
Defines functions login_server

Documented in login_server

#' Login server module.
#' This is the main server logic for the `login` Shiny module to be included
#' in server.R side,.
#' @param id unique ID for the Shiny Login module.
#' @param db_conn a DBI database connection.
#' @param users_table the name of the table in the database to store credentials.
#' @param activity_table the name of the table in the database to log login and
#'        logout activity.
#' @param emailer function used to send email messages. The function should have
#'        have three parameters: `to_email` for the address to send the email,
#'        `subject` for the subject of the email and `message` for the contents
#'        of the email address. See [emayili_emailer()] for an example.
#' @param reset_password_subject the subject of password reset emails.
#' @param new_account_subject the subject used for verifying new accounts.
#' @param verify_email if true new accounts will need to verify their email
#'        address before the account is crated. This is done by sending a six
#'        digit code to the email address.
#' @param additional_fields a character vector of additional fields the user is
#'        asked to fill in at the when creating a new account. The names of the
#'        vector correspond to the variable names and the values will be used
#'        as the input labels.
#' @param username_label label used for text inputs of username.
#' @param password_label label used for text inputs of password.
#' @param create_account_label label for the create account button.
#' @param cookie_name the name of the cookie saved. Set to `NULL` to disable cookies.
#' @param cookie_expiration the number of days after which the cookie will expire.
#' @param create_account_message Email message sent to confirm email when creating
#'        a new account. Include `\%s` somewhere in the message to include the code.
#' @param reset_email_message Email message sent to reset password. Include `\%s`
#'        somewhere in the message to include the code.
#' @param enclosing_panel the Shiny element that contains all the UI elements.
#'        The default is [shiny::wellPanel()]. If you wish a more subtle appearance
#'        [htmltools::div()] is a reasonable choice.
#' @param code_length the number of digits of codes emailed for creating accounts
#'        (if `verify_email == TRUE`) or resetting passwords.
#' @param salt a salt to use to encrypt the password before storing it in the database.
#' @param salt_algo the algorithm used to encrypt the password. See
#'        [digest::digest()] for more details.
#' @param shinybusy_position Position of the spinner when sending emails.
#'        See [shinybusy::use_busy_spinner()] for more information.
#' @param shinybusy_spin Style of the spinner when sending emails.
#'        See [shinybusy::use_busy_spinner()] for more information.
#' @return a [shiny::reactiveValues()] object that includes two values: `logged_in`
#'        (this is TRUE if the user is logged in) and `username` which has the
#'        user's login username if logged in.
#' @import shiny
#' @importFrom DBI dbListTables dbWriteTable dbReadTable dbSendQuery dbFetch
#' @importFrom cookies get_cookie set_cookie
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @importFrom shinybusy use_busy_spinner show_spinner hide_spinner
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @importFrom shinyjs hide show
#' @export
#' @example inst/login_demo_simple/app.R
login_server <- function(
		db_conn = NULL,
		users_table = 'users',
		activity_table = 'users_activity',
		emailer = NULL,
		new_account_subject = 'Verify your new account',
		reset_password_subject = 'Reset password',
		verify_email = !is.null(emailer),
		additional_fields = NULL,
		cookie_name = 'loginusername',
		cookie_expiration = 30,
		username_label = 'Email:',
		password_label = 'Password:',
		create_account_label = "Create Account",
		create_account_message = NULL,
		reset_email_message = NULL,
		enclosing_panel = shiny::wellPanel,
		code_length = 6,
		salt = NULL,
		salt_algo = "sha512",
		shinybusy_spin = "fading-circle",
		shinybusy_position = "full-page"
) {
	# Set defaults here since the parameter value is longer than 90 characters (fails CRAN CHECK)
	if(is.null(create_account_message)) {
		create_account_message <- 'Your confirmation code to create a new account is: %s\n
		     If you did not request to create a new account you can ignore this email.'
	if(is.null(reset_email_message)) {
		reset_email_message <- 'Your password reset code is: %s\n
		     If you did not request to reset your password you can ignore this email.'
	if(!is.null(additional_fields)) {
		if(is.null(names(additional_fields))) {
			names(additional_fields) <- additional_fields

	moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
		# Check to see if the users_table is already in the database, if not
		# create the table.
		if(!users_table %in% DBI::dbListTables(db_conn)) {
			users <- data.frame(username = character(),
								password = character(),
								created_date = numeric(),
								stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
			if(!is.null(additional_fields)) {
				for(i in seq_len(length(additional_fields))) {
					users[,names(additional_fields[i])] <- character()
			DBI::dbWriteTable(db_conn, users_table, users)

		if(!activity_table %in% DBI::dbListTables(db_conn)) {
			activity <- data.frame(username = character(),
								   action = character(),
								   timestamp = numeric(),
								   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
			DBI::dbWriteTable(db_conn, activity_table, activity)

		get_password <- function(password) {
			if(is.null(salt)) {
			} else {
				return(digest::digest(paste0(salt, password), algo = salt_algo, serialize = FALSE))

		add_activitiy <- function(username, activity) {
			if(!is.null(activity_table)) {
				new_activity <- data.frame(username = username,
										   action = activity,
										   timestamp = Sys.time(),
										   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
				DBI::dbWriteTable(db_conn, activity_table, new_activity, append = TRUE)

		get_users <- function() {
			DBI::dbReadTable(db_conn, users_table)

		get_user <- function(username) {
			user <- DBI::dbSendQuery(
				paste0("SELECT * FROM ", users_table, " WHERE username='", username, "'")
			) |> DBI::dbFetch()

		add_user <- function(newuser) {
			DBI::dbWriteTable(db_conn, users_table, newuser, append = TRUE)

		generate_code <- function() {
			sample(10 ^ code_length - 1, size = 1) |>
				as.character() |>
				stringr::str_pad(width = code_length, pad = '0')

		USER <- reactiveValues()
		USER$logged_in <- FALSE
		USER$unique <- format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
		USER$username <- NA
		for(i in additional_fields) {
			USER[[i]] <- NA

		output$logged_in <- renderText({

		observeEvent(cookies::get_cookie(cookie_name = cookie_name, session = session), {
			username <- cookies::get_cookie(cookie_name = cookie_name, session = session)
			if(!is.null(username)) {
				user <- get_user(username)
				if(nrow(user) > 0) {
					USER$username <- username
					USER$logged_in <- TRUE
					for(i in names(additional_fields)) {
						USER[[i]] <- user[1,i]
					add_activitiy(username, 'login_cookie')
		}, once = TRUE)

		##### User Login #######################################################
		login_message <- reactiveVal('')

		output$login_message <- renderText({

		output$login_ui <- renderUI({
			args <- list(
				div(textOutput(NS(id, 'login_message')), style = 'color:red;'),
				textInput(NS(id, 'username'), label = username_label, value = ''),
				passwdInput(NS(id, 'password'), label = password_label, value = '')

			if(!is.null(cookie_name)) {
				args[[length(args) + 1]] <- checkboxInput(
					inputId = NS(id, 'remember_me'),
					label = 'Remember me?',
					value = TRUE)

			args[[length(args) + 1]] <- actionButton(NS(id, "Login"),
													 label = 'Login',
													 value = TRUE)

			do.call(enclosing_panel, args)

		observeEvent(input$Login, {
			users <- get_users()
			username <- input$username
			password <- get_password(input$password)
			Id.username <- which(tolower(users$username) == tolower(username))
			if(is.null(Id.username) | length(Id.username) != 1) {
				login_message('Username not found.')
			} else if(password != users[Id.username,]$password) {
				login_message('Incorrect password.')
			} else {
				if(!is.null(input$remember_me)) {
					if(input$remember_me) {
							cookies::set_cookie(cookie_name = cookie_name,
												cookie_value = username,
												session = session,
												expiration = cookie_expiration)
						}, error = function(e) {
				USER$logged_in <- TRUE
				USER$username <- username
				for(i in names(additional_fields)) {
					USER[[i]] <- users[Id.username, i]
				add_activitiy(username, 'login')

		##### User logout ######################################################
		observeEvent(input$logout, {
			add_activitiy(USER$username, 'logout')
			USER$logged_in <- FALSE
			USER$username <- ''
			USER$unique <- format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
			for(i in names(additional_fields)) {
				USER[[i]] <- NA
			if(!is.null(cookie_name)) {
					cookies::remove_cookie(cookie_name = cookie_name, session = session)
				}, error = function(e) {

		##### Create new user ##################################################
		new_user_message <- reactiveVal('')
		new_user_values <- reactiveVal(data.frame())
		new_user_code_verify <- reactiveVal('')

		output$new_user_message <- renderText({

		output$new_user_ui <- renderUI({
			args <- list(
				div(textOutput(NS(id, 'new_user_message')), style = 'color:red;'),
				shinybusy::use_busy_spinner(spin = shinybusy_spin, position = shinybusy_position)
			if(new_user_code_verify() == '') {
				args[[length(args) + 1]] <- textInput(inputId = NS(id, 'new_username'),
							  label = username_label, value = '')
				args[[length(args) + 1]] <- passwdInput(inputId = NS(id, 'new_password1'),
								label = password_label, value = '')
				args[[length(args) + 1]] <- passwdInput(inputId = NS(id, 'new_password2'),
								label = paste0('Confirm ', password_label), value = '')

				if(!is.null(additional_fields)) {
					for(i in seq_len(length(additional_fields))) {
						args[[length(args) + 1]] <- textInput(
							inputId = NS(id, names(additional_fields)[i]),
							label = additional_fields[i])

				args[[length(args) + 1]] <- actionButton(NS(id, "new_user"), create_account_label)
			} else {
				args[[length(args) + 1]] <- div(
					textInput(inputId = NS(id, 'new_user_code'),
							  label = 'Enter the code from the email:',
							  value = '')
				args[[length(args) + 1]] <- actionButton(inputId = NS(id, 'send_new_user_code'),
							 label = 'Resend Code')
				args[[length(args) + 1]] <- actionButton(inputId = NS(id, 'submit_new_user_code'),
							 label = 'Submit')

			do.call(enclosing_panel, args)

		observeEvent(input$new_user, {
			users <- get_users()
			username <- input$new_username
			password1 <- get_password(input$new_password1)
			password2 <- get_password(input$new_password2)

			id.username <- which(tolower(users$username) == tolower(username))
			if(length(id.username) > 0) {
				new_user_message(paste0('Account already exists for ', username))
			} else if(password1 != password2) {
				new_user_message('Passwords to not match.')
			} else if(input$new_password1 == 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e') {
				# Check for a blank password
				new_user_message('Please enter a valid password.')
			} else {
				newuser <- data.frame(
					username = username,
					password = password1,
					created_date = Sys.time(),
					stringsAsFactors = FALSE

				if(!is.null(additional_fields)) {
					for(i in seq_len(length(additional_fields))) {
						newuser[1,names(additional_fields)[i]] <- input[[names(additional_fields)[i]]]

				for(i in names(users)[(!names(users) %in% names(newuser))]) {
					newuser[,i] <- NA # Make sure the data.frames line up

				if(verify_email) {
					code <- generate_code()
						emailer(to_email = username,
								subject = new_account_subject,
								message = sprintf(create_account_message, code))
					}, error = function(e) {
						reset_message(paste0('Error sending email: ', as.character(e)))
				} else {
					add_activitiy(newuser[1,]$username, 'create_account')
					new_user_message(paste0('New account created for ', username,
											'. You can now login.'))

		observeEvent(input$submit_new_user_code, {
			if(input$submit_new_user_code == 1) {
				code <- isolate(input$new_user_code)
				if(nchar(code) != 6 & reset_code() == code) {
					new_user_message('Code is not correct')
				} else {
					newuser <- new_user_values()
					new_user_message(paste0('New account created for ',
											'. You can now login.'))
					add_activitiy(newuser[1,]$username, 'create_account')

		observeEvent(input$send_new_user_code, {
				code <- generate_code()
				newuser <- new_user_values()
				email_address <- newuser[1,]$username
				emailer(to_email = email_address,
						subject = new_account_subject,
						message = sprintf(create_account_message, code))
				new_user_message('A new code has been sent.')
			}, error = function(e) {
				reset_message(paste0('Error sending email: ', as.character(e)))

		##### Reset password ###################################################
		reset_code <- reactiveVal('')
		reset_code_verify <- reactiveVal('')
		reset_message <- reactiveVal('')
		reset_username <- reactiveVal('')

		output$reset_password_ui <- renderUI({
			if(is.null(emailer)) {
				return(div('Email server has not been configured.'))

			code <- isolate(input$reset_password_code)
			reset_password <- FALSE
			if(nchar(reset_code_verify()) == 6) {
				if(code == reset_code()) {
					reset_password <- TRUE
			if(reset_code() == '') {
					shinybusy::use_busy_spinner(spin = shinybusy_spin, position = shinybusy_position),
					div(reset_message(), style = 'color:red'),
						textInput(inputId = NS(id, 'forgot_password_email'),
								  label = 'Email address: ',
								  value = '')),
					actionButton(inputId = NS(id, 'send_reset_password_code'),
								 label = 'Send reset code')
			} else if(reset_password) {
					shinybusy::use_busy_spinner(spin = shinybusy_spin, position = shinybusy_position),
					div(reset_message(), style = 'color:red'),
						passwdInput(inputId = NS(id, 'reset_password1'),
									label = 'Enter new password:',
									value = ''),
						passwdInput(inputId = NS(id, 'reset_password2'),
									label = 'Confirm new password:',
									value = '')
					# br(),
					actionButton(inputId = NS(id, 'reset_new_password'),
								 label = 'Reset Password')
			} else {
					shinybusy::use_busy_spinner(spin = shinybusy_spin, position = shinybusy_position),
					div(reset_message(), style = 'color:red'),
						textInput(inputId = NS(id, 'reset_password_code'),
								  label = 'Enter the code from the email:',
								  value = '')
					# br(),
					actionButton(inputId = NS(id, 'send_reset_password_code'),
								 label = 'Resend Code'),
					actionButton(inputId = NS(id, 'submit_reset_password_code'),
								 label = 'Submit')

		observeEvent(input$submit_reset_password_code, {
			if(input$submit_reset_password_code == 1) {
				code <- isolate(input$reset_password_code)
				if(nchar(code) != 6 & reset_code() == code) {
					reset_message('Code is not correct')

		observeEvent(input$reset_new_password, {
			if(input$reset_password1 == input$reset_password2) {
				query <- paste0(
					"UPDATE users SET password = '",
					"' WHERE username = '", reset_username(), "'"
				DBI::dbSendQuery(db_conn, query)
				add_activitiy(reset_username(), 'password_reset')
				reset_message('Password updated successfully. Please go to the login tab.')
			} else {
				reset_message('Passwords do not match.')

		observeEvent(input$send_reset_password_code, {
			PASSWORD <- DBI::dbReadTable(db_conn, users_table)
			email_address <- isolate(input$forgot_password_email) |> tolower()
			if(!email_address %in% PASSWORD$username) {
				reset_message(paste0(email_address, ' not found.'))
			} else {
				code <- generate_code()
					username <- PASSWORD[PASSWORD$username == email_address,]$username[1]
					emailer(to_email = email_address,
							subject = reset_password_subject,
							message = sprintf(reset_email_message, code))
				}, error = function(e) {
					reset_message(paste0('Error sending email: ', as.character(e)))


Try the login package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

login documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:07 a.m.