cdfgno: Generalized normal distribution

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cdfgnoR Documentation

Generalized normal distribution


Distribution function and quantile function of the generalized normal distribution.


cdfgno(x, para = c(0, 1, 0))
quagno(f, para = c(0, 1, 0))



Vector of quantiles.


Vector of probabilities.


Numeric vector containing the parameters of the distribution, in the order \xi, \alpha, k (location, scale, shape).


The generalized normal distribution with location parameter \xi, scale parameter \alpha and shape parameter k has distribution function




and \Phi(y) is the distribution function of the standard normal distribution, with x bounded by \xi+\alpha/k from below if k<0 and from above if k>0.

The generalized normal distribution contains as special cases the usual three-parameter lognormal distribution, corresponding to k<0, with a finite lower bound and positive skewness; the normal distribution, corresponding to k=0; and the reverse lognormal distribution, corresponding to k>0, with a finite upper bound and negative skewness. The two-parameter lognormal distribution, with a lower bound of zero and positive skewness, is obtained when k<0 and \xi+\alpha/k=0.


cdfgno gives the distribution function; quagno gives the quantile function.


The functions expect the distribution parameters in a vector, rather than as separate arguments as in the standard R distribution functions pnorm, qnorm, etc.

See Also

cdfln3 for the lmom package's version of the three-parameter lognormal distribution.

cdfnor for the lmom package's version of the normal distribution.

pnorm for the standard R version of the normal distribution.

plnorm for the standard R version of the two-parameter lognormal distribution.


# Random sample from the generalized normal distribution
# with parameters xi=0, alpha=1, k=-0.5.
quagno(runif(100), c(0,1,-0.5))

# The generalized normal distribution with parameters xi=1, alpha=1, k=-1,
# is the standard lognormal distribution.  An illustration:
cbind(fval, lognormal=qlnorm(fval), g.normal=quagno(fval, c(1,1,-1)))

lmom documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 9:07 a.m.