rdd.model: Radial dose distribution (rdd) models

Description Details See Also


In libamtrack, there are currently seven parametrizations of distribution of local dose around particle track as a function of the primary particle's energy and type. They are referred to using sequential positive integer numbers (see details).


The implemented rdd models are:

rdd.model description
1 A simple test function (constant over entire track width/electron range)
2 Point target rdd proposed by Butts and Katz (Butts & Katz, 1969)
3 Simplified extended target rdd proposed by O. Geiss (Geiss, 1997)
4 Simplified extended target rdd proposed by Katz (Katz et al., 1972)
5 Point target rdd proposed by Cucinotta (Cucinotta, XXXX)
6 Extended target rdd proposed by Katz (Katz, XXXX)
7 Extended target rdd proposed by Cucinotta (Cucinotta, XXXX)

The corresponding rdd parameters are:

rdd.model rdd.parameters[1] rdd.parameters[2] rdd.parameters[3]
2 minimal radius (integration limit) [m] lower dose cut-off [Gy] NA
3 core diameter/target size [m] NA NA
4 core diameter/target size [m] lower dose cut-off [Gy] NA
5 minimal radius (integration limit) [m] lower dose cut-off [Gy] NA
6 minimal radius (integration limit) [m] core diameter/target size [m] lower dose cut-off [Gy]
7 minimal radius (integration limit) [m] core diameter/target size [m] lower dose cut-off [Gy]

The corresponding default values are:

rdd.model rdd.parameters[1] rdd.parameters[2] rdd.parameters[3]
2 1e-10 1e-10 NA
3 5e-8 NA NA
4 5e-8 1e-10 NA
5 5e-11 1e-10 NA
6 1e-10 1e-8 1e-10
7 5e-11 1e-8 1e-10

See Also

More information on the radial dose distribution models, especially the explicit formulas used, valid energy ranges and references to literature are found in the libamtrack reference manual (http://libamtrack.dkfz.org/libamtrack/images/3/31/LibamtrackReferenceManual.pdf).

libamtrack documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:47 p.m.