


 h <- function(x) if (all(x >= 0) && sum(x) <= 1) return(1) else return(-Inf)
 out <- morph.metrop(obj = h, initial = rep(0, 5), nbatch = 100, blen = 17,
     nspac = 3, scale = 0.1)

 out1 <- morph.metrop(out)
 out2 <- morph.metrop(out1)
 out3 <- morph.metrop(out, nbatch = 2 * out$nbatch)

 fred <- rbind(out1$batch, out2$batch)
 identical(fred, out3$batch)

 out <- morph.metrop(out, morph = morph(p = 2.2, r = 0.3))

 out1 <- morph.metrop(out)
 out2 <- morph.metrop(out1)
 out3 <- morph.metrop(out, nbatch = 2 * out$nbatch)

 fred <- rbind(out1$batch, out2$batch)
 identical(fred, out3$batch)

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mcmc documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 1:06 a.m.