
Defines functions lotriMatInv .lotriIsBlock .lotriBlockZeros

Documented in lotriMatInv

#' Creates a logical matrix for block matrixes.
#' @param mat Matrix
#' @param i Row/column where block matrix should be setup.
#' @return A logical matrix returning where the elements should be
#'     zero.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.lotriBlockZeros <- function(mat, i) {
  return(!((row(mat) > i & col(mat) > i) | (row(mat) <= i & col(mat) <= i)))

#' Return if diagonal i is a block matrix
#' @param mat Input matrix
#' @param i index of rows
#' @return logical value
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @noRd
.lotriIsBlock <- function(mat, i) {
  return(all(mat[.lotriBlockZeros(mat, i)] == 0))

#' Converts a matrix into a list of block matrices
#' @param mat Matrix to convert to a list of block matrices
#' @return A list of block matrixes
#' @details
#' This is the inverse of `lotriMat()`
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' # Create a block matrix using `lotri()`
#' mat <- lotri({
#'    a+b ~ c(1,
#'            0.5, 1)
#'    c ~ 1
#'    d +e ~ c(1,
#'             0.5, 1)
#' })
#' print(mat)
#' # now convert t a list of matrices
#' mat2 <- lotriMatInv(mat)
#' print(mat2)
#' # Of course you can convert it back to a full matrix:
#' mat3 <- lotriMat(mat2)
#' print(mat3)
#' @export
lotriMatInv <- function(mat) {
  if (!inherits(mat, "matrix"))
    stop("'mat' must be a matrix", call.=FALSE)
  if (!is.null(attr(mat, "lotriEst"))) {
    stop("a lotri matrix with attached estimates cannot be converted to a list matrix\n",
         "drop with `lotriEst(x,drop=TRUE)",
  .matF <- attr(mat, "lotriFix")
  .matU <- attr(mat, "lotriUnfix")
  .ret <- list()
  .mat <- mat
  .i <- 1
  .d <- dim(.mat)[1]
  while (.i < .d) {
    if (.lotriIsBlock(.mat, .i)) {
      .s <- seq_len(.i)
      .mat1 <- .mat[.s, .s, drop = FALSE]
      if (!is.null(.matF)) {
        .mat1F <- .matF[.s, .s, drop = FALSE]
        attr(.mat1, "lotriFix") <- .mat1F
        class(.mat1) <- c("lotriFix", class(.mat1))
        .matF <- .matF[-.s, -.s, drop = FALSE]
      } else if (!is.null(.matU)) {
        .mat1U <- .matU[.s, .s, drop = FALSE]
        attr(.mat1, "lotriUnfix") <- .mat1F
        class(.mat1) <- c("lotriFix", class(.mat1))
        .matU <- .matU[-.s, -.s, drop = FALSE]
      .ret <- c(.ret, list(.mat1))
      .mat <- .mat[-.s, -.s, drop = FALSE]
      .d <- dim(.mat)[1]
      .i <- 1
    } else {
      .i <- .i + 1
  if (.d > 0){
    if (!is.null(.matF)) {
      attr(.mat, "lotriFix") <- .matF
      class(.mat) <- c("lotriFix", class(.mat))
    } else if (!is.null(.matU)) {
      attr(.mat, "lotriUnfix") <- .matU
      class(.mat) <- c("lotriFix", class(.mat))
    .ret <- c(.ret, list(.mat))

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lotri documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:49 p.m.