
Defines functions dimcalc_fraction dimcalc_raw dimcalc_ndocs dimcalc_kaiser

Documented in dimcalc_fraction dimcalc_kaiser dimcalc_ndocs dimcalc_raw

### -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  
### dimcalc.r
### -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  
### 2006-07-30
###    * added dimcal_fraction()
### 2005-11-22
###    * removed dimcalc() function, rewrote dimcalc_* to
###      be generating functions
### 2005-08-11
###    * integrated all three functions into one joint
###      generating function. dimcalc() returns a
###      a function source to the caller which
###      contains only one parameter (the diagonal values)
###      to be executed by the calling (higher-level) function.
###      To call directly, use
###          e.g. dimcalc(method="share", share=0.3)(mydiags)
###          with mydiags being the diagonal values as a vector.
###      The original three functions will stay (maybe not forever).
### 2005-08-26
###    * removed slope / turning point sceletons (to be
###      included later, maybe)
### 2005-08-25
###    * replaced max() with length() in ndocs
###      now if the first factor is already > ndocs
###      dimcalc_ndocs returns 1 not -Inf
### 2005-09-04
###    * bugfix in dimcalc_share: when there are few singular 
###      values, the default threshold of .5 might already be 
###      passed with the first. If statement added, now returns
###      all in case this happened.

dimcalc_share <- function ( share=0.5) {
    # return the position with which 50% share of the
    # summed up singular values are reached
    function ( s ) {
		if ( any(which(cumsum(s/sum(s))<=share)) ) {
			d = max(which(cumsum(s/sum(s))<=share)) + 1
		} else {
			d = length(s)
        return( d )

dimcalc_kaiser <- function() {

    # calculate the number of singular values
    # according to the Kaiser-criterium 
    # (take all with s>1).
    function ( s ) {
        return(  max(which(s>=1)) ) 


dimcalc_ndocs <- function(ndocs) {
    # return the position where the 
    # summed up factor values for the
    # first time exceed ndocs.

    if (missing(ndocs)) {
        stop("[dimcalc] - parameter ndocs is missing")
    function ( s ) {
        return( length(which(cumsum(s)<=ndocs)) + 1 ) 

dimcalc_raw <- function() {
    # only for completeness: give back the 
    # maximum number of singular values
    function ( s ) {
        return( length(s) ) 

dimcalc_fraction <- function( frac = (1/50) ) {
	# return the desired fraction of singular values 	
	function ( s ) {
		return( ceiling(length(s)*frac) )

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