
#!/usr/bin/env r
# A simple example to do operations on files
# Copyright (C) 2014  Dirk Eddelbuettel
# Released under GPL (>= 2)

## read files
files <- dir("..", full.names=TRUE)

## creation time as Date
ctimes <- as.Date($ctime)

## select based on time window -- something arbitrary
now <- Sys.Date()
## these are appromiximative, could be refined using DateTimeClasses
sixmon <- now - 365.25/2
twelvemon <- now - 365.2

ind <- ctimes >= twelvemon & ctimes <= sixmon

if (sum(ind) > 0) {
    cat("The following files are between six and twelve months old\n")

## do something
##   print(files[ind])
## or rename / move to subdir
##   mkdir("newDir")
##   file.rename(files[ind], "newDir")
## can also use gsub() etc to rename

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littler documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:22 a.m.