
Defines functions vector_logic_linter

Documented in vector_logic_linter

#' Enforce usage of scalar logical operators in conditional statements
#' Usage of `&` in conditional statements is error-prone and inefficient.
#'   `condition` in `if (condition) expr` must always be of length 1, in which
#'   case `&&` is to be preferred. Ditto for `|` vs. `||`.
#' This linter covers inputs to `if()` and `while()` conditions and to
#'   [testthat::expect_true()] and [testthat::expect_false()].
#' Note that because `&` and `|` are generics, it is possible that
#'   `&&` / `||` are not perfect substitutes because `&` is doing
#'   method dispatch in an incompatible way.
#' Moreover, be wary of code that may have side effects, most commonly
#'   assignments. Consider `if ((a <- foo(x)) | (b <- bar(y))) { ... }`
#'   vs. `if ((a <- foo(x)) || (b <- bar(y))) { ... }`. Because `||` exits
#'   early, if `a` is `TRUE`,  the second condition will never be evaluated
#'   and `b` will not be assigned. Such usage is not allowed by the Tidyverse
#'   style guide, and the code can easily be refactored by pulling the
#'   assignment outside the condition, so using `||` is still preferable.
#' @examples
#' # will produce lints
#' lint(
#'   text = "if (TRUE & FALSE) 1",
#'   linters = vector_logic_linter()
#' )
#' lint(
#'   text = "if (TRUE && (TRUE | FALSE)) 4",
#'   linters = vector_logic_linter()
#' )
#' # okay
#' lint(
#'   text = "if (TRUE && FALSE) 1",
#'   linters = vector_logic_linter()
#' )
#' lint(
#'   text = "if (TRUE && (TRUE || FALSE)) 4",
#'   linters = vector_logic_linter()
#' )
#' @evalRd rd_tags("vector_logic_linter")
#' @seealso
#' - [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
#' - <https://style.tidyverse.org/syntax.html#if-statements>
#' @export
vector_logic_linter <- function() {
  # ensures the expr is in the cond part of `if/while (cond) expr` --
  #   if on the XML parse tree is structured like
  #   <expr>
  #     <IF> | <expr><SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL>
  #     <OP-LEFT-PAREN>
  #     <expr> ... </expr> # <- loop condition
  #     <OP-RIGHT-PAREN>
  #     <expr> ... </expr> # <- evaluation; includes BRACEs if present
  #     <ELSE>             # (here & below is optional)
  #     <expr> ... </expr>
  #  </expr>
  #  we _don't_ want to match anything on the second expr, hence this
  xpath <- "
  (//AND | //OR)[
      and preceding-sibling::*[
        or self::WHILE
        or self::expr[SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'expect_true' or text() = 'expect_false']]
    and not(ancestor::expr[
      preceding-sibling::expr[last()][SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[not(text() = 'expect_true' or text() = 'expect_false')]]
      or preceding-sibling::OP-LEFT-BRACKET
    and not(parent::expr/expr[
      or expr/SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'as.raw' or text() = 'as.octmode' or text() = 'as.hexmode']

  Linter(function(source_expression) {
    if (!is_lint_level(source_expression, "expression")) {

    xml <- source_expression$xml_parsed_content
    bad_expr <- xml_find_all(xml, xpath)

      source_expression = source_expression,
      lint_message = "Conditional expressions require scalar logical operators (&& and ||)",
      type = "warning"

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lintr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:31 a.m.