
Defines functions factor2var

Documented in factor2var

#' @title Create Dummy Variables
#' @description Create dummy variables
#' from a categorical variable.
#' @details Its main use is for creating
#' dummy variables (indicator variables)
#' from a categorical variable, to be
#' used in [lavaan::sem()].
#' Optionally, the other contrasts can
#' be used through the argument
#' `x_contrasts`.
#' @return It always returns a matrix
#' with the number of rows equal to the
#' length of the vector (`x_value`). If
#' the categorical has only two
#' categories and so only one dummy
#' variable is needed, the output is
#' still a one-column "matrix" in R.
#' @param x_value The vector of
#' categorical variable.
#' @param x_contrasts The contrast to be
#' used. Default is
#' `"constr.treatment"`.
#' @param prefix The prefix to be added
#' to the variables to be created.
#' Default is `""`.
#' @param add_rownames Whether row names
#' will be added to the output. Default
#' is `TRUE`.
#' @examples
#' dat <- data_mod_cat
#' dat <- data.frame(dat,
#'                   factor2var(dat$w, prefix = "gp", add_rownames = FALSE))
#' head(dat[, c("w", "gpgroup2", "gpgroup3")], 15)
#' @export

factor2var <- function(x_value,
                       x_contrasts = "contr.treatment",
                       prefix = "",
                       add_rownames = TRUE) {
    x_fac <- factor(x_value)
    stats::contrasts(x_fac) <- x_contrasts
    m <- do.call(x_contrasts, list(n = levels(x_fac)))
    mj <- ncol(m)
    mna <- rep(NA, mj)
    out <- t(sapply(as.character(x_value), function(x) {
                                if (is.na(x)) {
                                    xx <- mna
                                  } else {
                                    xx <- m[x, , drop = FALSE]
    if (!is.matrix(out)) {
        out <- matrix(out, ncol = 1)
    if ((mj == 1) && (nrow(out) == 1)) {
        out <- t(out)
    colnames(out) <- colnames(m)
    colnames(out) <- paste0(prefix, colnames(out))
    if (!add_rownames) rownames(out) <- NULL

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