selecting-deprecated: selecting (deprecated)

selecting-deprecatedR Documentation

selecting (deprecated)


use selection, rather than selecting.


selecting(selected = NULL, selectBy = NULL, selectionLogic = NULL)



a logical or a logical vector of length n that determines which observations are selected (TRUE and hence appear highlighted in the plot) and which are not. Default is FALSE and no points are highlit.


A string determining how selection will occur in the interactive plot. Default is "sweeping" where a rectangular region is reshaped or "swept" out to select observations.; alternately "brushing" will indicate that a fixed rectangular region is moved about the display to select observations.


One of "select" (the default), "deselect", and "invert". The first highlights observations as selected, the second downlights them, and the third inverts them (downlighting highlit observations and highlighting downlighted ones).

loon.ggplot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:58 a.m.