object
#' @export
setDisabledContextmenu <- function(map, index, disabled=TRUE) {
  leaflet::invokeMethod(map, NULL, "setDisabledContextmenu", index, disabled)

#' removeallItemsContextmenu
#' Remove all contextmenu items from the map.
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @inheritParams removeItemContextmenu
#' @return A leaflet map object
#' @export
removeallItemsContextmenu <- function(map) {
  leaflet::invokeMethod(map, NULL, "removeallItemsContextmenu")

#' context_menuItem
#' @param text The label to use for the menu item
#' @param callback A callback function to be invoked when the menu item is
#' clicked. The callback is passed an object with properties identifying the
#' location the menu was opened at: \code{latlng}, \code{layerPoint}
#' and \code{containerPoint}. The callback-function must be valid JavaScript
#' and will be wrapped in \code{\link[leaflet]{JS}}.
#' @param ... For further options please visit
#'   \url{https://github.com/aratcliffe/Leaflet.contextmenu}
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @return A contextmenu item list
#' @export
context_menuItem <- function(text, callback = NULL, ...) {
  list(text = text,
       callback = leaflet::JS(callback),

#' context_mapmenuItems
#' @param ... contextmenu item/s
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @return A list of \code{context_menuItem} for the map
#' @export
context_mapmenuItems <- function(...) {

#' context_markermenuItems
#' @param ... contextmenu item/s
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @return A list of \code{context_menuItem} for markers
#' @export
context_markermenuItems <- function(...) {

## Deprecated ###########
#' menuItem
#' @param text The label to use for the menu item
#' @param callback A callback function to be invoked when the menu item is
#' clicked. The callback is passed an object with properties identifying the
#' location the menu was opened at: \code{latlng}, \code{layerPoint}
#' and \code{containerPoint}. The callback-function must be valid JavaScript
#' and will be wrapped in \code{\link[leaflet]{JS}}.
#' @param ... For further options please visit
#'   \url{https://github.com/aratcliffe/Leaflet.contextmenu}
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @return A contextmenu item list
#' @export
menuItem <- function(text, callback = NULL, ...) {
  list(text = text,

#' mapmenuItems
#' @param ... contextmenu item/s
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @return A list of \code{menuItem} for the map
#' @export
mapmenuItems <- function(...) {

#' markermenuItems
#' @param ... contextmenu item/s
#' @family Contextmenu Functions
#' @return A list of \code{menuItem} for markers
#' @export
markermenuItems <- function(...) {

Try the leaflet.extras2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

leaflet.extras2 documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 5:08 p.m.