#' Construct the results of the analysis
#' @param data The blueprint data object.
#' @param na.rm Whether to remove missing values.
#' @param ... Additional args.
#' @return Uses the blueprint to construct the results of the statistical
#' analysis. Outputs a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' design(iris, 'cor') %>%
#' add_settings() %>%
#' add_variables('xvars', c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width')) %>%
#' construct()
#' design(iris, 't.test') %>%
#' add_settings() %>%
#' add_variables('yvars', c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width')) %>%
#' add_variables('xvars', c('Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width')) %>%
#' construct()
#' design(iris, 'glm') %>%
#' add_settings() %>%
#' add_variables('yvars', c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width')) %>%
#' add_variables('xvars', c('Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width')) %>%
#' construct()
#' design(iris, 'gee') %>%
#' add_settings('Species') %>%
#' add_variables('yvars', c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width')) %>%
#' add_variables('xvars', c('Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width')) %>%
#' construct()
#' design(iris, 'pls') %>%
#' add_settings() %>%
#' add_variables('yvars', c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width')) %>%
#' add_variables('xvars', c('Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width')) %>%
#' construct()
construct <- function(data, ..., na.rm = TRUE) {
UseMethod("construct", data)
#' @export
construct.gee_bp <- function(data, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace('geepack'))
stop('geepack is needed for this analysis, please install it',
call. = FALSE)
specs <- attributes(data)$specs
specs_integrity(data, specs)
f <- function(data, specs, form) {
# Have to add these because I think geeglm doesn't reference them
# explicitly inside its function
glm <- stats::glm
model.frame <- stats::model.frame
id <- data[['id']]
mod <- geepack::geeglm(
data = data,
id = id,
corstr = specs$corstr,
family = specs$family
tidied <-
broom::tidy(mod, = specs$,
conf.level = specs$conf.level)
nsize <- summary(mod)$clusz
Yterms = all.vars(form)[1],
Xterms = all.vars(form)[2],
tidied, = sum(nsize),
sample.max = max(nsize),
sample.min = min(nsize),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
form <- regression_formula(specs)
construction_base(data = data, specs = specs, tool = f,
formulas = form$formulas, na.rm = na.rm)
#' @export
construct.glm_bp <- function(data, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
specs <- attributes(data)$specs
specs_integrity(data, specs)
tool <- function(data, specs, form) {
mod <- stats::glm(form,
data = data,
family = specs$family)
tidied <-
broom::tidy(mod, = specs$,
conf.level = specs$conf.level)
Yterms = all.vars(form)[1],
Xterms = all.vars(form)[2],
sample.size = nrow(mod$model),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
form <- regression_formula(specs)
construction_base(data = data, specs = specs, tool = tool,
formulas = form$formulas, na.rm = na.rm)
#' @export
construct.cor_bp <- function(data, ...) {
specs <- attributes(data)$specs
specs_integrity(data, specs, stat = 'cor')
if (is.null(specs$vars$yvars)) {
y <- NULL
x <- data[specs$vars$xvars]
} else {
y <- data[specs$vars$yvars]
x <- data[specs$vars$xvars]
results <-
stats::cor(x, y,
use = specs$obs.usage,
method = specs$method)
if (specs$hclust.order & is.null(specs$vars$yvar)) {
# Taken from
ordering <- stats::hclust(stats::as.dist((1 - results) / 2))
results <- results[ordering$order, ordering$order]
if (is.null(specs$vars$yvar))
results[upper.tri(results)] <- NA
results <- dplyr::as_tibble(results, rownames = "Variables")
type <- grep('bp', class(data), value = TRUE)
output <- append_results(data, specs, results, type)
#' @export
construct.t.test_bp <- function(data, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
specs <- attributes(data)$specs
specs_integrity(data, specs)
tool <- function(data, specs, form) {
y <- form[1]
x <- form[2]
results <- stats::t.test(x = data[[x]],
y = data[[y]],
paired = specs$paired)
results <- broom::tidy(results)
Yterms = y,
Xterms = x,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
form <- regression_formula(specs)
# convert so that each x-y pair is a column
form <- dplyr::as_tibble(t(form$variables), .name_repair = make.names)
construction_base(data = data, specs = specs, tool = tool,
formulas = form, na.rm = na.rm)
#' @export
construct.pls_bp <- function(data, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace('pls', quietly = TRUE)) {
stop('Please install the pls package to run this analysis.')
specs <- attributes(data)$specs
specs_integrity(data, specs, stat = 'pls')
if (!is.null(specs$cv.index)) {
d <- data[specs$cv.index,]
test <- data[-specs$cv.index,]
} else if (is.null(specs$cv.index)) {
d <- data
test <- NULL
if (is.null(specs$ncomp))
specs$ncomp <- length(specs$vars$xvars)
# TODO: This or use data in the pls instead?
Y <- as.matrix(d[, specs$vars$yvars])
X <- as.matrix(d[, specs$vars$xvars])
results <- pls::plsr(Y ~ X, scale = specs$scale, ncomp = specs$ncomp)
if (!is.null(test))
results$test_data <- test
type <- grep('bp', class(data), value = TRUE)
output <- make_blueprint(data, results = results, type = type)
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