
Defines functions package_description_mtime package_datetime

#' Package datetimes
#' Determine the datetimes for packages by checking the `DESCRIPTION` file
#' modification time.
#' @param package A character vector containing the names of packages
#' @return A `POSIXct` vector with names corresponding to `package`
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' package_datetime(c("utils", "makepipe"))
package_datetime <- function(package) {
  stopifnot_class(package, "character")
  out <- vapply(
    function(pkg) as.numeric(package_description_mtime(pkg)),
    FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)

  as.POSIXct(out, origin = "1970-01-01")

package_description_mtime <- function(package) {
  stopifnot_class(package, "character")
  desc_loc <- paste0(find.package(package), "/DESCRIPTION")

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makepipe documentation built on Dec. 7, 2022, 5:16 p.m.