
Defines functions check_cases check_except get_mm_names data2implied newname merge_model_matrix merge_model_frame lm2mod lm2mod_i get_response_data get_response coef2lor

coef2lor <- function(x) {
    y <- get_response(x)
    bs <- stats::coef(x)
    bnames <- names(bs)
    j <- which(bnames == "(Intercept)")
    k <- length(bs) - 1
    out <- data.frame(lhs = rep(y, k),
                      op = "~",
                      rhs = bnames[-j],
                      est = bs[-j])
    out <- rbind(out,
                 data.frame(lhs = y,
                            op = "~1",
                            rhs = "",
                            est = bs[j]))

get_response <- function(x) {

get_response_data <- function(x) {
    y <- get_response(x)
    stats::model.frame(x)[, y, drop = FALSE]

lm2mod_i <- function(x) {
    y <- get_response(x)
    out <- paste(y, "~",
            paste(names(stats::coef(x))[-1], collapse = " + "))

lm2mod <- function(outputs) {
    out <- lapply(outputs, lm2mod_i)
    mod <- paste0(out, collapse = "\n")

merge_model_frame <- function(outputs) {
    mm <- lapply(outputs,
                 function(x) {
                    out <- stats::model.frame(x)
    vnames <- unique(unlist(sapply(mm, colnames)))
    idname <- newname(vnames)
    mm1 <- lapply(mm, function(x) {
                          j <- colnames(x)
                          out <- cbind(x, seq_len(nrow(x)))
                          colnames(out) <- c(j, idname)
    # TODO: Check mm
    `%merge%` <- function(x, y) {
        xnames <- colnames(x)
        ynames <- colnames(y)
        ykeep <- c(idname, ynames[!(ynames %in% xnames)])
        y1 <- y[, ykeep, drop = FALSE]
        merge(x, y1,
              by = idname)
    mm2 <- Reduce(`%merge%`, mm1)
    mm2[, idname] <- NULL

merge_model_matrix <- function(outputs) {
    mm <- lapply(outputs,
                 function(x) {
                    out <- stats::model.matrix(x,
                              contrasts.arg = x$contrasts)[, -1]
                    y_data <- get_response_data(x)
                    cbind(y_data, out)
    vnames <- unique(unlist(sapply(mm, colnames)))
    idname <- newname(vnames)
    mm1 <- lapply(mm, function(x) {
                          j <- colnames(x)
                          out <- cbind(x, seq_len(nrow(x)))
                          colnames(out) <- c(j, idname)
    # TODO: Check mm
    `%merge%` <- function(x, y) {
        xnames <- colnames(x)
        ynames <- colnames(y)
        ykeep <- c(idname, ynames[!(ynames %in% xnames)])
        y1 <- y[, ykeep, drop = FALSE]
        merge(x, y1,
              by = idname)
    mm2 <- Reduce(`%merge%`, mm1)
    mm2[, idname] <- NULL

newname <- function(x) {
    out <- x[1]
    while (out %in% x) {
        out <- make.names(substring(tempfile(pattern = "id_", tmpdir = ""), 2))

data2implied <- function(data) {
    cov <- cov(data)
    mean <- colMeans(data)
    list(cov = cov,
         mean = mean)

get_mm_names <- function(x) {
    out1 <- colnames(stats::model.matrix(x))[-1]
    out2 <- get_response(x)
    c(out1, out2)

check_except <- function(x) {
    # Check if a model is "disconnected" from other models.
    k <- length(x)
    out <- sapply(seq_len(k),
             function(i) {
                  isTRUE(any(x[[i]] %in%
    if (isTRUE(all(out))) {
      } else {

check_cases <- function(x) {
    # Check whether the same cases are used
    k <- length(x)
    if (k == 1) return(TRUE)
    for (i in seq(2, k)) {
        for (j in seq_len(i - 1)) {
            namesi <- colnames(x[[i]])[-1]
            namesj <- colnames(x[[j]])[-1]
            names0 <- intersect(namesi, namesj)
            if (length(names0) == 0) next
            dati <- x[[i]][, names0]
            datj <- x[[j]][, names0]
            if (!identical(datj, dati)) {

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