Defines functions SHI

Documented in SHI

#' @title Calculate Simple Hysteresis Index (SHI)
#' @description This function calculates Simple Hysteresis Index (SHI)
#' following the description from \emph{Tsyplenkov et al.} (2020)
#' @param dataframe A data set object.
#' @param q numeric, water discharge variable.
#' @param ssc numeric, suspended sediment concentration variable.
#' @param .warn logical, indicating if the warning message should be displayed.
#' @return A numeric variable
#' @author Matthias Vanmaercke and Anatoly Tsyplenkov
#' @references Tsyplenkov A, Vanmaercke M, Golosov V, Chalov S. 2020. Suspended sediment budget and intra-event sediment dynamics of a small glaciated mountainous catchment in the Northern Caucasus. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20 (8): 3266–3281 DOI: 10.1007/s11368-020-02633-z
#' @example man/examples/SHI_example.R
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%" enquo select
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na
#' @importFrom stats lm coef

SHI <- function(dataframe, q, ssc, .warn = TRUE) {

  # Some check
    "Input must be data frame" =

  if (any(is.na(dataframe)) & .warn) {
    warning("NAs dropped",
      call. = FALSE

  q <- dplyr::enquo(q)
  ssc <- dplyr::enquo(ssc)

  df <- dataframe %>%
    tidyr::drop_na(!!q, !!ssc) %>%
    dplyr::select(q = !!q, ssc = !!ssc)

  # Additional checks
    "Discharge (q) must be numeric" =
    "Suspended sediment concentration (ssc) must be numeric" =

  M <- lm(log(ssc) ~ I(log(q)),
    data = df

  a <- exp(coef(M)[1])
  b <- coef(M)[2]
  res <- df$ssc - a * df$q^b
  r <- mean(res[1:which.max(df$q)])
  f <- mean(res[c((which.max(df$q) + 1):length(df$q))])
  simple_hi <- r - f

  simple_hi <- simple_hi / max(df$ssc, na.rm = TRUE)


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