OTB Wrapper

A typical use case for the Orfeo Toolbox wrapper

link2GI supports the use of the Orfeo Toolbox with a simple list-based wrapper function. Actually, two functions parse the module and function syntax dumps and generate a command list that can be easily modified with the necessary arguments.

Usually you have to get the module list first:

# link to the installed OTB 

# get the list of modules from the linked version
algo<-parseOTBAlgorithms(gili = otblink)

Based on the modules of the current version of `OTB', you can then select the module(s) you want to use.

## for the example we use the edge detection, 
algoKeyword<- "EdgeExtraction"

## extract the command list for the choosen algorithm 
cmd<-parseOTBFunction(algo = algoKeyword, gili = otblink)

## print the current command

Admittedly this is a very straightforward and preliminary approach. Nevertheless it provids you a valid list of all OTB API calls that can easily manipulated for your needs. The following working example will give you an idea how to use it.



fn <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package = "terra")

## for the example we use the edge detection, 
algoKeyword<- "EdgeExtraction"

## extract the command list for the choosen algorithm 
cmd<-parseOTBFunction(algo = algoKeyword, gili = otblink)

## get help using the convenient listviewer

## define the mandantory arguments all other will be default
cmd$input_in  <- fn
cmd$filter <- "touzi"
cmd$channel <- 1
cmd$out <- paste0(root_dir,paste0("\\out",cmd$filter,".tif"))

## run algorithm
retStack<-runOTB(cmd,gili = otblink)

## plot filter raster on the green channel

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link2GI documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:26 a.m.