linking: Modify the 'linking' component

View source: R/interactive-ggproto.R

linkingR Documentation

Modify the linking component


A group-key-state linking model is used to link plots in loon. This allows changes in one plot to propogate to all plots in the same linkingGroup and enables interactive features like brushing. Elements to be matched between plots are identified by linkingKey; within each plot, the key for each element (e.g., case, observation) is unique. The linkedStates identify which display states (e.g., "color") should change in concert with other plots in the linkingGroup.


  linkingGroup = NULL,
  linkingKey = NULL,
  linkedStates = NULL,
  sync = NULL



The string identifying the group of linked plots that the current plot will join. Default is none.


The length n character vector of unique keys. Default will be "0", "1", ..., "n-1" where n is the number of elements (e.g., points) displayed.


The character vector of display states to be linked. These can be "color", "selected", "active", "size" and "glyph" for an 'l_plot' object and "color", "selected", "active" for an 'l_hist' object. (These roughly correspond to aesthetics in a 'ggplot'.)


Either "pull" (the default) or "push" to indicate whether the values of the linked states of the plot are to be pulled from those of the other plots in the linking group, or the values are to be pushed to all other plots in the linking group. This matters only when joining an existing group of plots and the default value is typically the right thing to do.


a ggproto object

See Also

active, selection, zoom, hover, interactivity, l_getLinkedStates, l_setLinkedStates, l_configure


if(interactive() && requireNamespace("dplyr")) {
  h <- l_hist(mtcars$hp,
              linkingKey = rownames(mtcars),
              linkingGroup = "mtcars")

  mtcars %>%
    mutate(carName = rownames(mtcars)) %>%
    l_ggplot(mapping = aes(x = wt, y = hp, color = factor(cyl))) +
       geom_point(size = 4) +
       # push the states of scatter plot to the histogram
       linking(linkingGroup = "mtcars",
               linkingKey = ~carName,
               sync = "push")

loon.ggplot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:58 a.m.