Description Details Author(s) References See Also Examples
This package is the R interface to the open-source, ANSI C library libamtrack. libamtrack provides computational routines for the prediction of detector response and relative biological efficiency in heavy charged particle beams. It is designed for research in proton and ion dosimetry and radiotherapy. libamtrack also provides many auxiliary physics routines for proton and ion beams. Please note that libamtrack is still under heavy development and so is the R interface. Function can be unstable especially when arguments are pushed out of their scope. If you experience any trouble your feed back is very appreciated:
Package: | libamtrack |
Version: | 0.6.3 (Green Armadillo) |
Date: | 2015-12-12 |
Depends: | R (>= 2.12.0) |
Suggests: | lattice |
SystemRequirements: | gsl (optinally: cernlib to enable energy loss distributions) |
License: | GPL (version 3 or later) |
FUNCTION INDEX: Efficiency / RBE routines: These functions compute the relative efficiency / RBE of a mixed particle field according to a specific amorphous track model flavour and phyiscs | Grid-summation ('checkerboard') method | | Ion-gamma-kill ('Katz') method | | Compund-Poison process with successive convolutions (CPP-SC, 'SPIFF') method |
AT.CPPSC.alpha.and.beta | Alpha, beta for ion beams as predicted by CPP-SC method |
Track-structure routines: These functions handle underlying physic used in amorphous track modeling:
AT.D.RDD.Gy | Dose distribution around a particle track |
AT.r.RDD.m | Inverse dose distribution around a particle track |
AT.max.electron.ranges.m | Maximum electron range / track width |
AT.gamma.response | Gamma / X ray response of a system |
AT.inverse.gamma.response | Inverse Gamma / X ray response of a system |
SPC routines: These functions provide an interface to spectral depth data: | Read in spc data from file | | Extract spectrum at given depth step | | Extract spectrum at given depth (will use clostest step) |
AT.SPC.tapply | Applies a function to all depths of spc data |
FLUKA routines: These function provide an interface to FLUKA output files: | Reads USRBIN output (Cartesian mesh, also for multiple runs). | | Reads USRBIN output (regions, also for multiple runs). | | Reads USRTRACK output (energy spectra, also for multiple runs). | | Converts FLUKA particle names to libamtrack conventions. |
Physics routines: These functions handle the physics of proton and ion beams needed in libamtrack. Stopping-power routines:
AT.Mass.Stopping.Power | Electronic mass stopping power (data source by name) |
AT.Stopping.Power | Electronic stopping power (data source by name) | | Electronic mass stopping power (data source by number) | | Electronic stopping power (data source by number) |
AT.stopping.power.ratio | Computes stopping power ratios, also for mixed fields |
TODO: | Re-enable CSDA functions |
AT.CSDA.range.g.cm2 | CSDA range using PSTAR data |
Mean LET / energy in mixed fields routines:
AT.fluence.weighted.LET.MeV.cm2.g | Computes fluence-weighted LET |
AT.dose.weighted.LET.MeV.cm2.g | Computes dose-weighted LET |
AT.fluence.weighted.E.MeV.u | Computes fluence-weighted mean energy |
AT.dose.weighted.E.MeV.u | Computes dose-weighted mean energy |
Dose / fluence conversions:
AT.dose.Gy.from.fluence.cm2 | Compute dose(s) for given fluence(s) and particle(s) |
AT.fluence.cm2.from.dose.Gy | Compute fluence(s) given dose(s) and particle(s) | | Computes total dose for a mixed field | | Computes total fluence for a mixed field |
Beam related routines: | For double Gaussian beam, converts FWHM and particle number into fluence and sigma width | | Inverse, converts fluence and sigma width into FWHM and particle number |
Misc physics routines:
AT.momentum.MeV.c.u.from.E.MeV.u | Momentum from kinetic energy |
AT.E.MeV.u.from.momentum.MeV.c.u | Kinetic energy from momentum |
AT.effective.charge.from.E.MeV.u | Effective charge of an ion depending on its kinetic energy |
AT.max.E.transfer.MeV | Max energy transfered from an ion to secondary electrons |
AT.mean.number.of.tracks.contrib | Mean number of tracks that desposite dose in a representative point |
AT.Rutherford.SDCS | Rutherford cross section of energy transferred to sec. electrons |
AT.beta.from.E | Relativistic beta of an ion with |
AT.E.from.beta | Kinetic energy for given beta |
AT.gamma.from.E | Relativistic gamma of an ion |
Other routines: | Converts particle index numbers into particle names | | Converts particle names into particle index numbers | | Returns particle index number for given mass and atomic number | | Returns mass number for given particle number | | Returns atomic number for given particle number | | Returns nuclear spin for given particle number |
AT.electron.density.m3 | Returns electron density from average Z and A | | Returns electron density for given material | | Converts material index numbers into material names | | Converts material names into material index numbers |
AT.electron.density.m3.from.composition | Computes electron density from material composition |
AT.average.A.from.composition | Computes average mass number from material composition |
AT.average.Z.from.composition | Computes average atomic number from material composition |
AT.effective.Z.from.composition | Computes effective atomic number from material composition |
AT.I.eV.from.composition | Computes average I value from material composition |
AT.set.user.material | Sets properties of user defined material (CAVE: only valid until library is freed) |
AT.set.user.material.from.composition | Sets properties of user defined material from elemental composition (CAVE: only valid until library is freed) | | Returns properties of pre-defined materials |
Helper routines shipped with libamtrack:
AT.add.leading.zeros | Adds leading zeros to a character string representing a number |
AT.add.trailing.zeros | Adds trailing zeros to a character string representing a number |
C2R autoconversion developed by: Felix Klein Package maintainer: Steffen Greilich
Greilich, Grzanka, Bassler, Andersen and Jakel, Amorphous track models: A numerical comparison study, doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2010.05.039
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 | ##############################################################################
############################ 1. LET ##########################################
cat("Compute the LET (in keV/um) of a 270 MeV/u carbon ion in Aluminum\n")
cat("using the PSTAR stopping power data:\n")
AT.Stopping.Power( E.MeV.u = 270, ="12C"), ="Aluminum"),
stopping.power.source = "PSTAR")
cat("... and in water:\n")
AT.Stopping.Power( E.MeV.u = 270, ="12C"), ="Water, Liquid"),
stopping.power.source = "PSTAR")
("Compare the Geiss parametrization for protons and Carbon at different energies:\n"
df <- expand.grid( E.MeV.u = 10^seq(0, 3, length.out = 4),
# from 1 to 1000 MeV/u in 4 steps = c(1001,6012),
# protons and carbons
r.m = 10^seq(-9, -2, length.out =
100), # from 1 nm to 1 cm in 100 steps = 2,
# Aluminium Oxide
rdd.model = 3,
# Geiss parametrization
rdd.parameter = 5e-8,
# Fixed core size of 50 nm
er.model = 4,
# Geiss track width parametrization
D.Gy = 0)
# For later use
ii <- df$ == 1001
# Add particle names
df$ <- "Carbon-12"
df$[ii] <- "Protons"
for (i in 1:nrow(df)){
# Loop through particles/energies
df$D.Gy[i] <- AT.D.RDD.Gy( r.m = df$r.m[i],
E.MeV.u = df$E.MeV.u[i], = df$[i], = df$[i],
rdd.model = df$rdd.model[i],
rdd.parameter =
er.model = df$er.model[i],
= 2)[[1]] # use PSTAR data
lattice::xyplot( log10(D.Gy) ~ log10(r.m)|,
# Plot
type = 'l',
groups = E.MeV.u,
auto.key = TRUE)[c(2,1)]
#################### 3. DETECTOR EFFICIENCY #########################
cat("Compute the relative efficiency of Alanine in 10 MeV protons\n")
cat("Waligorskis version of the Katz' model\n") = 1001,
# namely protons with
E.MeV.u = 10,
# 10 MeV/u
fluence.cm2.or.dose.Gy = c(-1.0),
# delivering 1 Gy = 5,
# i.e. Alanine
rdd.model = 4,
# Katz parametrization of radial dose distribution with simplified extended
# targets
rdd.parameter = c(5e-8,1e-10),
# with 50 nm target size and 1e-10 dose minimum
er.model = 2,
# Butts&Katz parametrization of track radius
gamma.model = 2,
# Use general target/hit model but here...
gamma.parameters = c(1,500,1,1,0),
# exponential saturation with characteristic dose 500 Gy
saturation.cross.section.factor = 1.4,
# factor to take 'brush' around track into account
write.output = TRUE,
# write a log file = 2)
# use PSTAR data
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