
#' @include class-CategoryLabel.R

#' Class PredictionList
#' An S4 class that extends \code{ROCR::\link[ROCR]{prediction-class}} to hold
#' the results of multiple model predictions.
#' @slot prediction a list of \code{ROCR::\link[ROCR]{prediction-class}} objects.
#'   These objects are calculated for each statistical model in the
#'   \code{PredictiveModelList} object supplied to the constructor function
#' @slot categories numeric vector of land use categories for which
#'   \code{prediction} objects were created
#' @slot labels character vector with labels corresponding to \code{categories}
#' @export
#' @exportClass PredictionList
#' @rdname PredictionList-class

         contains = c("CategoryLabel"),
         slots = c(prediction = "list"),
         validity = function(object) {
             ## TODO

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lulcc documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:05 p.m.