
Defines functions plot_estimates

Documented in plot_estimates

#' Wrapper function to plot the JAGS estimates
#' @name plot_estimates
#' @param jagsdata Output of the mcmsupply::get_modelinputs() function.
#' @param model_output The output of the mcmsupply::run_jags_model() function.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' raw_data <- get_data(national=TRUE, local=TRUE, mycountry="Nepal")
#' jagsdata <- get_modelinputs(startyear=1990, endyear=2030.5, nsegments=12, raw_data)
#' mod <- run_jags_model(jagsdata, n_iter=5, n_burnin=1, n_thin=1)
#' plots <- plot_estimates(jagsdata = jagsdata, model_output = mod)
#' }
#' @return A list of ggplot objects.
#' @export

plot_estimates <- function(jagsdata, model_output) {
  args <- jagsdata$args # Unpack arguments for specification
  national <- args$national
  if(national==TRUE) {
    p <- plot_national_point_estimates(pkg_data=jagsdata$modelinputs, model_output = model_output, local=args$local, mycountry=args$mycountry)
  } else {
    p <- plot_subnational_point_estimates(pkg_data=jagsdata$modelinputs, model_output = model_output, local=args$local, mycountry=args$mycountry)
  message("Plots complete!")

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mcmsupply documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:15 a.m.