
Defines functions sanitize_model_specific.plm sanitize_model_specific.plm

Documented in sanitize_model_specific.plm

#' @include sanity_model.R
#' @rdname sanitize_model_specific
#' @keywords internal
sanitize_model_specific.plm <- function(model, ...) {
    if ("within" %in% model$args$model) {
        stop('The `plm::predict` function does not appear to support the `newdata` argument when `plm(model="within")`. Therefore, `marginaleffects` cannot support "within" models, even if it supports many other models produced by the `plm` package. You may want to try the `fixest` package instead.',
             call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname sanitize_model_specific
sanitize_model_specific.plm <- function(model, ...) {
    insight::check_if_installed("insight", minimum_version = "0.17.1")

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marginaleffects documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:03 a.m.