
Defines functions navbar_menu_name get_compoundInfo get_loonInfo.list get_loonInfo.l_compound get_loonInfo.l_facet_grid get_loonInfo.l_facet_wrap get_loonInfo.l_facet_ggplot get_loonInfo.loon get_loonInfo.default get_loonInfo

get_loonInfo <- function(widgets, layout_matrix, nrow, ncol, navbarMenuName = NULL) {
  UseMethod("get_loonInfo", widgets)

get_loonInfo.default <- function(widgets, layout_matrix, nrow, ncol, navbarMenuName = NULL) {
  stop("The class of widgets are `", paste(class(widgets), collapse = ","),
       "` that is not recognized", call. = FALSE)

get_loonInfo.loon <- function(widgets, layout_matrix, nrow, ncol, navbarMenuName = NULL) {

  if(missing(layout_matrix)) layout_matrix <- NULL
  navbarMenuName <- navbarMenuName %||% navbar_menu_name(widgets)

  loon.grobs <- loon::loonGrob(widgets)
  names <- loonGrob_name(loon.grobs)

  loonWidgetsInfo <- get_loonWidgetsInfo(widgets,
                                           loon.grobs = loon.grobs,
                                           navbarMenuName = navbarMenuName)

    loon.grobs =  setNames(list(loon.grobs), names),
    loonWidgetsInfo = setNames(list(loonWidgetsInfo), names),
    layout_matrix = layout_matrix,
    nrow = nrow,
    ncol = ncol

get_loonInfo.l_facet_ggplot <- function(widgets, layout_matrix, nrow, ncol,
                                  navbarMenuName = NULL) {

  if(missing(layout_matrix)) layout_matrix <- NULL
  l_className <- "l_facet_ggplot"

  plots <- l_getPlots(widgets)
  og <- loon::loonGrob(widgets)
  gtable <- grid::getGrob(og, l_className)

  loon.grobs <- get_grobFromGtable(l_className, gtable, widgets)
  layout <- l_getLocations(widgets)

  info <- get_compoundInfo(widgets = widgets, loon.grobs = loon.grobs,
                           layout = layout,
                           navbarMenuName = navbarMenuName)
  info$gtable <- gtable

get_loonInfo.l_facet_wrap <- function(widgets, layout_matrix, nrow, ncol,
                                      navbarMenuName = NULL) {

  if(missing(layout_matrix)) layout_matrix <- NULL
  l_className <- "l_facet_wrap"

  gtable <- grid::getGrob(loon::loonGrob(widgets), l_className)
  loon.grobs <- get_grobFromGtable(l_className, gtable, widgets)
  layout <- l_getLocations(widgets)

  info <- get_compoundInfo(widgets = widgets,
                           loon.grobs = loon.grobs,
                           layout = layout,
                           navbarMenuName = navbarMenuName)
  info$gtable <- gtable

get_loonInfo.l_facet_grid <- function(widgets, layout_matrix, nrow, ncol,
                                      navbarMenuName = NULL) {

  if(missing(layout_matrix)) layout_matrix <- NULL
  l_className <- "l_facet_grid"

  gtable <- grid::getGrob(loon::loonGrob(widgets), l_className)
  loon.grobs <- get_grobFromGtable(l_className, gtable, widgets)
  names(loon.grobs) <- vapply(loon.grobs, function(x) x$name, character(1L))

  layout <-  l_getLocations(widgets)

  info <- get_compoundInfo(widgets = widgets,
                           loon.grobs = loon.grobs,
                           layout = layout,
                           navbarMenuName = navbarMenuName)
  info$gtable <- gtable

get_loonInfo.l_compound <- function(widgets, layout_matrix, nrow, ncol,
                                    navbarMenuName = NULL) {

  if(missing(layout_matrix)) layout_matrix <- NULL
  l_className <- class(widgets)[1L]

  gtable <- grid::getGrob(loon::loonGrob(widgets), l_className)
  loon.grobs <- gtable$grobs
  layout <- get_layout_matrix(widgets, gtable$layout, nrow, ncol)

  get_compoundInfo(widgets = widgets, loon.grobs = loon.grobs,
                   layout = layout,
                   navbarMenuName = navbarMenuName)

get_loonInfo.list <- function(widgets, layout_matrix, nrow, ncol,
                              navbarMenuName = NULL) {

  if(missing(layout_matrix)) layout_matrix <- NULL

  n <- length(widgets)
  navbarMenuNames <- names(widgets)
  duplicate <- if(!is.null(navbarMenuNames)) {
    if(any(duplicated(names(widgets)))) TRUE else FALSE
  } else TRUE

  get_navbarMenuName <- function(widget, navbarMenuName, i) {
    if(is.null(navbarMenuName)) {
      paste0(loonWidget_name(widget), i)
    } else {
      if(navbarMenuName == "") {
        paste0(loonWidget_name(widget), i)
      } else {
        if(duplicate) {
          paste0(navbarMenuName, i)
        } else navbarMenuName

  loonInfos <- lapply(seq(n),
                      function(i) {

                        widget <- widgets[[i]]
                        navbarMenuName <- navbarMenuNames[i]

                                     layout_matrix = NULL,
                                     nrow = NULL,
                                     ncol = NULL,
                                     navbarMenuName = get_navbarMenuName(widget, navbarMenuName, i)

  loon.grobs <- unlist(
    lapply(seq(n), function(i) loonInfos[[i]]$loon.grobs),

  loonWidgetsInfo <- unlist(
    lapply(seq(n), function(i) loonInfos[[i]]$loonWidgetsInfo),

  layout <- get_layout_matrix(widgets,
                              layout = lapply(seq(n),
                              nrow = nrow,
                              ncol = ncol,
                              layout_matrix = layout_matrix)

  m <- length(loon.grobs)
  navbarMenuNames <- sapply(seq(m), function(i) loonWidgetsInfo[[i]]$navbarMenuName)
  is_duplicated <- sapply(navbarMenuNames,
                          function(navbarMenuName) {
                            if(length(which(navbarMenuName == navbarMenuNames)) == 1) FALSE else TRUE

  names <- sapply(seq(m),
                  function(i) {
                    if(is_duplicated[i]) paste0(loonGrob_name(loon.grobs[[i]]), i) else navbarMenuNames[i]

  names(loonWidgetsInfo) <- names(loon.grobs) <- names

    loon.grobs = loon.grobs,
    loonWidgetsInfo = loonWidgetsInfo,
    layout_matrix = layout$layout_matrix,
    nrow = layout$nrow,
    ncol = layout$ncol

get_compoundInfo <- function(widgets, loon.grobs, layout, navbarMenuName = NULL) {

  navbarMenuName <- navbarMenuName %||% navbar_menu_name(widgets)

  loonWidgetsInfo <- extend_loonWidgetsInfo(loonWidgetsInfo =
                                                                     loon.grobs = loon.grobs,
                                                                     navbarMenuName = navbarMenuName),
                                              navbarMenuName = navbarMenuName)
  names <- sapply(seq(length(loon.grobs)),
                    paste0(loonGrob_name(loon.grobs[[i]]), i))
  names(loonWidgetsInfo) <- names(loon.grobs) <- names

    loon.grobs = loon.grobs,
    loonWidgetsInfo = loonWidgetsInfo,
    layout_matrix = layout$layout_matrix,
    nrow = layout$nrow,
    ncol = layout$ncol

navbar_menu_name <- function(x) {

  if(inherits(x, "l_plot")) {
  } else if(inherits(x, "l_hist")) {
  } else if(inherits(x, "l_graph")) {
  } else if(inherits(x, "l_serialaxes")) {
  } else if(inherits(x, "l_facet_ggplot")) {
  } else if(inherits(x, "l_ts")) {
    "Time series"
  } else if(inherits(x, "l_facet")) {
  } else if(inherits(x, "l_pairs")) {
  } else if (inherits(x, "l_compound")) {
  } else {

Try the loon.shiny package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

loon.shiny documentation built on Oct. 8, 2022, 5:05 p.m.