
Defines functions binId2brushId extendPoints homo_trans get_offset coordConvert get_brushId.l_serialaxes get_brushId.l_graph get_brushId.l_hist get_brushId.l_plot get_brushId.default get_brushId

get_brushId <- function(loon.grob, coord, swapInShiny = FALSE, swapInLoon = FALSE,
                        position, brushInfo, vp, offset = NULL, clickAdj = 1e-2,
                        clickInfo, ...) {
  obj <- character(0)
  class(obj) <- names(loon.grob$children)
  UseMethod("get_brushId", obj)

get_brushId.default <- function(loon.grob, coord, swapInShiny = FALSE, swapInLoon = FALSE,
                                position, brushInfo, vp, offset = NULL, clickAdj = 1e-2,
                                clickInfo, ...){

get_brushId.l_plot <- function(loon.grob, coord, swapInShiny = FALSE, swapInLoon = FALSE,
                               position, brushInfo, vp, offset = NULL, clickAdj = 1e-2,
                               clickInfo, ...){

  if(length(coord$x) == 0 && length(coord$y) == 0) return(integer(0L))
  if(is.null(swapInShiny)) return(integer(0L))
  if(is.null(swapInLoon)) return(integer(0L))
  if(is.null(position)) return(integer(0L))
  if(is.null(vp)) return(integer(0L))

  if(!is.null(brushInfo) || !is.null(clickInfo)) {

    if(!is.null(brushInfo)) {
      newbound <- coordConvert(position, brushInfo, vp, offset)
      xmax <- brushInfo$xmax
      xmin <- brushInfo$xmin
      ymax <- brushInfo$ymax
      ymin <- brushInfo$ymin
    } else {
      newbound <- coordConvert(position, clickInfo, vp, offset)
      xmax <- (clickInfo$x + clickAdj)
      xmin <- (clickInfo$x - clickAdj)
      ymax <- (clickInfo$y + clickAdj)
      ymin <- (clickInfo$y - clickAdj)

    newl <- newbound$newl
    newr <- newbound$newr
    newt <- newbound$newt
    newb <- newbound$newb

    # dataViewport <- vp["dataViewport"]
    dataViewport <- get_vp_from_vpStack(vp, "dataViewport")

    xlim <- dataViewport$xscale
    ylim <- dataViewport$yscale

    if(swapInLoon) {
      if(swapInShiny) {

        l <- ylim[1]
        r <- ylim[2]
        b <- xlim[1]
        t <- xlim[2]

        x <- coord$x
        y <- coord$y
      } else {
        l <- xlim[1]
        r <- xlim[2]
        b <- ylim[1]
        t <- ylim[2]

        x <- coord$y
        y <- coord$x
      newxy <- homo_trans(t, b, r, l, newr, newl, newt, newb, x, y)
    } else {
      if(swapInShiny) {

        l <- ylim[1]
        r <- ylim[2]
        b <- xlim[1]
        t <- xlim[2]

        x <- coord$y
        y <- coord$x
      } else {
        l <- xlim[1]
        r <- xlim[2]
        b <- ylim[1]
        t <- ylim[2]

        x <- coord$x
        y <- coord$y
      newxy <- homo_trans(r, l, t, b, newr, newl, newt, newb, x, y)

    xx <- newxy$x
    yy <- newxy$y

      which(xx >= xmin & xx <= xmax),
      which(yy >= ymin & yy <= ymax)
  } else integer(0L)

get_brushId.l_hist <- function(loon.grob, coord, swapInShiny = FALSE, swapInLoon = FALSE,
                               position, brushInfo, vp, offset = NULL, clickAdj = 1e-2,
                               clickInfo, ...) {

  if(is.null(swapInShiny)) return(integer(0L))
  if(is.null(swapInLoon)) return(integer(0L))
  if(is.null(position)) return(integer(0L))
  if(is.null(vp)) return(integer(0L))

  if(!is.null(brushInfo) || !is.null(clickInfo)) {

    if(!is.null(brushInfo)) {
      newbound <- coordConvert(position, brushInfo, vp, offset)
    } else {
      newbound <- coordConvert(position, clickInfo, vp, offset)

    newl <- newbound$newl
    newr <- newbound$newr
    newt <- newbound$newt
    newb <- newbound$newb

    # vp has been rotated, no need to swap xlim, ylim
    # dataViewport <- vp["dataViewport"]
    dataViewport <- get_vp_from_vpStack(vp, "dataViewport")

    xlim <- dataViewport$xscale
    ylim <- dataViewport$yscale

    l <- xlim[1]
    r <- xlim[2]
    b <- ylim[1]
    t <- ylim[2]

    if(swapInShiny) {

      xmax <- coord$ymax
      xmin <- coord$ymin
      ymax <- coord$xmax
      ymin <- coord$xmin

      newxy_min <- homo_trans(r, l, t, b, newr, newl, newt, newb, xmin, ymin)
      newxy_max <- homo_trans(r, l, t, b, newr, newl, newt, newb, xmax, ymax)

      xmin <- newxy_min$x
      xmax <- newxy_max$x
      ymin <- newxy_min$y
      ymax <- newxy_max$y

    } else {

      xmax <- coord$xmax
      xmin <- coord$xmin
      ymax <- coord$ymax
      ymin <- coord$ymin

      newxy_min <- homo_trans(r, l, t, b, newr, newl, newt, newb, xmin, ymin)
      newxy_max <- homo_trans(r, l, t, b, newr, newl, newt, newb, xmax, ymax)

      xmin <- newxy_min$x
      xmax <- newxy_max$x
      ymin <- newxy_min$y
      ymax <- newxy_max$y

    if(!is.null(brushInfo)) {
      brush_bin <- intersect(
          (xmin <= brushInfo$xmin & brushInfo$xmin <= xmax) |
            (xmin <= brushInfo$xmax & brushInfo$xmax <= xmax) |
            (brushInfo$xmin <= xmin & xmax <= brushInfo$xmax)
          (ymin <= brushInfo$ymin & brushInfo$ymin <= ymax) |
            (ymin <= brushInfo$ymax & brushInfo$ymax <= ymax) |
            (brushInfo$ymin <= ymin & ymax <= brushInfo$ymax)
    } else {
      brush_bin <- intersect(
        which(xmin <= clickInfo$x & clickInfo$x <= xmax),
        which(ymin <= clickInfo$y & clickInfo$y <= ymax)

    binId2brushId(binNames = coord$binNames,
                  binId_group = coord$binId_group,
                  brush_bin = brush_bin)

  } else integer(0L)

get_brushId.l_graph <- function(loon.grob, coord, swapInShiny = FALSE, swapInLoon = FALSE,
                                position, brushInfo, vp, offset = NULL, clickAdj = 1e-2,
                                clickInfo, ...){

  get_brushId.l_plot(loon.grob, coord, swapInShiny, swapInLoon,
                     position, brushInfo, vp, offset, clickAdj,
                     clickInfo, ...)

get_brushId.l_serialaxes <- function(loon.grob, coord, swapInShiny = FALSE, swapInLoon = FALSE,
                                     position, brushInfo, vp, offset = NULL, clickAdj = 1e-2,
                                     clickInfo, ...) {

  if(length(coord$x) == 0 && length(coord$y) == 0) return(integer(0L))
  if(is.null(position)) return(integer(0L))
  if(is.null(vp)) return(integer(0L))
  args <- list(...)

  if(!is.null(brushInfo) || !is.null(clickInfo)) {

    if(!is.null(brushInfo)) {
      newbound <- coordConvert(position, brushInfo, vp, offset)
      # the brushInfo is not NULL
      xmin <- brushInfo$xmin
      xmax <- brushInfo$xmax
      ymin <- brushInfo$ymin
      ymax <- brushInfo$ymax
    } else {
      newbound <- coordConvert(position, clickInfo, vp, offset)
      # create a region
      # the clickInfo is not NULL
      xmin <- clickInfo$x - clickAdj
      xmax <- clickInfo$x + clickAdj
      ymin <- clickInfo$y - clickAdj
      ymax <- clickInfo$y + clickAdj

    newl <- newbound$newl
    newr <- newbound$newr
    newt <- newbound$newt
    newb <- newbound$newb

    # dataViewport <- vp["dataViewport"]
    dataViewport <- get_vp_from_vpStack(vp, "dataViewport")

    xlim <- dataViewport$xscale
    ylim <- dataViewport$yscale

    l <- xlim[1]
    r <- xlim[2]
    b <- ylim[1]
    t <- ylim[2]

    x <- coord$x
    y <- coord$y

    brushId <- c()

    native.x <- args$native.x
    native.y <- args$native.y

           function(i) {

             x_i <- native.x[[i]] %||% grid::convertX(x[[i]], unitTo = "native", TRUE)
             y_i <- native.y[[i]] %||% grid::convertY(y[[i]], unitTo = "native", TRUE)

             newxy <- homo_trans(r, l, t, b, newr, newl, newt, newb, x_i, y_i)
             xx <- extendPoints(newxy$x, length.out = 100)
             yy <- extendPoints(newxy$y, length.out = 100)

             intersectX <- intersect(which(xx >= xmin), which(xx <= xmax))
             intersectY <- intersect(which(yy >= ymin), which(yy <= ymax))

             if(length(intersect(intersectX, intersectY)) > 0) brushId[i] <<- i

    brushId <- brushId[which(!is.na(brushId))]

  } else integer(0L)

coordConvert <- function(position, brushInfo, vp, offset = NULL) {

  l <- brushInfo$domain$left
  r <- brushInfo$domain$right
  b <- brushInfo$domain$bottom
  t <- brushInfo$domain$top

  offset <- offset %||% get_offset(vp, t, b, l, r)
  t_offset <- offset$t_offset
  b_offset <- offset$b_offset
  l_offset <- offset$l_offset
  r_offset <- offset$r_offset

  domain_l <- l + (r - l) * position$l
  domain_r <- l + (r - l) * position$r
  domain_t <- t - (t - b) * position$t
  domain_b <- t - (t - b) * position$b

    newl = domain_l + l_offset,
    newr = domain_r - r_offset,
    newb = domain_b + b_offset,
    newt = domain_t - t_offset

get_offset <- function(vp, t, b, l, r) {

  offset_unit <- function(x, unit = "native", is.unit = TRUE, as.numeric = FALSE) {
    if(getRversion() >= "4.0.0") {
      -get_unit(x, unit, is.unit, as.numeric)
    } else {
      get_unit(x, unit, is.unit, as.numeric)

  # plotViewport <- vp["plotViewport"]
  plotViewport <- get_vp_from_vpStack(vp, "plotViewport")

  l_offset <- plotViewport$x
  b_offset <- plotViewport$y

  width <- plotViewport$width
  r_offset <- offset_unit(width, "lines", as.numeric = FALSE) - l_offset

  height <- plotViewport$height
  t_offset <- offset_unit(height, "lines", as.numeric = FALSE) - b_offset

    l_offset = convertX(l_offset, unitTo = "npc", TRUE) * (r - l),
    r_offset = convertX(r_offset, unitTo = "npc", TRUE) * (r - l),
    t_offset = convertY(t_offset, unitTo = "npc", TRUE) * (t - b),
    b_offset = convertY(b_offset, unitTo = "npc", TRUE) * (t - b)

homo_trans <- function(r, l, t, b, newr, newl, newt, newb, x, y) {
  ax <- (newr - newl)/(r - l)
  bx <- (newl * r - newr * l)/(r - l)

  ay <- (newt - newb)/(t - b)
  by <- (newb * t - newt * b)/(t - b)

  # homogeneous coordinates
  homo_trans <- matrix(c(ax, 0, bx, 0, ay, by, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 3, byrow = T)
  coordinates <- matrix(c(x, y, rep(1, length(x))), nrow = 3, byrow = T)
  mapping_coordinates <- homo_trans %*% coordinates

  newx <- mapping_coordinates[1, ]
  newy <- mapping_coordinates[2, ]

    x = newx,
    y = newy

extendPoints <- function(x, length.out = 100) {
    lapply(seq(length(x) - 1),
             seq(x[i], x[i+1], length.out = length.out)

binId2brushId <- function(binNames, binId_group, brush_bin) {

  if(length(brush_bin) != 0) {
               which_bin <- which(binNames %in% binNames[b])
               this_bin_id <- which(which_bin == b)
               if(binNames[b] < 0) {
                 # gap is selected
               } else {

  } else integer(0)

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loon.shiny documentation built on Oct. 8, 2022, 5:05 p.m.