
## DATA #######################
# df <- atlStorms2005[1,]
df <- new("SpatialLinesDataFrame", data = structure(list(Name = structure(1L, levels = c("ALPHA",
                                                                                           "ARLENE", "BRET", "CINDY", "DELTA", "DENNIS", "EMILY", "EPSILON",
                                                                                           "FRANKLIN", "GAMMA", "GERT", "HARVEY", "IRENE", "JOSE", "KATRINA",
                                                                                           "LEE", "MARIA", "NATE", "OPHELIA", "PHILIPPE", "RITA", "TEN",
                                                                                           "TWENTY-TWO", "WILMA"), class = "factor"), MaxWind = 45, MinPress = 998), row.names = 1L, class = "data.frame"),
            lines = list(new("Lines", Lines = list(new("Line", coords = structure(c(-67.5,
                                                                                    -68.5, -69.6, -70.5, -71.3, -72.2, -72.7, -72.9, -73, -72.4,
                                                                                    -70.8, 15.8, 16.5, 17.3, 17.8, 18.3, 18.6, 19.8, 21.6, 23.5,
                                                                                    25.1, 27.9), dim = c(11L, 2L)))), ID = "1")), bbox = structure(c(-73,
                                                                                                                                                     15.8, -67.5, 27.9), dim = c(2L, 2L), dimnames = list(c("x",
                                                                                                                                                                                                            "y"), c("min", "max"))), proj4string = new("CRS", projargs = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs"))

## TESTS #######################

test_that("movingmarker", {

  m <- leaflet()  %>%
    addMovingMarker(data = df,
                    movingOptions = movingMarkerOptions(autostart = TRUE, loop = TRUE),
                    label="I am a pirate!",
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[1]]$method, "addMovingMarker")

  ## Data as coordinates
  df1 <- sf::st_as_sf(df)
  df1 <- st_coordinates(df1)
  m <- leaflet()  %>%
    addMovingMarker(lng = df1[,1], lat = df1[,2],
                    movingOptions = movingMarkerOptions(autostart = TRUE, loop = TRUE),
                    label="I am a pirate!",
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[1]]$method, "addMovingMarker")

  ## Use awesomeIcon
  shipIcon2 <- makeAwesomeIcon(icon = "arrow-up", markerColor = "black")
  m <- leaflet()  %>%
    addMovingMarker(lng = df1[,1], lat = df1[,2], icon = shipIcon2,
                    movingOptions = movingMarkerOptions(autostart = TRUE, loop = TRUE),
                    label="I am a pirate!",
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[1]]$method, "addMovingMarker")
    vapply(m$dependencies, function(x) x$name, character(1)),
    c("lfx-movingmarker", "leaflet-awesomemarkers")

  ## Data is Simple Feature LINESTRING
  df1 <- sf::st_as_sf(df)
  m <- leaflet()  %>%
      addMovingMarker(data = df1,
                      movingOptions = movingMarkerOptions(autostart = TRUE, loop = TRUE),
                      label="I am a pirate!",
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[1]]$method, "addMovingMarker")
  deps <- findDependencies(m)
  expect_equal(deps[[length(deps)]]$name, "lfx-movingmarker")

  ## Data is Simple Feature POINT
  df1 <- sf::st_as_sf(df)[1,]
  df1 <- sf::st_cast(df1, "POINT")
  m <- leaflet() %>%
      addMovingMarker(data = df1,
                      movingOptions = movingMarkerOptions(autostart = TRUE, loop = TRUE),
                      label="I am a pirate!",
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[1]]$method, "addMovingMarker")

  m <- leaflet()  %>%
      addMovingMarker(data = df) %>%
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$method, "startMoving")

  m <- leaflet()  %>%
      addMovingMarker(data = df) %>%
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$method, "startMoving")

  m <- leaflet()  %>%
      addMovingMarker(data = df) %>%
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$method, "stopMoving")

  m <- leaflet()  %>%
      addMovingMarker(data = df) %>%
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$method, "pauseMoving")

  m <- leaflet()  %>%
      addMovingMarker(data = df) %>%
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$method, "resumeMoving")

  m <- leaflet()  %>%
      addMovingMarker(data = df) %>%
      addLatLngMoving(latlng = list(33, -67), duration = 2000)
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$method, "addLatLngMoving")
  expect_length(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$args[[2]], 2)
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$args[[3]], 2000)

  m <- leaflet()  %>%
      addMovingMarker(data = df) %>%
      moveToMoving(latlng = list(33, -67), duration = 2000)
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$method, "moveToMoving")
  expect_length(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$args[[2]], 2)
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$args[[3]], 2000)

  m <- leaflet()  %>%
      addMovingMarker(data = df) %>%
      addStationMoving(pointIndex = 2, duration = 5000)
  expect_is(m, "leaflet")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$method, "addStationMoving")
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$args[[2]], 2)
  expect_equal(m$x$calls[[length(m$x$calls)]]$args[[3]], 5000)


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leaflet.extras2 documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 5:08 p.m.