mable.aft: Mable fit of Accelerated Failure Time Model

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mable.aftR Documentation

Mable fit of Accelerated Failure Time Model


Maximum approximate Bernstein/Beta likelihood estimation for accelerated failure time model based on interval censored data.


  g = NULL,
  p = NULL,
  tau = NULL,
  x0 = NULL,
  controls = mable.ctrl(),
  progress = TRUE



regression formula. Response must be cbind. See 'Details'.


a dataset


a positive integer or a vector (m0, m1). If M = m0 or m0 = m1 = m, then m0 is a preselected degree. If m0 < m1 it specifies the set of consective candidate model degrees m0:m1 for searching an optimal degree, where m1-m0>3.


a d-vector of regression coefficients, default is the zero vector.


an initial coefficients of Bernstein polynomial of degree m0, default is the uniform initial.


the right endpoint of the support or truncation interval [0,\tau) of the baseline density. Default is NULL (unknown), otherwise if tau is given then it is taken as a known value of \tau. See 'Details'.


a working baseline covariate x_0, default is zero vector. See 'Details'.


Object of class mable.ctrl() specifying iteration limit and other control options. Default is mable.ctrl.


if TRUE a text progressbar is displayed


Consider the accelerated failure time model with covariate for interval-censored failure time data: S(t|x) = S(t \exp(\gamma^T(x-x_0))|x_0), where x_0 is a baseline covariate. Let f(t|x) and F(t|x) = 1-S(t|x) be the density and cumulative distribution functions of the event time given X = x, respectively. Then f(t|x_0) on a truncation interval [0, \tau] can be approximated by f_m(t|x_0; p) = \tau^{-1}\sum_{i=0}^m p_i\beta_{mi}(t/\tau), where p_i\ge 0, i = 0, \ldots, m, \sum_{i=0}^mp_i=1, \beta_{mi}(u) is the beta denity with shapes i+1 and m-i+1, and \tau is larger than the largest observed time, either uncensored time, or right endpoint of interval/left censored, or left endpoint of right censored time. So we can approximate S(t|x_0) on [0, \tau] by S_m(t|x_0; p) = \sum_{i=0}^{m} p_i \bar B_{mi}(t/\tau), where \bar B_{mi}(u) is the beta survival function with shapes i+1 and m-i+1.

Response variable should be of the form cbind(l, u), where (l,u) is the interval containing the event time. Data is uncensored if l = u, right censored if u = Inf or u = NA, and left censored data if l = 0. The truncation time tau and the baseline x0 should be chosen so that S(t|x)=S(t \exp(\gamma^T(x-x_0))|x_0) on [\tau, \infty) is negligible for all the observed x.

The search for optimal degree m stops if either m1 is reached or the test for change-point results in a p-value pval smaller than sig.level.


A list with components

  • m the given or selected optimal degree m

  • p the estimate of p = (p_0, ..., p_m), the coefficients of Bernstein polynomial of degree m

  • coefficients the estimated regression coefficients of the AFT model

  • SE the standard errors of the estimated regression coefficients

  • z the z-scores of the estimated regression coefficients

  • mloglik the maximum log-likelihood at an optimal degree m

  • tau.n maximum observed time \tau_n

  • tau right endpoint of trucation interval [0, \tau)

  • x0 the working baseline covariates

  • egx0 the value of e^{\gamma^T x_0}

  • convergence an integer code: 0 indicates a successful completion; 1 indicates that the search of an optimal degree using change-point method reached the maximum candidate degree; 2 indicates that the matimum iterations was reached for calculating \hat p and \hat\gamma with the selected degree m, or the divergence of the last EM-like iteration for p or the divergence of the last (quasi) Newton iteration for \gamma; 3 indicates 1 and 2.

  • delta the final delta if m0 = m1 or the final pval of the change-point for searching the optimal degree m;

and, if m0<m1,

  • M the vector (m0, m1), where m1 is the last candidate when the search stoped

  • lk log-likelihoods evaluated at m \in \{m_0, \ldots, m_1\}

  • lr likelihood ratios for change-points evaluated at m \in \{m_0+1, \ldots, m_1\}

  • pval the p-values of the change-point tests for choosing optimal model degree

  • chpts the change-points chosen with the given candidate model degrees


Zhong Guan <>


Guan, Z. (2019) Maximum Approximate Likelihood Estimation in Accelerated Failure Time Model for Interval-Censored Data, arXiv:1911.07087.

See Also



## Breast Cosmesis Data
  bcos2<-data.frame(bcos[,1:2], x=1*(bcos$treat=="RCT"))
  g <- 0.41 #Hanson and  Johnson 2004, JCGS
  aft.res<-mable.aft(cbind(left, right)~x, data=bcos2, M=c(1, 30), g=g, tau=100, x0=1)
  op<-par(mfrow=c(1,2), lwd=1.5)
  plot(x=aft.res, which="likelihood")
  plot(x=aft.res, y=data.frame(x=0), which="survival", model='aft', type="l", col=1, 
      add=FALSE, main="Survival Function")
  plot(x=aft.res, y=data.frame(x=1), which="survival", model='aft', lty=2, col=1)
  legend("bottomleft", bty="n", lty=1:2, col=1, c("Radiation Only", "Radiation and Chemotherapy"))

mable documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 5:10 p.m.