Man pages for link2GI
Linking Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Other Command Line Tools

add2PathAdds a defined variable and value to the global search path
findGDALSearch recursivly existing 'GDAL binaries' installation(s) at...
findGRASSReturn attributes of valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) on the...
findOTBSearch recursivly existing 'Orfeo Toolbox' installation(s) at...
findSAGASearch recursivly existing 'SAGA GIS' installation(s) at a...
getSpatialClassChecks if x is of type raster,terra,sf or sp
gvec2sfConverts from an existing 'GRASS' environment an arbitrary...
initProjDefines and creates folders and variables
linkAllconvenient function to establish all link2GI links
linkGDALLocate and set up 'GDAL' API bindings
linkGRASSLocate and set up 'GRASS' API bindings
linkGRASS7Deprecated only for backwards compatibility Locate and set up...
linkOTBLocate and set up 'Orfeo ToolBox' API bindings
linkSAGAIdentifies SAGA GIS Installations and returns linking...
makGlobalVarGenerates a variable with a certain value in the R...
manuallyBuildBuild package manually
paramGRASSwUsually for internally usage get 'GRASS GIS' and 'rgrass'...
paramGRASSxUsually for internally usage, get 'GRASS GIS' and 'rgrass'...
parseOTBAlgorithmsGet OTB modules
parseOTBFunctionGet OTB function argument list
runOTBExecute the OTB command list via system call
searchGDALWSearch recursively for valid 'GDAL' installation(s) on a...
searchGDALXSearch recursively for valid 'GDAL' installation(s) on a...
searchGRASSWSearch recursivly valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) on a...
searchGRASSXReturn attributes of valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) in...
searchOTBWSearch recursively for valid 'OTB' installation(s) on a...
searchOTBXSearch recursively for valid 'OTB' installation(s) on a...
searchSAGAWSearches recursively for existing 'Windows' 'SAGA GIS'...
searchSAGAXSearches recursively for existing 'Windows' 'SAGA GIS'...
setenvGDALUsually for internally usage, initializes and set up access...
setenvGRASSwUsually for internally usage, create valid 'GRASS GIS 7.xx'...
setenvOTBUsually for internally usage, initializes and set up access...
sf2gvecWrite sf object directly to 'GRASS' vector utilising an...
link2GI documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:27 p.m.