Man pages for lineqGPR
Gaussian Process Regression Models with Linear Inequality Constraints

augment.lineqAGPAugmenting Method for the '"lineqAGP"' S3 Class
augment.lineqGPAugmenting Method for the '"lineqGP"' S3 Class
basisCompute.lineqAGPHat Basis Functions for '"lineqAGP"' Models
basisCompute.lineqGPHat Basis Functions for '"lineqGP"' Models
bounds2lineqSysLinear Systems of Inequalities
constrlogLikFunLog-Constrained-Likelihood of a Gaussian Process.
constrlogLikGradNumerical Gradient of the Log-Constrained-Likelihood of a...
createModel Creations
create.lineqAGPCreation Method for the '"lineqAGP"' S3 Class
create.lineqGPCreation Method for the '"lineqGP"' S3 Class
errorMeasureRegressError Measures for GP Models.
errorMeasureRegressMCError Measures for GP Models using Monte Carlo Samples.
ggplot.lineqDGPGGPlot for the '"lineqDGP"' S3 Class
ggplot.lineqGPGGPlot for the '"lineqGP"' S3 Class
k1exponential1D Exponential Kernel Matrix for '"lineqGP"' Models.
k1gaussian1D Gaussian Kernel Matrix for '"lineqGP"' Models.
k1matern321D Matern 3/2 Kernel Matrix for '"lineqGP"' Models.
k1matern521D Matern 5/2 Kernel Matrix for '"lineqGP"' Models.
k2gaussian2D Gaussian Kernel Matrix for '"lineqGP"' Models.
kernComputeKernel Matrix for '"lineqGP"' Models.
lineqAGPSysLinear Systems of Inequalities for '"lineqAGP"' Models
lineqGPOptimGaussian Process Model Optimizations
lineqGPR-packageGaussian Processes with Linear Inequality Constraints
lineqGPSysLinear Systems of Inequalities for '"lineqGP"' Models
logLikAdditiveFunLog-Likelihood of a Additive Gaussian Process.
logLikAdditiveGradGradient of the Log-Likelihood of a Additive Gaussian...
logLikFunLog-Likelihood of a Gaussian Process.
logLikGradGradient of the Log-Likelihood of a Gaussian Process.
plot.lineqAGPPlot for the '"lineqAGP"' S3 Class
plot.lineqGPPlot for the '"lineqGP"' S3 Class
predict.lineqAGPPrediction Method for the '"lineqAGP"' S3 Class
predict.lineqGPPrediction Method for the '"lineqGP"' S3 Class
simulate.lineqAGPSimulation Method for the '"lineqAGP"' S3 Class
simulate.lineqGPSimulation Method for the '"lineqGP"' S3 Class
splitDoETraining/test data generator according to a given Design of...
tmvrnormSampling Methods of Truncated Multivariate Normal...
tmvrnorm.ExpT'"tmvrnorm"' Sampler for '"ExpT"' (Exponential Tilting) S3...
tmvrnorm.HMC'"tmvrnorm"' Sampler for '"HMC"' (Hamiltonian Monte Carlo) S3...
tmvrnorm.RSM'"tmvrnorm"' Sampler for '"RSM"' (Rejection Sampling from the...
lineqGPR documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 9:23 a.m.