create.buffer: Create a buffer of specified radius around one or several...

View source: R/create.buffer.R

create.bufferR Documentation

Create a buffer of specified radius around one or several points


Create a circular buffer of user-defined radius around one or several points defined by their longitudes and latitudes.


create.buffer(x, loc, radius, km = FALSE)



an object of class bathy


a 2-column data.frame of longitudes and latitudes for points around which the buffer is to be created.


numeric. Radius of the buffer in the same unit as the bathy object (i.e. usually decimal degrees) when km=FALSE (default) or in kilometers when radius=TRUE.


logical. If TRUE, the radius should be provided in kilometers. When FALSE (default) the radius is in the same unit as the bathy object (i.e. usually decimal degrees).


This function takes advantage of the buffer function from package adehabitatMA and several functions from packages sp to define the buffer around the points provided by the user.


An object of class bathy of the same size as mat containing only NAs outside of the buffer and values of depth/altitude (taken from mat) within the buffer.


Benoit Simon-Bouhet

See Also

outline.buffer, combine.buffers, plot.bathy


# load and plot a bathymetry
plot(florida, lwd = 0.2)
plot(florida, n = 1, lwd = 0.7, add = TRUE)

# add a point around which a buffer will be created
loc <- data.frame(-80, 26)
points(loc, pch = 19, col = "red")

# compute and print buffer
buf <- create.buffer(florida, loc, radius=1.5)

# highlight isobath with the buffer and add outline
plot(buf, outline=FALSE, n = 10, col = 2, lwd=.4)
plot(buf, lwd = 0.7, fg = 2)

marmap documentation built on March 31, 2023, 6:59 p.m.

Related to create.buffer in marmap...