Man pages for lmfor
Functions for Forest Biometrics

afterthinIncrement core data of Scots pine trees
alsTreeIndividual tree characteristics and ALS data
BrkResBreaking resistance (=bending strength) of birch wood samples
circlePlot circles of a specified radius
ddcompEvaluate the fit of a tree diameter distribution
fithdFit a Height-Diameter model to forest tree data using...
fotoCO2 exchange of transplanted Sphagnum fuscum moss in a...
HDmodelsAvailable 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used...
HTestEstimate stand density using a Horvitz-Thompson-like...
HTest_cpsEstimate forest characteristics of interest in circular plot...
ImputeHeightsImpute missing tree heights into a forest data using a...
ipsWood-decaying fungi carried by bark beetle individuals and...
linesplotA spaghetti plot of grouped data
lmfor-packageFunctions of Lauri Mehtatalo
logit-logisticThe Four-parameter Logit-logistic Distribution
mywhiskersA whiskers type residual plot
NRSolve a Nonlinear Equation Using Newton-Raphson algorithm.
NRnumSolve a Systems of Nonlinear Equations Using the Newton's...
pattiIncrement core data of Scots pine trees
percentile-basedThe Percentile-based Distribution
plantsSapling counts from sample plots of sapling stands in...
plants2Sapling counts from sample plots of sapling stands in...
plot.hdmodDiagnostic plot a Height-Diameter model residuals
predvffThe Variable Form-Factor Volume Model
predvolIndividual tree volume functions for Finland
qqplotHDNormal QQ-plot of a fitted H-D model
qtreeProperties of sample quantiles from a tree population...
recweibRecovery of Weibull parameters of tree diameter distribution...
scaleDMeanThe Weibull scale parameter for the given mean/median...
spatiRaw sample plot data of Scots pine in Ilomantsi, Finland.
spati2Heights and diameters of Scots pine trees in Ilomantsi,...
stumpliftProductivity of stump lifting machines.
thefdataEffect of thinning on individual tree growth for 62 trees.
thinningEffect of thinning on individual tree growth
treevolIndividual tree volume modeling data for 8508 pine, spruce...
updownSolve a simple equation using a step halving algorithm.
lmfor documentation built on April 30, 2022, 1:08 a.m.