
Defines functions lm2ptable

#' @title Convert a List of 'lm' Output
#' to a List of 'lavaan'-Like Objects
#' @description It only converts
#' information necessary for
#' [indirect_effect()] and
#' [cond_indirect_effects()] to compute
#' indirect effects or conditional
#' indirect effects.
#' @details Users usually do not need to
#' call this function to use
#' [indirect_effect()] and
#' [cond_indirect_effects()]. These two
#' functions will do the conversion
#' internally if necessary.
#' @return A list with the following
#' arguments:
#' - `est`: A data frame similar to the
#' parameter estimates table of the
#' output of [lavaan::sem()].
#' - `dat`: A data frame with all the
#' data in the regression models merged.
#' - `implied_stats`: A list with two
#' elements: `cov` is the implied
#' covariance matrix and `mean` is the
#' implied means. They are used to
#' compute standardized effects or form
#' levels of moderators.
#' @param outputs A list of `lm`-class
#' objects.
#' @examples
#' data(data_serial)
#' dat <- data_serial
#' lm_m1 <- lm(m1 ~ x + c1 + c2, dat)
#' lm_m2 <- lm(m2 ~ m1 + x + c1 + c2, dat)
#' lm_y <- lm(y ~ m2 + m1 + x + c1 + c2, dat)
#' out <- lm2ptable(list(lm_m1, lm_m2, lm_y))
#' out$est
#' @noRd

lm2ptable <- function(outputs) {
    if (!missing(outputs)) {
        outputs <- auto_lm2list(outputs)
    mm <- merge_model_matrix(outputs)
    coefs <- lapply(outputs, coef2lor)
    out <- do.call(rbind, coefs)
    row.names(out) <- NULL
    list(est = out,
         data = mm,
         implied_stats = data2implied(mm),
         vcov = lm_list_vcov(outputs),
         df_residual = lm_df_residual(outputs))

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manymome documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 5:10 p.m.