
Defines functions lg_main

Documented in lg_main

# The main function that creates the 'lg'-object
# ----------------------------------------------

#'Create an \code{lg} object
#'Create an \code{lg}-object, that can be used to estimate local Gaussian
#'correlations, unconditional and conditional densities, local partial
#'correlation and for testing purposes.
#'This is the main function in the package. It lets the user supply a data set
#'and set a number of options, which is then used to prepare an \code{lg} object
#'that can be supplied to other functions in the package, such as \code{dlg}
#'(density estimation), \code{clg} (conditional density estimation). The details
#'has been laid out in Otneim & Tjøstheim (2017) and Otneim & Tjøstheim (2018).
#'The papers mentioned above deal with the estimation of multivariate density
#'functions and conditional density functions. The idea is to fit a multivariate
#'Normal locally to the unknown density function by first transforming the data
#'to marginal standard normality, and then estimate the local correlations
#'\strong{pairwise}. The local means and local standard deviations are held
#'fixed and constantly equal to 0 and 1 respectively to reflect the knowledge
#'that the marginals are approximately standard normal. Use \code{est_method =
#'"1par"} for this strategy, which means that we only estimate one local
#'parameter (the correlation) for each pair, and note that this method requires
#'marginally standard normal data. If \code{est_method = "1par"} and
#'\code{transform_to_marginal_normality = FALSE} the function will throw a
#'warning. It might be okay though, if you know that the data are marginally
#'standard normal already.
#'The second option is \code{est_method = "5par_marginals_fixed"} which is more
#'flexible than \code{"1par"}. This method will estimate univariate local
#'Gaussian fits to each marginal, thus producing local estimates of the local
#'means: \eqn{\mu_i(x_i)} and \eqn{\sigma_i(x_i)} that will be held fixed in the
#'next step when the \strong{pairwise} local correlations are estimated. This
#'method can in many situations provide a better fit, even if the marginals are
#'standard normal. It also opens up for creating a multivariate locally Gaussian
#'fit to any density without having to transform the marginals if you for some
#'reason want to avoid that.
#'The third option is \code{est_method = "5par"}, which is a full nonparametric
#'locally Gaussian fit of a bivariate density as laid out and used by Tjøstheim
#'& Hufthammer (2013) and others. This is simply a wrapper for the
#'\code{localgauss}-package by Berentsen et.al. (2014).
#'A recent option is described by Otneim and Tjøstheim (2019), who allow a full
#'trivariate fit to a three dimensional data set that is transformed to marginal
#'standard normality in the context of their test for conditional independence
#'(see \code{?ci_test} for details), but this can of course be used as an option
#'to estimate three-variate density functions as well.
#'@param x A matrix or data frame with data, on column per variable, one row per
#'  observation.
#'@param bw_method The method used for bandwidth selection. Must be either
#'  \code{"cv"} (cross-validation, slow, but accurate) or \code{"plugin"} (fast,
#'  but crude).
#'@param est_method The estimation method, must be either "1par", "5par",
#'  "5par_marginals_fixed" or "trivariate". (see details).
#'@param transform_to_marginal_normality Logical, \code{TRUE} if we want to
#'  transform our data to marginal standard normality. This is assumed by method
#'  "1par", but can of course be skipped using this argument if it has been done
#'  already.
#'@param bw Bandwidth object if it has already been calculated.
#'@param plugin_constant_marginal The constant \code{c} in \code{cn^a} used for
#'  finding the plugin bandwidth for locally Gaussian marginal density
#'  estimates, which we need if estimation method is "5par_marginals_fixed".
#'@param plugin_exponent_marginal The constant \code{a} in \code{cn^a} used for
#'  finding the plugin bandwidth for locally Gaussian marginal density
#'  estimates, which we need if estimation method is "5par_marginals_fixed".
#'@param plugin_constant_joint The constant \code{c} in \code{cn^a} used for
#'  finding the plugin bandwidth for estimating the pairwise local Gaussian
#'  correlation between two variables.
#'@param plugin_exponent_joint The constant \code{a} in \code{cn^a} used for
#'  finding the plugin bandwidth for estimating the pairwise local Gaussian
#'  correlation between two variables.
#'@param tol_marginal The absolute tolerance in the optimization for finding the
#'  marginal bandwidths, passed on to the \code{optim}-function.
#'@param tol_joint The absolute tolerance in the optimization for finding the
#'  joint bandwidths. Passed on to the \code{optim}-function.
#' @examples
#'   x <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
#'   # Quick example
#'   lg_object1 <- lg_main(x, bw_method = "plugin", est_method = "1par")
#'   # In the simulation experiments in Otneim & Tjøstheim (2017a),
#'   # the cross-validation bandwidth selection is used:
#'   \dontrun{
#'   lg_object2 <- lg_main(x, bw_method = "cv", est_method = "1par")
#'   }
#'   # If you do not wish to transform the data to standard normality,
#'   # use the five parameter fit:
#'   lg_object3 <- lg_main(x, est_method = "5par_marginals_fixed",
#'                   transform_to_marginal_normality = FALSE)
#'   # In the bivariate case, you can use the full nonparametric fit:
#'   x_biv <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
#'   lg_object4 <- lg_main(x_biv, est_method = "5par",
#'                   transform_to_marginal_normality = FALSE)
#'   # Whichever method you choose, the lg-object can now be passed on
#'   # to the dlg- or clg-functions for evaluation of the density or
#'   # conditional density estimate. Control the grid with the grid
#'   # argument.
#'   grid1 <- x[1:10,]
#'   dens_est <- dlg(lg_object1, grid = grid1)
#'   # The conditional density of X1 given X2 = 1 and X2 = 0:
#'   grid2 <- matrix(-3:3, ncol = 1)
#'   c_dens_est <- clg(lg_object1, grid = grid2, condition = c(1, 0))
#'Berentsen, Geir Drage, Tore Selland Kleppe, and Dag Tjøstheim. "Introducing
#'localgauss, an R package for estimating and visualizing local Gaussian
#'correlation." Journal of Statistical Software 56.1 (2014): 1-18.
#'Hufthammer, Karl Ove, and Dag Tjøstheim. "Local Gaussian Likelihood and Local
#'Gaussian Correlation" PhD Thesis of Karl Ove Hufthammer, University of Bergen,
#'Otneim, Håkon, and Dag Tjøstheim. "The locally gaussian density estimator for
#'multivariate data." Statistics and Computing 27, no. 6 (2017): 1595-1616.
#'Otneim, Håkon, and Dag Tjøstheim. "Conditional density estimation using
#'the local Gaussian correlation" Statistics and Computing 28, no. 2 (2018):
#'Otneim, Håkon, and Dag Tjøstheim. "The local Gaussian partial correlation"
#'Working paper (2019).
#'Tjøstheim, D., & Hufthammer, K. O. (2013). Local Gaussian correlation: a new
#'measure of dependence. Journal of Econometrics, 172(1), 33-48.
lg_main <- function(x,
               bw_method = "plugin",
               est_method = "1par",
               transform_to_marginal_normality = TRUE,
               bw = NULL,
               plugin_constant_marginal = 1.75,
               plugin_constant_joint = 1.75,
               plugin_exponent_marginal = -1/5,
               plugin_exponent_joint = -1/6,
               tol_marginal = 10^(-3),
               tol_joint = 10^(-3)) {

    # Sanity checks
    if(is.atomic(x) & is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x, ncol = 1)
    x <- check_data(x, type = "data")
    if((est_method == "5par") & (ncol(x) != 2)) {
        stop("Data must be bivariate if estimation method is '5par'")
    if((est_method == "1par") & (transform_to_marginal_normality == FALSE)) {
        warning("Estimation method '1par' assumes marginal standard normality.")
    if((est_method == "trivariate") & (transform_to_marginal_normality == FALSE)) {
        warning("Estimation method 'trivariate' assumes marginal standard normality.")
    if((est_method == "trivariate") & (ncol(x) != 3)) {
        stop("Data must be trivariate if estimation method is 'trivariate'")

    # Return a list
    ret <- list()
    ret$x <- x
    ret$bw_method <- bw_method
    ret$est_method <- est_method
    ret$transform_to_marginal_normality <- transform_to_marginal_normality

    # Transformation
    if(transform_to_marginal_normality) {
        transformed <- trans_normal(x = x)
        ret$transformed_data <- transformed$transformed_data
        ret$trans_new <- transformed$trans_new
    } else {
        ret$transformed_data <- x
        ret$trans_new <- NA

    # Bandwidth selection
    if(is.null(bw)) {
        bw <- bw_select(ret$transformed_data,
                        bw_method = bw_method,
                        est_method = est_method,
                        plugin_constant_marginal = plugin_constant_marginal,
                        plugin_exponent_marginal =  plugin_exponent_marginal,
                        plugin_constant_joint = plugin_constant_joint,
                        plugin_exponent_joint = plugin_exponent_joint,
                        tol_marginal = tol_marginal,
                        tol_joint = tol_joint)
    ret$bw <- bw

    # Add the rest of the information to the object that we return
    ret$plugin_constant_marginal <- plugin_constant_marginal
    ret$plugin_constant_joint    <- plugin_constant_joint
    ret$plugin_exponent_marginal <- plugin_exponent_marginal
    ret$plugin_exponent_joint    <- plugin_exponent_joint
    ret$tol_marginal             <- tol_marginal
    ret$tol_joint                <- tol_joint

    class(ret) <- "lg"


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lg documentation built on Dec. 5, 2019, 5:13 p.m.