
Defines functions .onAttach .onLoad

## init storage for all logger settings
namespaces <- new.env()

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {

    ## default namespace's logger settings
    namespaces$global <- list(
        ## there can be multiple loggers for a namespace
        default = list(
            threshold = as.loglevel(Sys.getenv('LOGGER_LOG_LEVEL', unset = 'INFO')),
            layout    = layout_simple,
            formatter = formatter_sprintf,
            appender  = appender_console))

    if (requireNamespace('glue', quietly = TRUE)) {
        log_formatter(formatter_glue, namespace = 'global', index = 1)

    ## internal namespace for debugging logger
    namespaces$.logger <- list(
        default = list(
            threshold = ERROR,
            layout    = layout_simple,
            formatter = formatter_sprintf,
            appender  = appender_console))


.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {

    ## warn user about using sprintf instead of glue due to missing dependency
    if (!requireNamespace('glue', quietly = TRUE)) {
        packageStartupMessage('logger: As the "glue" R package is not installed, using "sprintf" as the default log message formatter instead of "glue".')


Try the logger package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

logger documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:46 a.m.