mSimCC-package: Microsimulation model for cervical cancer prevention

mSimCC-packageR Documentation

Microsimulation model for cervical cancer prevention


Microsimulation model to reproduce natural history of cervical cancer and cost-effectiveness evaluation of prevention strategies.


Package: mSimCC
Type: Package
Version: 0.0.3
Date: 2023-08-21
License: GPL version 2 or newer
LazyLoad: yes


David Moriña (Universitat de Barcelona), Pedro Puig (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and Mireia Diaz (Institut Català d'Oncologia)

Mantainer: David Moriña Soler <>


Georgalis L, de Sanjosé S, Esnaola M, Bosch F X, Diaz M. Present and future of cervical cancer prevention in Spain: a cost-effectiveness analysis. European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2016;25(5):430-439.

Moriña D, de Sanjosé S, Diaz M. Impact of model calibration on cost-effectiveness analysis of cervical cancer prevention 2017;7.

See Also

mSimCC-package, bCohort, microsim, costs, le, plotCIN1Incidence, plotCIN2Incidence, plotCIN3Incidence, plotIncidence, plotMortality, plotPrevalence, qalys, yls

mSimCC documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 5:07 p.m.