# These functions calculate the two risk measures included in the package, VaR and ES.
# Value at risk ====
create_VaR_func <- function(x, trunc, fitted_pdf, fitted_cdf) {
function(p = 0.05) {
if (p < 0 | p > 1)
stop("p must be between 0 and 1.")
obj_function <- function(X) fitted_cdf(X) - (1-p)
# Univariate root finding should be easy: obj_function is a
# monotonically increasing continuous function. The search interval
# is initially from the truncation point to the maximum is
# automatically extended to the right until a room is found.
lower_limit <- if (is.null(trunc)) 0 else trunc
uniroot(obj_function, c(lower_limit, max(x)), extendInt = "upX")$root
# Expected shortfall ====
create_ES_func <- function(x, trunc, fitted_pdf, fitted_cdf, VaR) {
function(p = 0.05) {
if (p < 0 | p > 1)
stop("p must be between 0 and 1.")
q0 <- VaR(p)
fx <- function (x) fitted_pdf(x)*x
pracma::quadinf(fx, q0, Inf)$Q / pracma::quadinf(fitted_pdf, q0, Inf)$Q
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