#' Get precisely aligned basis functions
#' @name bs_bbase_precise
#' @param x The vector of years you wish to create your basis functions over
#' @param lastobs The year of the most recent survey you wish to align the knots with. Default is max(x).
#' @param xl Default is xl = min(x)
#' @param xr Default is xr = max(x)
#' @param nseg Number of knots you wish to use
#' @param deg The degree of the polynomial. Default is 3.
#' @return B.ik is a matrix, each row is one observation, each column is one B-spline.
#' knots.k is a vector of transformed knots.
#' Kstar is the knot point of last observation
#' @noRd
bs_bbase_precise <- function(x = x,lastobs = max(x), xl = min(x), xr = max(x), nseg = nseg, deg = 3) {
# Compute the length of the partitions
dx <- (xr - xl) / nseg
# Compute position of knot before last observation
dk <- lastobs
# Create equally spaced knots
knots <- seq(xl - deg * dx, xr + deg * dx, by = dx)
# Find index of closest knot to dk
dk_index <- which.min(abs(knots-dk))
# Find transformation to knot placement so that dk is a knot
ktrans <- (dk-knots)[dk_index]
# Add transformation to knots
knotsnew <- knots + ktrans
# Use bs() function to generate the B-spline basis
get_bs_matrix <- matrix(splines::bs(x, knots = knotsnew, degree = deg, Boundary.knots = c(knotsnew[1], knotsnew[length(knotsnew)])), nrow = length(x))
# Remove columns that contain zero only
bs_matrix <- get_bs_matrix[, -c(1:deg, ncol(get_bs_matrix):(ncol(get_bs_matrix) - deg))]
used_knots <- knotsnew[-c(1,2,length(knotsnew),(length(knotsnew)-1))]
Kstar <- which(used_knots==dk)
return(list(B.ik = bs_matrix, ##<< Matrix, each row is one observation, each column is one B-spline.
knots.k = used_knots, ##<< Vector of transformed knots.
Kstar = Kstar # Knot point of last observation
#' Check format of data
#' @name check_format
#' @param format_list The list of requirements for the data type (national or subnational). See the /data folder to review the _format files.
#' @param data The data to be checked.
#' @return An informative error message if data does not pass validation
#' @source With thanks, taken from
#' @noRd
check_format <- function(format_list, data) {
error_vector <- c()
for (name in names(format_list)) {
if (format_list[[name]][["required"]] & (!name %in% names(data))) { #if not required and not in data iteration continues
error_vector <- paste0(error_vector, "DATA FORMAT ERROR: Column ", name," is missing or incorrectly named. ")
if (name %in% names(data)) { #if not in data we do not check format
#check for missing values if they are not supported
if(!"basic" %in% names(format_list[[name]])) {
if (any([[name]])) & !format_list[[name]][["missing"]]) {
error_vector <- paste0(error_vector, "DATA FORMAT ERROR: Column" , name," has missing values. Missing values not supported for this column. ")
#if missing values are supported we need to exclude them to past the next set of tests
clean_column <- data[[name]] %>% drop_na()
if (format_list[[name]][["type"]] == "range") {
if (!(all(clean_column >= min(format_list[[name]][["valid"]])) & all(clean_column <= max(format_list[[name]][["valid"]])))) {
error_vector <- paste0(error_vector, "DATA FORMAT ERROR: Column ", name, " has one or more values which fall outside of valid range. ")
if (format_list[[name]][["type"]] == "value") {
if (!all(clean_column %in% format_list[[name]][["valid"]])) {
error_vector <- paste0(error_vector, "DATA FORMAT ERROR: Column ", name, " has one or more values which are not allowed. ")
} # end what is done if column is found in user data
}# end of loop through all columns
if (!is.null(error_vector)) {
} # end function
#' Standardise subnational region names over time
#' @name clean_subnat_names
#' @param fp2030 TRUE/FALSE. Default is TRUE. Filters the data to only include FP2030 countries.
#' @param raw_subnatdata The subnational family planning source data from the `mcmsupply::get_subnational_data()` function.
#' @return A dataset with the subnational regions names cleaned for Rwanda, Nigeria and Cote d'Ivoire. Optional to filter for only FP2030 countries.
#' @noRd
clean_subnat_names <- function(fp2030=TRUE, raw_subnatdata) {
if(fp2030==TRUE) {
FP_2030_countries <- c("Afghanistan","Benin","Burkina Faso","Cameroon",
"Congo", "Congo Democratic Republic", "Cote d'Ivoire",
"Ethiopia", "Ghana","Guinea","India","Kenya", "Liberia", "Madagascar",
"Malawi","Mali", "Mozambique", "Myanmar", "Nepal", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Pakistan",
"Philippines", "Rwanda", "Senegal", "Sierra Leone", "Togo", "Tanzania", "Uganda", "Zimbabwe") # Using only FPET countries for now
raw_subnatdata <- raw_subnatdata %>%
dplyr::filter(Country %in% FP_2030_countries)
area_classification <- mcmsupply::Country_and_area_classification %>%
dplyr::select(`Country or area`, Region) %>%
dplyr::rename(Country = `Country or area`) %>%
dplyr::rename(Super_region = Region)
FP_source_data_wide <- raw_subnatdata %>%
FP_source_subset <- FP_source_data_wide %>% # Replace issues with Rwanda names
dplyr::filter(Country=="Rwanda") %>%
dplyr::mutate(Region = dplyr::case_when(Region == "Ouest" ~ "West",
Region == "Sud" ~ "South",
Region == "Est" ~ "East",
Region == "Ville de Kigali" ~ "Kigali",
Region == "Kigali City" ~ "Kigali",
TRUE ~ as.character(Region))) %>%
dplyr::filter(average_year > 2008) # removes old regions
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
merge(FP_source_subset, all = TRUE)
# Replace issues with Nigeria names
FP_source_subset <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::filter(Country=="Nigeria") %>%
dplyr::mutate(Region = dplyr::case_when(Region == "Northeast" ~ "North East",
Region == "Northwest" ~ "North West",
Region == "Southeast" ~ "South East",
Region == "Southwest" ~ "South West",
TRUE ~ as.character(Region)))
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
merge(FP_source_subset, all = TRUE)
# Replace issues with Cameroon names
FP_source_subset <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::filter(Country=="Cote d'Ivoire") %>%
dplyr::mutate(Region = dplyr::case_when(Region == "Center-East" ~ "Center East",
Region == "Center-North" ~ "Center North",
Region == "Center-West" ~ "Center West",
Region == "Center-South" ~ "Center South",
TRUE ~ as.character(Region)))
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::filter(Country!="Cote d'Ivoire")
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
merge(FP_source_subset, all = TRUE)
#' Indexing function for countries used in data.
#' @name country_index_fun
#' @param my_data The data with a Country column you want to index.
#' @param my_countries A vector of country names used in the data
#' @return returns table with countries indexed
#' @noRd
country_index_fun <- function(my_data, my_countries) {
# my_data$index_country <- NA
# for (i in 1:length(my_countries)) {
for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
my_data$index_country[j] <- which(my_countries == my_data$Country[j])
# country_name <- my_countries[i]
# if(my_data$Country[j]==country_name) {
# my_data$index_country[j] <- i
# }
# else {
# next
# }
# }
#' Indexing function for continents used in data.
#' @name continent_index_fun
#' @param my_data The data with a continent column you want to index.
#' @param my_countries A vector of continent names used in the data
#' @return returns table with continents indexed
#' @noRd
continent_index_fun <- function(my_data) {
n_con <- as.character(unique(my_data$continent))
for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
my_data$index_continent[j] <- which(n_con == my_data$continent[j])
# my_data$index_continent <- NA
# for (i in 1:length(n_con)) {
# for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
# con_name <- n_con[i]
# if (my_data$continent[j] == con_name) {
# my_data$index_continent[j] <- i
# } # else {
# # next
# # }
# }
# }
#' Drop NA values
#' @name drop_na
#' @param x A vector of observations with some NA values
#' @return A cleaned vector without the NA observations
#' @source With thanks, taken from
#' @noRd
drop_na <- function(x) {
index <-
x <- x[!index]
#' Flatten correlation matrix
#' @name flat_cor_mat
#' @param cor_r Correlation matrix
#' @return A table with 3 columns containing :
# Column 1 : row names (variable 1 for the correlation test)
# Column 2 : column names (variable 2 for the correlation test)
# Column 3 : the correlation coefficients
#' @noRd
flat_cor_mat <- function(cor_r){
cor_r <- tibble::rownames_to_column(, var = "row")
cor_r <- tidyr::gather(cor_r, column, cor, -1)
cor_r <- cor_r %>% dplyr::distinct(cor, .keep_all = TRUE)
cor_r$cor <- round(cor_r$cor,1)
cor_r <- cor_r %>% dplyr::filter(cor!=1)
#' Get the DHS data used for modelling the proportion of modern contraceptives supplied by the public and private sectors at the national level.
#' @name get_national_data
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE for global runs. Decides if this is a single-country or global run.
#' @param mycountry Default is NULL. The name of country of interest. For the names of potential countries, review vignette.
#' @param fp2030 TRUE/FALSE. Default is TRUE. Filters the data to only include FP2030 countries.
#' @param surveydata_filepath Path to survey data. Default is NULL. Survey data should be a .xlsx with the following format \code{\link{national_FPsource_data}}.
#' @return returns the DHS data set used for inputs into the model
#' @noRd
get_national_data <- function(local=FALSE, mycountry=NULL, fp2030=TRUE, surveydata_filepath=NULL, varcov_array_filepath=NULL) {
message("Using preloaded dataset!")
national_FPsource_data <- mcmsupply::national_FPsource_data # Read in all the data
} else {
message(paste0("Using file from ", surveydata_filepath))
national_FPsource_data <- readxl::read_xlsx(surveydata_filepath) # read in custom data
national_FPsource_format <- mcmsupply::national_FPsource_format # Load format checker
check_format(national_FPsource_format, national_FPsource_data) # Check if user input data is suitable for inclusion
if(fp2030==TRUE) {
FP_2030_countries <- c("Afghanistan","Benin","Burkina Faso","Cameroon",
"Congo", "Congo Democratic Republic", "Cote d'Ivoire",
"Ethiopia", "Ghana","Guinea","India","Kenya", "Liberia", "Madagascar",
"Malawi","Mali", "Mozambique", "Myanmar", "Nepal", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Pakistan",
"Philippines", "Rwanda", "Senegal", "Sierra Leone", "Togo", "Tanzania", "Uganda", "Zimbabwe")
national_FPsource_data <- national_FPsource_data %>% dplyr::filter(Country %in% FP_2030_countries)
# Add subcontinental information
area_classification <- mcmsupply::Country_and_area_classification
area_classification <- area_classification %>%
dplyr::select(`Country or area`, `Region`) %>%
dplyr::rename(Country = `Country or area`,
Super_region = Region)
national_FPsource_data <- national_FPsource_data %>% dplyr::left_join(area_classification)
# Adding missing country world regions
national_FPsource_data <- national_FPsource_data %>%
dplyr::mutate(Super_region = dplyr::case_when(Country=="Bolivia" ~ "South America",
Country=="Kyrgyz Republic" ~ "Central Asia",
Country=="Moldova" ~ "Eastern Europe",
TRUE ~ as.character(Super_region)))
# Filter where the sample size is smaller than 2 people across all three sectors ---------
FP_source_data_wide <- national_FPsource_data %>% # Proportion data
dplyr::filter( %>% # Remove any rows with missing country names
dplyr::rename(Public.SE = se.Public,
Commercial_medical.SE = se.Commercial_medical,
Other.SE = se.Other) %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Super_region, Method, average_year, Commercial_medical, Other, Public, Commercial_medical.SE, Other.SE, Public.SE, Commercial_medical_n, Other_n, Public_n)
# Make sure proportions add to 1 ----------
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(check_total = sum(Commercial_medical, Other, Public, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Super_region, Method, average_year, Commercial_medical, Other, Public, Commercial_medical.SE, Other.SE, Public.SE, Commercial_medical_n, Other_n, Public_n, check_total)
# When check_Total=1, replace missing values with 0 ----------
col_index <- which(colnames(FP_source_data_wide)=="Commercial_medical")-1 # column index before CM column, as CM=1
for (i in 1:nrow(FP_source_data_wide)) {
if(FP_source_data_wide$check_total[i]>0.99) {
na_cols <- which([i, c("Commercial_medical", "Other", "Public")])==TRUE) # NA values
FP_source_data_wide[i, na_cols+col_index] <- as.list(rep(0, length(na_cols)))
# Transform exactly 1 and 0 values away from boundary using lemon-squeezer approach ---------
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::mutate(Commercial_medical = (Commercial_medical*(nrow(FP_source_data_wide)-1)+0.33)/nrow(FP_source_data_wide)) %>% # Y and SE transformation to account for (0,1) limits (total in sector)
dplyr::mutate(Other = (Other*(nrow(FP_source_data_wide)-1)+0.33)/nrow(FP_source_data_wide)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Public = (Public*(nrow(FP_source_data_wide)-1)+0.33)/nrow(FP_source_data_wide)) %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Super_region, Method, average_year, Commercial_medical, Other, Public, Commercial_medical.SE, Other.SE, Public.SE, Other_n, Public_n, Commercial_medical_n, check_total) #, count_NA, remainder)
# Clean SE values --------------
FP_source_data_wide$count_SE.NA <- rowSums( %>% dplyr::select(Public.SE, Commercial_medical.SE, Other.SE))) # count NAs
SE_source_data_wide_norm <- FP_source_data_wide %>% dplyr::filter(count_SE.NA==0 & Commercial_medical.SE>0 & Public.SE>0) # Normal obs. No action needed.
SE_source_data_wide_X <- FP_source_data_wide %>% dplyr::filter(Commercial_medical.SE==0 | Public.SE==0) # Get obs with two missing sectors
# Using binomial distribution approximation to estimate variance
SE_source_data_wide_X <- SE_source_data_wide_X %>%
dplyr::filter(Public_n>=20 | Commercial_medical_n >=20 | Other_n >=20) # Remove small sample sizes (DHS has 10 units sampled per cluster as min., 20 as average)
col_index <- which(colnames(SE_source_data_wide_X)=="Commercial_medical.SE")-1 # column index before CM column, as CM=1
if(nrow(SE_source_data_wide_X)>0) {
# Add in DEFT data to calculate variance
SE_source_data_wide_X <- SE_source_data_wide_X %>% dplyr::left_join(mcmsupply::DEFT_DHS_database)
# For an explanation fo this approach see:
for(i in 1:nrow(SE_source_data_wide_X)) {
num.SE0 <- which(SE_source_data_wide_X[i,c("Commercial_medical.SE","Other.SE","Public.SE")]<0.0001)
num.SEna <- which([i,c("Commercial_medical.SE","Other.SE","Public.SE")])==TRUE)
DEFT <- ifelse($DEFT[i])==TRUE, 1.5, SE_source_data_wide_X$DEFT[i])
N1 <- sum(SE_source_data_wide_X[i, c('Other_n', 'Public_n', 'Commercial_medical_n')], na.rm=TRUE) # Number of women surveyed
phat <- 0.5/(N1+1) # Posterior mean of p under Jefferys prior for true prevalence of 0s.
SE.hat <- sqrt((phat*(1-phat))/N1) # approximation of standard error. See DHS Sampling Manual, section '1.6.1 Sample size and sampling errors' for more details.
SE_source_data_wide_X[i,c(col_index+num.SEna,col_index+num.SE0)] <- SE.hat*DEFT
FP_source_data_wide <- dplyr::bind_rows(SE_source_data_wide_norm, SE_source_data_wide_X) # Put data back together again
# Remove proportions with two sectors still missing
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::filter( & | & | &
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>% dplyr::arrange(Country, Super_region, Method, average_year)
# Match standard methods naming
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = dplyr::case_when(Method =="Female sterilization" ~ "Female Sterilization",
Method=="Pill" ~ "OC Pills",
TRUE ~ as.character(Method)))
# Apply row-ids for pulling out covariance matrices
FP_source_data_wide$row_id <- c(1:nrow(FP_source_data_wide))
method_order <- c("Female sterilization", "Implants", "Injectables", "IUD", "Pill" ) # As per the method correlation matrix
n_method <- c("Female Sterilization","Implants", "Injectables", "IUD","OC Pills")
if(is.null(surveydata_filepath)==TRUE) { # Set up for using stored variance-covariance if no custom data is supplied
row_order <- mcmsupply::national_varcov_order_bivarlogitnormal # Order of variance covariance matrices arrays
row_order <- row_order %>% dplyr::left_join(area_classification) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Super_region = dplyr::case_when(Country=="Bolivia" ~ "South America",
Country=="Kyrgyz Republic" ~ "Central Asia",
Country=="Moldova" ~ "Eastern Europe",
TRUE ~ as.character(Super_region)))
if(local==TRUE & is.null(mycountry)==FALSE) { # Subset data for country of interest ---------------------------
message(paste0("Getting data for ",mycountry))
row_order <- row_order %>% dplyr::filter(Country==mycountry)
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>% dplyr::filter(Country==mycountry) %>% dplyr::arrange(Country, Super_region, Method, average_year)
FP_source_data_wide <- dplyr::left_join(row_order, FP_source_data_wide)
#' Combines the data sources to create one JAGS input list
#' @name get_national_JAGSinput_list
#' @param pkg_data The data list from the 'mcmsupply::get_national_modelinputs' function.
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE for global runs. Decides if this is a single-country or global run.
#' @param mycountry The name of country of interest. Default is NULL. For the names of potential countries, review vigentte.
#' @return returns a list ready for input into the JAGS model
#' @noRd
get_national_JAGSinput_list <- function(pkg_data, local= FALSE, mycountry=NULL) {
if(local==TRUE & is.null(mycountry)==FALSE) {
local_parms <- get_national_local_parameters(mycountry=mycountry, custom=pkg_data$custom) # Get parameters for local informative priors for national data
if(pkg_data$custom==FALSE) { # use stored varcov matrix
jags_data <- list(y = pkg_data$data[,c("logit.Public", "logit.CM")], # create JAGS list
Sigma_y = local_parms$Sigma_y,
alphahat_region = local_parms$alphahat_region,
tau_alphahat_cms = local_parms$tau_alphahat_cms,
inv.sigma_delta = local_parms$natRmat,
kstar = pkg_data$kstar,
B.ik = pkg_data$B.ik,
n_years = pkg_data$n_years,
n_obs = pkg_data$n_obs,
K = pkg_data$K,
H = pkg_data$H,
M_count = pkg_data$M_count,
matchmethod = pkg_data$matchmethod,
matchyears = pkg_data$matchyears)
} else { # use custom supplied varcov matrix
jags_data <- list(y = pkg_data$data[,c("logit.Public", "logit.CM")], # create JAGS list
Sigma_y = pkg_data$Sigma_y,
alphahat_region = local_parms$alphahat_region,
tau_alphahat_cms = local_parms$tau_alphahat_cms,
inv.sigma_delta = local_parms$natRmat,
kstar = pkg_data$kstar,
B.ik = pkg_data$B.ik,
n_years = pkg_data$n_years,
n_obs = pkg_data$n_obs,
K = pkg_data$K,
H = pkg_data$H,
M_count = pkg_data$M_count,
matchmethod = pkg_data$matchmethod,
matchyears = pkg_data$matchyears)
} else {
estimated_rho_matrix <- mcmsupply::national_estimated_correlations_bivarlogitnormal %>% # Get global correlations for national data
dplyr::select(row, column, public_cor, private_cor)
my_SE_rho_matrix <- estimated_rho_matrix %>%
dplyr::select(public_cor, private_cor)
jags_data <- list(y = pkg_data$data[,c("logit.Public", "logit.CM")], # create JAGS list
Sigma_y = pkg_data$Sigma_y, # supply bivariate covariances
rho = my_SE_rho_matrix, # cross-method correlations
kstar = pkg_data$kstar,
B.ik = pkg_data$B.ik,
n_years = pkg_data$n_years,
n_obs = pkg_data$n_obs,
K = pkg_data$K,
H = pkg_data$H,
C_count = pkg_data$C_count,
R_count = pkg_data$R_count,
M_count = pkg_data$M_count,
matchcountry = pkg_data$matchcountry,
matchregion = pkg_data$matchsuperregion,
matchmethod = pkg_data$matchmethod,
matchyears = pkg_data$matchyears
#' Get the country-specific median and precision terms for the alpha intercept in local national-level model runs.
#' @name get_national_local_parameters
#' @param mycountry The name of country of interest. Default is NULL. For the names of potential countries, review vignette.
#' @param fp2030 Default to be TRUE. The country of interest is named as one of the Family Planning 2030 focus countries discussed in the Comiskey et al. paper.
#' @return A list of local parameters to be used to inform the intercept parameter alpha and the global variance-covariance matrix used in 'singlecountry_national_bivarlogitnormal_model.jags' file.
#' @noRd
get_national_local_parameters <- function(mycountry=NULL, custom=FALSE, fp2030=TRUE) {
# Read in national alpha estimates ---------------------------------
median_alpha_region_intercepts <- mcmsupply::national_theta_rms_hat_bivarlogitnorm # read in regional-level (alpha_rms) median estimates
precision_alpha_country_intercepts <- mcmsupply::national_tau_alpha_cms_hat_bivarlogitnorm # read in country-level (alpha_cms) precision estimates
Bspline_sigma_matrix_median <- mcmsupply::national_inv_sigma_delta_hat_bivarlogitnorm # read in national level correlations
mydata <- get_national_data(fp2030=fp2030) # Read complete data set in without filtering for any country
# Match regional intercepts to country names ------------------------
region_country_match <- mydata %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Super_region, row_id) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::filter(Country==mycountry) # List of matching countries to super-regions
# allregions <- unique(mydata$Super_region)[which($Super_region))==FALSE)] # Remove any NAs
# mydata <- superregion_index_fun(mydata, allregions)
region_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Super_region = unique(mydata$Super_region), index_superregion = unique(mydata$index_superregion))
dimnames(median_alpha_region_intercepts)[[3]] <- as.list(unlist(region_index_table$Super_region)) # Apply region names to parameter estimates
myalpha_med <- median_alpha_region_intercepts[,,unique(region_country_match$Super_region)] # Take out relevant region
if(custom==FALSE) { # Use stored country-specific covariance matrix
mySigma_y <- mcmsupply::national_FPsource_VARCOV_bivarlogitnormal[,,region_country_match$row_id]
return(list(alphahat_region = myalpha_med,
tau_alphahat_cms = precision_alpha_country_intercepts,
natRmat = Bspline_sigma_matrix_median,
Sigma_y = mySigma_y))
} else {
return(list(alphahat_region = myalpha_med,
tau_alphahat_cms = precision_alpha_country_intercepts,
natRmat = Bspline_sigma_matrix_median))
#' Get JAGS model inputs
#' @name get_national_modelinputs
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE. When local=FALSE retrieves the data for all countries. local=TRUE retrieves data for only one country.
#' @param mycountry The country name of interest in a local run. You must have local=TRUE for this functionality. A list of possible countries available found in data/mycountries.rda.
#' @param startyear The year you wish to begin your predictions from. Default is 1990.
#' @param endyear The year you wish to finish your predictions. Default is 2030.5.
#' @param nsegments The number of knots you wish to use in your basis functions. Default is 12.
#' @param raw_data The national family planning source data from the 'get_national_data' function.
#' @param varcov_array_filepath Path to calculated variance-covariance array associated with the custom supplied FP source data. Default is NULL. Covariance data should be a .RDS file.
#' @return A list of modelling inputs for the JAGS model.
#' 1. Tstar is the year index for the most recent survey in each province.
#' 2. Kstar is the knot index that aligns with Tstar.
#' 3. B.ik are the basis functions.
#' 4. n_years are total number of years
#' 5. n_obs are the total number of observations
#' 6. K are the number of knots.
#' 7. H is K-1. Used in the calculation of first order differences of spline coefficients.
#' 8. M_count is the number of modern contraceptive methods.
#' 9. matchcountry is the country indexing to match the observed data to the predictions.
#' 10. matchmethod is the method indexing to match the observed data to the predictions.
#' 11. matchyears is the year indexing to match the observed data to the predictions.
#' @noRd
get_national_modelinputs <- function(local=FALSE, mycountry=NULL, startyear=1990, endyear=2030.5, nsegments=12, raw_data, varcov_array_filepath){
clean_FPsource <- standard_method_names(raw_data) # Standardizing method names
n_method <- c("Female Sterilization", "Implants", "Injectables", "IUD", "OC Pills" ) # As per the method correlation matrix
n_country <- unique(clean_FPsource$Country)
n_superregion <- unique(clean_FPsource$Super_region)
clean_FPsource <- country_index_fun(clean_FPsource, n_country)
clean_FPsource <- method_index_fun(clean_FPsource, n_method)
clean_FPsource <- superregion_index_fun(clean_FPsource, n_superregion)
all_years <- seq(from = startyear, to = endyear, by=0.5) # 6-monthly increments
n_all_years <- length(all_years)
clean_FPsource <- clean_FPsource %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_year = match(average_year,all_years)) # Time indexing - important for splines
T_star <- clean_FPsource %>%
dplyr::group_by(Country) %>%
dplyr::filter(index_year==max(index_year)) %>%
dplyr::select(Country, index_country, average_year, index_year) %>%
dplyr::arrange(index_country) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(index_country, index_year, average_year) %>%
nseg=nsegments # Default is 12
Kstar <- vector()
B.ik <- array(dim = c(length(n_country), length(all_years),nseg+3))
knots.all <- matrix(nrow = length(n_country), ncol=nseg+3)
for(i in 1:nrow(T_star)) {
index_mc <- T_star$average_year[i]
res <- bs_bbase_precise(all_years, lastobs=index_mc, nseg = nseg)
B.ik[i,,] <- res$B.ik
Kstar[i] <- res$Kstar
knots.all[i,] <- res$knots.k
K <- dim(res$B.ik)[2]
H <- K-1
if(local==TRUE) {
B.ik <- B.ik[1,,] # change array to matrix for one country
t_seq_2 <- floor(clean_FPsource$index_year) # Time sequence for countries
country_seq <- clean_FPsource$Country
n_country <- as.character(unique(country_seq))
n_sector <- c("Public", "Commercial_medical", "Other") # Names of categories
n_obs <- nrow(clean_FPsource) # Total number of observations
year_seq <- seq(min(t_seq_2),max(t_seq_2), by=1)
n_years <- length(year_seq) # number of years
# Find the indexes of observations that match to the predicted responses
match_country <- clean_FPsource$index_country
match_years <- clean_FPsource$index_year
match_method <- clean_FPsource$index_method
region_country <- clean_FPsource %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Super_region, index_country, index_superregion) %>%
match_superregion <- region_country$index_superregion
# Get logit transformed data
clean_FPsource <- clean_FPsource %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(logit.Public = log(Public/(1-Public)),
logit.CM = log(Commercial_medical/(1-Commercial_medical))
if(is.null(varcov_array_filepath)==FALSE) {
custom <- TRUE
logit.varcov_array <- readRDS(varcov_array_filepath) # read in custom variance-covariance array data
} else {
custom <- FALSE
# Get bivariate covariance matrices
logit.varcov_array <- mcmsupply::national_FPsource_VARCOV_bivarlogitnormal
return(list(data = clean_FPsource,
Sigma_y = logit.varcov_array,
tstar = T_star$index_year,
kstar = Kstar,
B.ik = B.ik,
n_years = n_all_years,
n_obs = n_obs,
K = K,
H = H,
C_count = length(n_country),
M_count = length(n_method),
R_count = length(n_superregion),
n_method = n_method, # As per the method correlation matrix
n_country = n_country,
n_super_region = n_superregion,
all_years = all_years,
matchsuperregion = match_superregion,
matchcountry = match_country,
matchmethod = match_method,
matchyears = match_years,
#' Get median and 95% credible interval for posterior samples of P from national JAGS model
#' @name get_national_P_median_quantiles
#' @param country_index_table Dataframe with country indexing applied. Used to match estimates to data.
#' @param method_index_table Dataframe with method indexing applied. Used to match estimates to data.
#' @param sector_index_table Dataframe with sector indexing applied. Used to match estimates to data.
#' @param year_index_table Dataframe with time indexing applied. Used to match estimates to data.
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE. local=FALSE retrieves the data for all countries. local=TRUE retrieves data for only one country.
#' @param my_model JAGS model
#' @return Dataframe of labelled posterior samples with median and 95% credible intervals estimates.
#' @noRd
get_national_P_median_quantiles <- function(country_index_table, method_index_table, sector_index_table, year_index_table, my_model, local=FALSE) { # Median alpha values
years <- unique(year_index_table$floored_year)
n_years <- years %>% length() # important when using 6-monthly description
n_all_years <- nrow(year_index_table)
if(local==FALSE) {
P_samp <- my_model$BUGSoutput$sims.list$P
P_dims <- dim(P_samp)
P_s_med <- array(dim=c(P_dims[4],n_years,P_dims[3],P_dims[2])) # 30x5 matrix for CountryxMethod then 5 into an array for each sector
# Create a table for storing individual true country public data
for(k in 1:n_years) { # time loop
year <- years[k]
time_index <- year_index_table %>% # match index years to pooled years (pool 6 monthly estimates)
dplyr::filter(floored_year == year) %>%
dplyr::select(index_year) %>%
unlist() %>%
for(j in 1:P_dims[4]) { # country
for (r in 1:P_dims[3]) { # method
for (i in 1:P_dims[2]) { # sector
P_s_med[j,k,r,i] <- stats::median(P_samp[,i,r,j,time_index])
P_s_med <- plyr::adply(P_s_med, c(1,2,3,4))
colnames(P_s_med) <- c("index_country", "index_year", "index_method", "index_sector", "median_p")
P_s_med <- P_s_med %>%
index_country = as.numeric(index_country),
index_method = as.numeric(index_method),
index_sector = as.numeric(index_sector),
index_year = as.numeric(index_year)
upper80_P_s_med <- lower80_P_s_med <- upper95_P_s_med <- lower95_P_s_med <- array(dim=c(P_dims[4],n_years,P_dims[3],P_dims[2])) # 30x5 matrix for CountryxMethod then 5 into an array for each sector
# Create a table for storing individual true country public data
for(t in 1:n_years) { # time loop
year <- years[t]
time_index <- year_index_table %>% # match index years to pooled years (pool 6 monthly estimates)
dplyr::filter(floored_year == year) %>%
dplyr::select(index_year) %>%
unlist() %>%
for(j in 1:P_dims[4]) {
for (r in 1:P_dims[3]) { # Create a table for storing individual true country public data
for (i in 1:P_dims[2]) {
upper95_P_s_med[j,t,r,i] <- stats::quantile(P_samp[,i,r,j,time_index], probs = 0.975, na.rm=TRUE) # upper quantile using the whole year
upper80_P_s_med[j,t,r,i] <- stats::quantile(P_samp[,i,r,j,time_index], probs = 0.9, na.rm=TRUE) # upper quantile using the whole year
upper95_P_s_med <- plyr::adply(upper95_P_s_med, c(1,2,3,4))
colnames(upper95_P_s_med) <- c("index_country", "index_year", "index_method", "index_sector", "upper_95")
upper80_P_s_med <- plyr::adply(upper80_P_s_med, c(1,2,3,4))
colnames(upper80_P_s_med) <- c("index_country", "index_year", "index_method", "index_sector", "upper_80")
for(t in 1:n_years) { # time loop
year <- years[t]
time_index <- year_index_table %>% # match index years to pooled years (pool 6 monthly estimates)
dplyr::filter(floored_year == year) %>%
dplyr::select(index_year) %>%
unlist() %>%
for(j in 1:P_dims[4]) { # country loop
for (r in 1:P_dims[3]) { # method loop
for (i in 1:P_dims[2]) { # sector loop
lower95_P_s_med[j,t,r,i] <- stats::quantile(P_samp[,i,r,j,time_index], probs = 0.025) # lower quantile using the whole year
lower80_P_s_med[j,t,r,i] <- stats::quantile(P_samp[,i,r,j,time_index], probs = 0.1) # lower quantile using the whole year
lower95_P_s_med <- plyr::adply(lower95_P_s_med, c(1,2,3,4)) # changes shape of array to matrix
colnames(lower95_P_s_med) <- c("index_country", "index_year", "index_method", "index_sector", "lower_95")
lower80_P_s_med <- plyr::adply(lower80_P_s_med, c(1,2,3,4)) # changes shape of array to matrix
colnames(lower80_P_s_med) <- c("index_country", "index_year", "index_method", "index_sector", "lower_80")
P_s_Q <- merge(lower80_P_s_med, upper80_P_s_med)
P_s_Q <- merge(P_s_Q,lower95_P_s_med)
P_s_Q <- merge(P_s_Q,upper95_P_s_med)
P_s_Q <- P_s_Q %>%
index_country = as.numeric(index_country),
index_method = as.numeric(index_method),
index_sector = as.numeric(index_sector),
index_year = as.numeric(index_year)
P_s_med <- P_s_med %>%
# Match mid-year indexing to model posterior samples
whole_years <- year_index_table %>%
dplyr::select(floored_year) %>%
unlist() %>%
as.vector() %>%
time_tb <- tibble::tibble(index_year = 1: length(whole_years), average_year = whole_years + 0.5)
P_s_med <- P_s_med %>%
dplyr::left_join(country_index_table) %>% # match strings to numeric indexing
dplyr::left_join(time_tb) %>%
dplyr::left_join(method_index_table) %>%
dplyr::left_join(sector_index_table) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Country, Method, Sector, average_year) %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Method, Sector, average_year, median_p, lower_80, upper_80, lower_95, upper_95) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::filter(average_year > floor(average_year)) # only take the mid-years
} else {
mycountry <- unique(country_index_table$Country)
m <- my_model$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix # create an object containing the posterior samples
sample_draws <- tidybayes::tidy_draws(m) ## format data for plotting results
n_iter <- nrow(sample_draws)
P_start <- "P[1,1,1]"
P_end <- paste0("P[",nrow(sector_index_table),",",nrow(method_index_table),",",nrow(year_index_table),"]")
col1 <- which(colnames(sample_draws)==P_start)
col2 <- which(colnames(sample_draws)==P_end)
tnp_samp <- sample_draws[,c(col1:col2)]
P_s_med <- tnp_samp %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = dplyr::everything(),
names_to = "params",
values_to = "mu_pred"
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_sector = as.numeric(substr(params, nrow(sector_index_table),nrow(sector_index_table)))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_method = as.numeric(substr(params, nrow(method_index_table),nrow(method_index_table)))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_year = rep(rep(1:n_all_years, each = nrow(sector_index_table)*nrow(method_index_table)), n_iter)) %>%
dplyr::left_join(year_index_table) %>%
dplyr::left_join(method_index_table) %>%
dplyr::left_join(sector_index_table) %>%
dplyr::select(mu_pred, average_year, Method, Sector) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Method, Sector, average_year) %>%
dplyr::mutate(median_p = stats::median(mu_pred),
lower_80 = stats::quantile(mu_pred, prob = 0.01),
upper_80 = stats::quantile(mu_pred, prob = 0.9),
lower_95 = stats::quantile(mu_pred, prob = 0.025),
upper_95 = stats::quantile(mu_pred, prob = 0.975))%>%
dplyr::mutate(Country = mycountry) %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Method, Sector, average_year, median_p, lower_80, upper_80, lower_95, upper_95) %>%
#' Get the r and z ratio point estimates from the separate chains of the JAGS model runs
#' R and Z are the intermediate parameters that are used to estimates the final proportions. See the model file for context.
#' @name get_national_P_point_estimates
#' @param pkg_data Output of the `mcmsupply::get_subnational_modelinputs()` function.
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE. local=FALSE retrieves the data for all subnational provinces across all countries. local=TRUE retrieves data for only one country.
#' @param mycountry The country name of interest in a local run. You must have local=TRUE for this functionality. A list of possible countries available found in data/mycountries.rda.
#' @return returns the point estimates for the jags model object
#' @noRd
get_national_P_point_estimates <- function(pkg_data, local=FALSE, mycountry=NULL) {
if(local==FALSE) {
f <- file.path(tempdir(), "mod_global_national_results.RDS")
mymod <- readRDS(f)
} else {
f <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("mod_",mycountry,"_national_results.RDS"))
mymod <- readRDS(f)
# Get model inputs for cross matching to estimates
n_country <- pkg_data$n_country
n_method <- pkg_data$n_method
n_sector <- c("Public", "Commercial_medical", "Other")
n_all_years <- pkg_data$n_years
mydata <- pkg_data$data
all_years <- pkg_data$all_years
K <- pkg_data$K
B.ik <- pkg_data$B.ik
# Creating index tables for reference ------------------------------------------------------------
country_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Country = n_country, index_country = unique(mydata$index_country))
method_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Method = n_method, index_method = 1:5)
sector_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Sector = n_sector, index_sector = 1:3)
year_index_table <- tibble::tibble(average_year = all_years,
index_year = 1:n_all_years,
floored_year = floor(all_years))
P_point_estimates <- get_national_P_median_quantiles(country_index_table, method_index_table, sector_index_table, year_index_table, my_model= mymod, local=local)
if(is.null(mycountry)==TRUE) {
f <- file.path(tempdir(), "P_point_national_estimates.RDS")
saveRDS(P_point_estimates, f)
} else {
f <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(mycountry,"_P_point_national_estimates.RDS"))
saveRDS(P_point_estimates, f)
#' Wrapper function to run the jags model for estimating the proportion of modern contraceptive methods supplied by the public & private Sectors using a Bayesian hierarchical penalized spline model for the national and subnational administration levels
#' @name get_point_estimates
#' @param jagsdata Output of the `mcmsupply::get_modelinputs()` function.
#' @param n_chain Default is 2. Number of chains to run in your MCMC sample.
#' @param ... Arguments from the `mcmsupply::get_modelinputs()` function.
#' @return returns the point estimates (median, 80% and 95% credible intervals) from the JAGS output
#' @noRd
get_point_estimates <- function(jagsdata, n_chain, ...) {
args <- jagsdata$args
national <- args$national
if(national==TRUE) {
p <- get_national_P_point_estimates(pkg_data = jagsdata$modelinputs, local=args$local, mycountry=args$mycountry)
} else {
p <- get_subnational_P_point_estimates(pkg_data = jagsdata$modelinputs, local=args$local, mycountry=args$mycountry, n_chain=n_chain)
message("Results complete!")
#' Get subnational family planning source data
#' @name get_subnational_data
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE. local=FALSE retrieves the data for all subnational provinces across all countries. local=TRUE retrieves data for only one country.
#' @param mycountry The country name of interest in a local run. You must have local=TRUE for this functionality. A list of possible countries available found in data/mycountries.rda.
#' @param fp2030 Default is TRUE. Filter raw data to only include the Family Planning 2030 focus countries discussed in the Comiskey et al. paper.
#' @param surveydata_filepath Path to survey data. Default is NULL. Survey data should be a .xlsx with the following format \code{\link{subnat_FPsource_data}}.
#' @return The input data for your country of interest, used as an input to the mcmsupply model
#' @noRd
get_subnational_data <- function(local=FALSE, mycountry=NULL, fp2030=TRUE, surveydata_filepath=NULL) {
message("Using preloaded dataset!")
subnat_FPsource_data <- mcmsupply::subnat_FPsource_data # Read subnational in SE data
} else {
subnat_FPsource_data <- readxl::read_xlsx(surveydata_filepath)
subnat_FPsource_format <- mcmsupply::subnat_FPsource_format
check_format(subnat_FPsource_format, subnat_FPsource_data) # Check if user input data is suitable for inclusion
subnatSE_source_data <- subnat_FPsource_data %>%
FP_source_data_wide <- subnat_FPsource_data %>% # Proportion data
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Region, Method, average_year, sector_categories, proportion, SE.proportion, n) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = sector_categories, values_from = c(proportion,SE.proportion,n)) %>% # separate data into columns for each sector
dplyr::rename(Commercial_medical = proportion_Commercial_medical,
Public = proportion_Public,
Other = proportion_Other,
Public.SE = SE.proportion_Public,
Commercial_medical.SE = SE.proportion_Commercial_medical,
Other.SE = SE.proportion_Other) %>%
dplyr::arrange(Country) %>%
dplyr::filter(n_Commercial_medical>=10 | n_Public>=10 | n_Other>=10)
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(check_total = sum(Commercial_medical, Other, Public, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% # make sure proportions add to 1
dplyr::select(Country, Region, Method, average_year, Commercial_medical, Other, Public, Commercial_medical.SE, Other.SE, Public.SE, n_Commercial_medical, n_Other, n_Public, check_total)
# When check_Total=1, replace missing values with 0
for (i in 1:nrow(FP_source_data_wide)) {
if(FP_source_data_wide$check_total[i]>0.99) {
na_cols <- which([i, c("Commercial_medical", "Other", "Public")])==TRUE) # NA values
if(length(na_cols)>0) {
FP_source_data_wide[i, na_cols+4] <- as.list(rep(0, length(na_cols)))
# Transform exactly 1 and 0 values away from boundary using lemon-squeezer approach
FP_source_data_wide <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::mutate(Commercial_medical = (Commercial_medical*(nrow(FP_source_data_wide)-1)+0.33)/nrow(FP_source_data_wide)) %>% # Y and SE transformation to account for (0,1) limits (total in sector)
dplyr::mutate(Other = (Other*(nrow(FP_source_data_wide)-1)+0.33)/nrow(FP_source_data_wide)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Public = (Public*(nrow(FP_source_data_wide)-1)+0.33)/nrow(FP_source_data_wide)) %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Region, Method, average_year, Commercial_medical, Other, Public, Commercial_medical.SE, Other.SE, Public.SE, n_Other, n_Public, n_Commercial_medical, check_total) #, count_NA, remainder)
# Address issues with SE values
FP_source_data_wide$count_SE.NA <- rowSums( %>% dplyr::select(Public.SE, Commercial_medical.SE, Other.SE))) # count NAs
SE_source_data_wide_norm <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::filter(count_SE.NA==0 & Commercial_medical.SE>0 & Public.SE>0) # Normal observations: No action needed.
SE_source_data_wide_X <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::filter(Commercial_medical.SE==0 | Public.SE==0) # Issue observations: Two missing sectors. Action required.
# Replacing SE=0 and no NAs: Replacing with DHS manual estimate for SE.
SE_source_data_wide_X <- SE_source_data_wide_X %>%
dplyr::filter(n_Public>=20 | n_Commercial_medical >=20 | n_Other >=20) # Remove small sample sizes (DHS has 10 units sampled per cluster as min., 20 as average)
if(nrow(SE_source_data_wide_X) > 0) {
SE_source_data_wide_X <- SE_source_data_wide_X %>% dplyr::left_join(mcmsupply::DEFT_DHS_database) # Join DHS design effect database
for(i in 1:nrow(SE_source_data_wide_X)) {
num.SE0 <- which(SE_source_data_wide_X[i,c("Commercial_medical.SE","Other.SE","Public.SE")]==0)
numSEnon0 <- which(SE_source_data_wide_X[i,c("Commercial_medical.SE","Other.SE","Public.SE")]!=0)
if(length(num.SE0)==1) {
mean.SE <- mean(as.vector(unlist(SE_source_data_wide_X[i,7+numSEnon0]))) # Noticed that other two columns have identical SE. Assign SE to third column.
SE_source_data_wide_X[i,7+num.SE0] <- mean.SE
} else {
DEFT <- ifelse($DEFT[i])==TRUE, 1.5, SE_source_data_wide_X$DEFT[i])
N1 <- length(which(SE_source_data_wide_X$Public>0.99)) + length(which(SE_source_data_wide_X$Commercial_medical>0.99)) # Number of obs=1
phat <- (N1 + 1/2)/(nrow(FP_source_data_wide)+1)
SE.hat <- sqrt((phat*(1-phat))/(N1+1))
SE_source_data_wide_X[i,7+num.SE0] <- SE.hat*DEFT
FP_source_data_wide <- dplyr::bind_rows(SE_source_data_wide_norm, SE_source_data_wide_X) # Put data back together again
# Remove proportions with two sectors still missing
mydata <- FP_source_data_wide %>%
dplyr::filter( & | & | &
# Get single country data
if(local==TRUE & is.null(mycountry)==FALSE & is.null(surveydata_filepath)==TRUE) {
message(paste0("Getting data for ",mycountry))
mydata <- mydata %>% dplyr::filter(Country==mycountry)
mydata <- mydata %>%
droplevels() # remove factor levels of other countries
mydata <- clean_subnat_names(fp2030=fp2030, mydata) # Clean subnational region names for Rwanda, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire
mydata <- mydata %>% dplyr::arrange(Country, Region, Method, average_year)
#' Get posterior samples of commercial medical sector from r and z variables of JAGS model
#' @name get_subnational_global_P_CM
#' @return Saved samples for commercial medical supply shares.
#' @noRd
get_subnational_global_P_CM <- function() {
fpub <- file.path(tempdir(), "P_Public.RDS")
P_public <- readRDS(fpub) ## Estimating all the Categories here (including total private)
fr <- file.path(tempdir(), "rsamps.RDS")
r <- readRDS(fr)
P_CM <- (1/(1+exp(-(r))))*(1-P_public)
fCM <- file.path(tempdir(), "P_CM.RDS")
saveRDS(P_CM, fCM)
return(P_CM = P_CM)
#' Get median, 95% and 80% credible intervals for posterior samples of P from JAGS model
#' @name get_subnational_global_P_estimates
#' @param P_samp Output of the `mcmsupply::get_subnational_global_P_samps()` function.
#' @param subnat_index_table Dataframe with subnational district indexing applied. Used to match estimates to data.
#' @param method_index_table Dataframe with method indexing applied. Used to match estimates to data.
#' @param sector_type String. Name of sector you are interested in. One of either ("Public", "Commercial medical", "Other")
#' @param year_index_table Dataframe with time indexing applied. Used to match estimates to data.
#' @return Dataframe of labelled posterior samples with median, 95% and 80% credible intervals estimates.
#' @noRd
get_subnational_global_P_estimates <- function(P_samp, subnat_index_table, method_index_table, sector_type, year_index_table) { # Median alpha values
f <- file.path(tempdir(), P_samp)
P_samps <- readRDS(f) #system.file(main_path, P_samp, package = "mcmsupply")
time_index <- year_index_table %>% # match index years to pooled years (pool 6 monthly estimates)
dplyr::filter(average_year>floored_year) %>%
dplyr::select(index_year) %>%
unlist() %>%
averageyear_index_table <- year_index_table %>%
dplyr::filter(average_year>floored_year) %>%
dplyr::select(average_year, index_year) %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_year = 1:dplyr::n())
P_dims <- dim(P_samps)
#### P median
P_s_med <- array(dim=c(length(time_index),P_dims[2],P_dims[3])) # method, year, subnat
# Create a table for storing individual true country public data
for(k in 1:length(time_index)) { # time loop
for(s in 1:P_dims[3]) { # subnat
for (m in 1:P_dims[2]) { # method
P_s_med[k,m,s] <- stats::median(P_samps[,m,s,time_index[k]])
P_s_med <- plyr::adply(P_s_med, c(1,2,3))
colnames(P_s_med) <- c("index_year", "index_method", "index_subnat", "median_p")
P_s_med <- P_s_med %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_year = as.numeric(index_year)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_method = as.numeric(index_method)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_subnat = as.numeric(index_subnat)) %>%
dplyr::left_join(subnat_index_table) %>%
dplyr::left_join(method_index_table) %>%
dplyr::left_join(averageyear_index_table) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Sector = sector_type)
#### P median
P_s_quant <- array(dim=c(length(time_index),P_dims[2],P_dims[3],4)) # method, year, subnat, quantile(95, 80)
# Create a table for storing individual true country public data
for(k in 1:length(time_index)) { # time loop
for(s in 1:P_dims[3]) { # subnat
for (m in 1:P_dims[2]) { # method
P_s_quant[k,m,s,1:2] <- as.vector(unlist(stats::quantile(P_samps[,m,s,time_index[k]], prob=c(0.025, 0.975))))
P_s_quant[k,m,s,3:4] <- as.vector(unlist(stats::quantile(P_samps[,m,s,time_index[k]], prob=c(0.1, 0.9))))
P_s_quant <- plyr::adply(P_s_quant, c(1,2,3))
colnames(P_s_quant) <- c("index_year", "index_method", "index_subnat", "lower_95", "upper_95", "lower_80", "upper_80")
P_s_quant <- P_s_quant %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_year = as.numeric(index_year)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_method = as.numeric(index_method)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_subnat = as.numeric(index_subnat)) %>%
dplyr::left_join(subnat_index_table) %>%
dplyr::left_join(method_index_table) %>%
dplyr::left_join(averageyear_index_table) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Sector = sector_type)
P_med_quantile <- dplyr::left_join(P_s_med, P_s_quant)
#' Get posterior samples of other sector from r and z variables of JAGS model
#' @name get_subnational_global_P_other
#' @return Saved samples for other supply shares.
#' @noRd
get_subnational_global_P_other <- function() {
fpub <- file.path(tempdir(), "P_Public.RDS") # create pathway
P_public <- readRDS(fpub)
fCM <- file.path(tempdir(), "P_CM.RDS")
P_CM <- readRDS(fCM)
P_other <- (1-P_public) - P_CM
fOther<- file.path(tempdir(), "P_Other.RDS")
saveRDS(P_other, fOther)
return(P_other = P_other)
#' Get posterior samples of public sector from r and z variables of JAGS model
#' @name get_subnational_global_P_public
#' @return Saved samples for public supply shares.
#' @noRd
get_subnational_global_P_public <- function() {
fz <- file.path(tempdir(), "zsamps.RDS")
z <- readRDS(fz)
P_public <- 1/(1+exp(-(z)))
fpub <- file.path(tempdir(), "P_Public.RDS") # create pathway
saveRDS(P_public, fpub) ## Estimating all the Categories here (including total private)
return(P_public = P_public)
#' Get posterior samples of P from r and z variables of JAGS model
#' @name get_subnational_global_P_samps
#' @return Saved samples for public, commercial medical and other supply shares.
#' @noRd
get_subnational_global_P_samps <- function() {
P_public <- get_subnational_global_P_public()
P_CM <- get_subnational_global_P_CM()
P_other <- get_subnational_global_P_other()
return(list(P_public = P_public,
P_CM = P_CM,
P_other = P_other))
#' Combines the data sources to create one JAGS input list
#' @name get_subnational_JAGSinput_list
#' @param pkg_data The data list from the 'mcmsupply::get_subnational_modelinputs' function.
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE for global runs. Decides if this is a single-country or global run.
#' @param mycountry The name of country of interest. Default is NULL. For the names of potential countries, review vignette.
#' @return returns a list ready for input into the JAGS model
#' @noRd
get_subnational_JAGSinput_list <- function(pkg_data, local= FALSE, mycountry=NULL) {
if(local==TRUE & is.null(mycountry)==FALSE) {
local_params <- get_subnational_local_parameters(mycountry = mycountry) # local informative prior parameters
jags_data <- list(y = pkg_data$data[,c("logit.Public", "logit.CM")], # create JAGS list
se_prop = pkg_data$data[,c("logit.Public.SE", "logit.CM.SE")],
alpha_cms_hat = local_params$alpha_cms,
tau_alpha_pms_hat = local_params$tau_alphapms,
inv.sigma_delta = local_params$inv.sigma_delta,
kstar = pkg_data$kstar,
B.ik = pkg_data$B.ik,
n_years = pkg_data$n_years,
n_obs = pkg_data$n_obs,
K = pkg_data$K,
H = pkg_data$H,
P_count = pkg_data$P_count,
M_count = pkg_data$M_count,
matchsubnat = pkg_data$matchsubnat,
matchmethod = pkg_data$matchmethod,
matchyears = pkg_data$matchyears
} else {
subnational_estimated_correlations <- mcmsupply::subnational_estimated_correlations # load global subnational correlations
estimated_rho_matrix <- subnational_estimated_correlations %>%
dplyr::select(row, column, public_cor, private_cor)
my_SE_rho_matrix <- estimated_rho_matrix %>%
dplyr::select(public_cor, private_cor)
jags_data <- list(y = pkg_data$data[,c("logit.Public", "logit.CM")], # create JAGS list
se_prop = pkg_data$data[,c("logit.Public.SE", "logit.CM.SE")],
rho = my_SE_rho_matrix,
kstar = pkg_data$kstar,
B.ik = pkg_data$B.ik,
n_years = pkg_data$n_years,
n_obs = pkg_data$n_obs,
K = pkg_data$K,
H = pkg_data$H,
C_count = pkg_data$C_count,
P_count = pkg_data$P_count,
R_count = pkg_data$R_count,
M_count = pkg_data$M_count,
matchsubnat = pkg_data$matchsubnat,
matchcountry = pkg_data$matchcountry,
matchregion = pkg_data$matchsuperregion,
matchmethod = pkg_data$matchmethod,
matchyears = pkg_data$matchyears)
#' Get median, 95% and 80% credible intervals for posterior samples of P from local JAGS model
#' @name get_subnational_local_P_estimates
#' @param Psamps posterior samples of P for one sector from JAGS model
#' @param param_names names of the parameters you wish to summarise
#' @param subnat_index_table Dataframe with subnational district indexing applied. Used to match estimates to data.
#' @param method_index_table Dataframe with method indexing applied. Used to match estimates to data.
#' @param sector_index_table Dataframe with sector indexing applied. Used to match estimates to data.
#' @param year_index_table Dataframe with time indexing applied. Used to match estimates to data.
#' @return Dataframe of labelled posterior samples with median, 95% and 80% credible intervals estimates.
#' @noRd
get_subnational_local_P_estimates <- function(Psamps, param_names, subnat_index_table, method_index_table, sector_index_table, year_index_table) {
samp_med <- Psamps %>%
dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(dplyr::where(is.numeric), ~ stats::median(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
dplyr::select(tidyr::all_of(param_names)) %>%
names_to = "params",
values_to = "median_p") %>%
tidyr::separate(params, c("P" ,"index_sector", "index_method", "index_subnat", "index_year")) %>%
samp_lwr95 <- Psamps %>%
dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(dplyr::where(is.numeric), ~ stats::quantile(.x, prob = 0.025, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
dplyr::select(tidyr::all_of(param_names)) %>%
names_to = "params",
values_to = "lower_95") %>%
tidyr::separate(params, c("P" ,"index_sector", "index_method", "index_subnat", "index_year")) %>%
samp_upr95 <- Psamps %>%
dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(dplyr::where(is.numeric), ~ stats::quantile(.x, prob = 0.975, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
dplyr::select(tidyr::all_of(param_names)) %>%
names_to = "params",
values_to = "upper_95") %>%
tidyr::separate(params, c("P" ,"index_sector", "index_method", "index_subnat", "index_year")) %>%
samp_lwr80 <- Psamps %>%
dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(dplyr::where(is.numeric), ~ stats::quantile(.x, prob = 0.1, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
dplyr::select(tidyr::all_of(param_names)) %>%
names_to = "params",
values_to = "lower_80") %>%
tidyr::separate(params, c("P" ,"index_sector", "index_method", "index_subnat", "index_year")) %>%
samp_upr80 <- Psamps %>%
dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(dplyr::where(is.numeric), ~ stats::quantile(.x, prob = 0.9, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
dplyr::select(tidyr::all_of(param_names)) %>%
names_to = "params",
values_to = "upper_80") %>%
tidyr::separate(params, c("P" ,"index_sector", "index_method", "index_subnat", "index_year")) %>%
tmp_summary <- samp_med %>%
dplyr::left_join(samp_lwr95) %>%
dplyr::left_join(samp_upr95) %>%
dplyr::left_join(samp_lwr80) %>%
dplyr::left_join(samp_upr80) %>%
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(index_sector:upper_80, as.numeric)) %>%
dplyr::left_join(year_index_table) %>%
dplyr::left_join(method_index_table) %>%
dplyr::left_join(sector_index_table) %>%
dplyr::left_join(subnat_index_table) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Region, Method, Sector, average_year) %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Region, Method, Sector, average_year, median_p, lower_95, upper_95, lower_80, upper_80) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::filter(average_year > floor(average_year))
#' Get the country-specific median and precision terms for the alpha intercept in local national-level model runs.
#' @name get_subnational_local_parameters
#' @param mycountry The name of country of interest. Default is NULL. For the names of potential countries, review vigentte.
#' @return A list of local parameters to be used to inform the intercept parameter alpha and the global variance-covariance matrix used in the wishart prior of the local_model_run.txt file.
#' @noRd
get_subnational_local_parameters <- function(mycountry) {
inv.sigma_delta_hat <- mcmsupply::subnational_inv.sigma_delta_hat # multi-country variance covariance matrix
subnational_alpha_cms_hat <- mcmsupply::subnational_alpha_cms_hat # load country-level intercept median estimates
myalpha_med <- subnational_alpha_cms_hat[,,mycountry] # Take out relevant country
tau_alpha_pms_hat <- mcmsupply::subnational_tau_alpha_pms_hat # load subnational-level intercept precision
return(list(alpha_cms = myalpha_med,
tau_alphapms = tau_alpha_pms_hat,
inv.sigma_delta = inv.sigma_delta_hat))
#' Get JAGS model inputs
#' @name get_subnational_modelinputs
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE. local=FALSE retrieves the data for all subnational provinces across all countries. local=TRUE retrieves data for only one country.
#' @param mycountry The country name of interest in a local run. You must have local=TRUE for this functionality. A list of possible countries available found in data/mycountries.rda.
#' @param startyear The year you wish to begin your predictions from. Default is 1990.
#' @param endyear The year you wish to finish your predictions. Default is 2030.5.
#' @param nsegments The number of knots you wish to use in your basis functions. Default is 12.
#' @param raw_data The subnational family planning source data from the 'get_subnational_data' function.
#' @return A list of modelling inputs for the JAGS model.
#' 1. Tstar is the year index for the most recent survey in each province.
#' 2. Kstar is the knot index that aligns with Tstar.
#' 3. B.ik are the basis functions.
#' 4. n_years are total number of years
#' 5. n_obs are the total number of observations
#' 6. K are the number of knots.
#' 7. H is K-1. Used in the calculation of first order differences of spline coefficients.
#' 8. P_count is the number of subnational provinces/regions.
#' 9. M_count is the number of modern contraceptive methods.
#' 10. matchsubnat is the subnational province indexing to match the observed data to the predictions.
#' 11. matchcountry is the country indexing to match the observed data to the predictions.
#' 12. matchmethod is the method indexing to match the observed data to the predictions.
#' 13. matchyears is the year indexing to match the observed data to the predictions.
#' @noRd
get_subnational_modelinputs <- function(local=FALSE, mycountry=NULL, startyear=1990, endyear=2030.5, nsegments=12, raw_data) {
if(local==TRUE & is.null(mycountry)==FALSE) {
clean_FPsource <- raw_data %>% dplyr::filter(Country==mycountry) # Subset data to country of interest
} else {
clean_FPsource <- raw_data
country_subnat_tbl <- clean_FPsource %>%
dplyr::group_by(Country, Region) %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Region) %>%
dplyr::distinct() # table of country and regions (repeats in region names)
n_method <- c("Female Sterilization", "Implants", "Injectables", "IUD", "OC Pills" ) # As per the method correlation matrix
n_country <- unique(country_subnat_tbl$Country)
n_subnat <- country_subnat_tbl$Region
n_superregion <- unique(clean_FPsource$Super_region)
clean_FPsource <- subnat_index_fun(clean_FPsource, n_subnat, country_subnat_tbl$Country) # Adding indexes to data
clean_FPsource <- country_index_fun(clean_FPsource, n_country)
clean_FPsource <- method_index_fun(clean_FPsource, n_method)
clean_FPsource <- superregion_index_fun(clean_FPsource, n_superregion)
all_years <- seq(from = startyear, to = endyear, by=0.5) # 6-monthly increments
n_all_years <- length(all_years)
clean_FPsource <- clean_FPsource %>%
dplyr::mutate(index_year = match(average_year,all_years)) # Time indexing - important for splines
t_seq_2 <- floor(clean_FPsource$index_year) # Time sequence for countries
country_seq <- clean_FPsource$Country
n_country <- unique(country_subnat_tbl$Country)
n_sector <- c("Public", "Commercial_medical", "Other") # Names of categories
n_obs <- nrow(clean_FPsource) # Total number of observations
year_seq <- seq(min(t_seq_2),max(t_seq_2), by=1)
n_years <- length(year_seq) # Total number of years
country_index_tbl <- clean_FPsource %>%
dplyr::group_by(Country, index_country) %>%
dplyr::select() %>%
dplyr::distinct() # table of country and regions (repeats in region names)
index_country_subnat_tbl <- clean_FPsource %>%
dplyr::group_by(index_country, index_subnat) %>%
dplyr::select(Region, index_subnat, Country, index_country) %>%
dplyr::distinct() # table of country and regions (repeats in region names)
index_superregion_tbl <- clean_FPsource %>%
dplyr::group_by(index_superregion, index_country) %>%
dplyr::select(Country, index_country, Super_region, index_superregion) %>%
match_superregion <- index_superregion_tbl$index_superregion
match_country <- index_country_subnat_tbl$index_country
match_years <- clean_FPsource$index_year # observation year indexes in the prediction years
match_method <- clean_FPsource$index_method # method indexes from the data
match_subnat <- clean_FPsource$index_subnat #subnational region indexes from the data
T_star <- clean_FPsource %>%
dplyr::group_by(Country, Region) %>%
dplyr::filter(index_year==max(index_year)) %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Region, index_country, index_subnat, average_year, index_year) %>%
dplyr::arrange(index_subnat) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(index_country, index_subnat, average_year, index_year) %>%
nseg=nsegments # Default is 12
Kstar <- vector()
B.ik <- array(dim = c(length(n_subnat), length(all_years),nseg+3))
knots.all <- matrix(nrow=length(n_subnat), ncol=nseg+3)
for(i in 1:nrow(T_star)) {
index_p <- T_star$index_subnat[i]
index_msn <- T_star$average_year[i]
res <- bs_bbase_precise(all_years, lastobs=index_msn, nseg = nseg) # number of splines based on segments, here choosing 10
B.ik[index_p,,] <- res$B.ik
Kstar[index_p] <- res$Kstar
knots.all[index_p,] <- res$knots.k
K <- dim(res$B.ik)[2]
H <- K-1
# Get logit transformed data
clean_FPsource <- clean_FPsource %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(logit.Public = log(Public/(1-Public)),
logit.CM = log(Commercial_medical/(1-Commercial_medical)),
logit.Public.Var = ((1/(Public*(1-Public)))^2)*Public.SE^2,
logit.Public.SE = sqrt(logit.Public.Var),
logit.CM.Var = ((1/(Commercial_medical*(1-Commercial_medical)))^2)*Commercial_medical.SE^2,
logit.CM.SE = sqrt(logit.CM.Var)
if(local==FALSE) {
mylist = list(data = clean_FPsource,
tstar = T_star$index_year,
kstar = Kstar,
B.ik = B.ik,
n_years = n_all_years,
n_obs = n_obs,
K = K,
H = H,
C_count = length(n_country),
P_count = length(n_subnat),
M_count = length(n_method),
R_count = length(n_superregion),
n_method = n_method, # As per the method correlation matrix
n_country = n_country,
n_subnat = n_subnat,
n_super_region = n_superregion,
all_years = all_years,
matchsuperregion = match_superregion,
matchsubnat = match_subnat,
matchcountry = match_country,
matchmethod = match_method,
matchyears = match_years )
} else {
mylist = list(data = clean_FPsource,
tstar = T_star$index_year,
kstar = Kstar,
B.ik = B.ik,
n_years = n_all_years,
n_obs = n_obs,
K = K,
H = H,
C_count = length(n_country),
P_count = length(n_subnat),
M_count = length(n_method),
R_count = length(n_superregion),
n_method = n_method, # As per the method correlation matrix
n_country = n_country,
n_subnat = n_subnat,
n_super_region = n_superregion,
all_years = all_years,
matchsuperregion = match_superregion,
matchsubnat = match_subnat,
matchcountry = match_country,
matchmethod = match_method,
matchyears = match_years
#' Get the r and z ratio point estimates from the separate chains of the JAGS model runs
#' R and Z are the intermediate parameters that are used to estimates the final proportions. See the model file for context.
#' @name get_subnational_P_point_estimates
#' @param pkg_data Output of the `mcmsupply::get_subnational_modelinputs()` function.
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE. local=FALSE retrieves the data for all subnational provinces across all countries. local=TRUE retrieves data for only one country.
#' @param mycountry The country name of interest in a local run. You must have local=TRUE for this functionality. A list of possible countries available found in data/mycountries.rda.
#' @param n_chain Default is 2. Number of chains to run in your MCMC sample.
#' @return returns the point estimates for the jags model object
#' @noRd
get_subnational_P_point_estimates <- function(pkg_data, local=FALSE, mycountry=NULL, n_chain=2) {
# Get model inputs for cross matching to estimates
n_country <- pkg_data$n_country
n_subnat <- pkg_data$n_subnat
n_method <- pkg_data$n_method
n_sector <- c("Public", "Commercial_medical", "Other")
n_all_years <- pkg_data$n_years
mydata <- pkg_data$data
all_years <- pkg_data$all_years
K <- pkg_data$K
B.ik <- pkg_data$B.ik
# Creating index tables for reference ------------------------------------------------------------
subnat_index_table <- mydata %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Region, index_subnat) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
country_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Country = n_country, index_country = unique(mydata$index_country))
method_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Method = n_method, index_method = 1:5)
sector_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Sector = n_sector, index_sector = 1:3)
year_index_table <- tibble::tibble(average_year = all_years,
index_year = 1:n_all_years,
floored_year = floor(all_years))
if(local==FALSE) { # global model estimates
# Get ratio estimates. Saves to temp directory
get_subnational_r_z_samples(pkg_data, local=FALSE, n_chain=n_chain)
# Calculate proportions using the full posterior sample. Reads in the r and z variables using the temp directory
# Get point estimates for median, 95% and 80% credible intervals
all_p_pub <- get_subnational_global_P_estimates("P_Public.RDS", subnat_index_table, method_index_table, "Public", year_index_table)
all_p_CM <- get_subnational_global_P_estimates("P_CM.RDS", subnat_index_table, method_index_table, "Commercial_medical", year_index_table)
all_p_other <- get_subnational_global_P_estimates("P_Other.RDS", subnat_index_table, method_index_table, "Other", year_index_table)
# all_p_pub <- get_subnational_global_P_estimates(main_path, global_P_samps$P_public, subnat_index_table, method_index_table, "Public", year_index_table)
# all_p_CM <- get_subnational_global_P_estimates(main_path, global_P_samps$P_CM, subnat_index_table, method_index_table, "Commercial_medical", year_index_table)
# all_p_other <- get_subnational_global_P_estimates(main_path, global_P_samps$P_other, subnat_index_table, method_index_table, "Other", year_index_table)
all_p <- rbind(all_p_pub, all_p_CM)
all_p <- rbind(all_p, all_p_other)
} else { # local model estimates
# Read in chains results
for(i in 1:n_chain) {
f <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(i,"chain.rds"))
chain <- readRDS(f)
chain <- chain$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix %>% tibble::as_tibble()
if(i==1) {
# Pull out P posterior samples for each of the three sectors
public_samps <- chain[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain), "P\\[1,")] # init the tibble for chain=1
CM_samps <- chain[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain), "P\\[2,")]
other_samps <- chain[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain), "P\\[3,")]
} else {
public_samps <- dplyr::bind_rows(public_samps, chain[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain), "P\\[1,")])
CM_samps <- dplyr::bind_rows(CM_samps, chain[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain), "P\\[2,")])
other_samps <- dplyr::bind_rows(other_samps, chain[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain), "P\\[3,")])
# chain1 <- readRDS(paste0(main_path,"/output/1chain.rds"))
# chain1 <- chain1$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix %>% tibble::as_tibble()
# chain2 <- readRDS(paste0(main_path,"/output/2chain.rds"))
# chain2 <- chain2$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix %>% tibble::as_tibble()
# # Pull out P posterior samples for each of the three sectors
# public_samps <- dplyr::bind_rows(chain1[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain1), "P\\[1,")], chain2[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain2), "P\\[1,")])
# CM_samps <- dplyr::bind_rows(chain1[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain1), "P\\[2,")], chain2[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain2), "P\\[2,")])
# other_samps <- dplyr::bind_rows(chain1[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain1), "P\\[3,")], chain2[,stringr::str_detect(colnames(chain2), "P\\[3,")])
# Get point estimates for median, 95% and 80% credible intervals
pub_df <- get_subnational_local_P_estimates(public_samps, colnames(public_samps), subnat_index_table, method_index_table, sector_index_table, year_index_table)
CM_df <- get_subnational_local_P_estimates(CM_samps, colnames(CM_samps), subnat_index_table, method_index_table, sector_index_table, year_index_table)
other_df <- get_subnational_local_P_estimates(other_samps, colnames(other_samps), subnat_index_table, method_index_table, sector_index_table, year_index_table)
all_p <- dplyr::bind_rows(pub_df, CM_df, other_df)
if(is.null(mycountry)==TRUE) {
f <- file.path(tempdir(), "P_point_estimates.RDS")
saveRDS(all_p, f)
} else {
f <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(mycountry,"_P_point_estimates.RDS"))
saveRDS(all_p, f)
#' Get the r and z ratio point estimates from the separate chains of the JAGS model runs
#' R and Z are the intermediate parameters that are used to estimates the final proportions. See the model file for context.
#' @name get_subnational_r_z_samples
#' @param pkg_data Output of the `mcmsupply::get_subnational_modelinputs()` function.
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE. local=FALSE retrieves the data for all subnational provinces across all countries. local=TRUE retrieves data for only one country.
#' @param n_chain Default is 2. Number of chains to run in your MCMC sample.
#' @return returns the point estimates for the jags model object
#' @noRd
get_subnational_r_z_samples <- function(pkg_data, local=FALSE, n_chain) {
for(i in 1:n_chain) {
f1 <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(i,"chain.rds"))
chain1 <- readRDS(f1)
chain1 <- chain1$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix %>% tibble::as_tibble()
# f2 <- file.path(tempdir(), "2chain.rds")
# chain2 <- readRDS(f2)
# chain2 <- chain2$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix %>% tibble::as_tibble()
# Create P estimates --------------------------------------
n_samps <- 2000
P_count = length(pkg_data$n_subnat)
M_count = length(pkg_data$n_method)
S_count = length(pkg_data$n_sector)
n_all_years <- length(pkg_data$all_years)
K <- pkg_data$K
B.ik <- pkg_data$B.ik
z <- r <- array(dim = c(n_chain*n_samps, M_count, P_count, n_all_years))
z_tmp <- r_tmp <- array(dim = c(n_samps, M_count, P_count, n_all_years))
for(m in 1:M_count){ # method loop
for(p in 1:P_count) { # province loop matched to C
for (t in 1:n_all_years) {
# get column names
alphapub_param <- paste0("alpha_pms[",1,",",m,",",p,"]")
alphapriv_param <- paste0("alpha_pms[",2,",",m,",",p,"]")
betakpub_param <- paste0("beta.k[",1,",",m,",",p,",",paste0(1:K,"]"))
betakpriv_param <- paste0("beta.k[",2,",",m,",",p,",",paste0(1:K,"]"))
# chain 1 public and private
alpha_sampspub1 <- chain1[,which(colnames(chain1)==alphapub_param)] %>% unlist() %>% as.vector()
beta_sampspub1 <- chain1[,which(colnames(chain1) %in% betakpub_param)] %>% as.matrix()
alpha_sampspriv1 <- chain1[,which(colnames(chain1)==alphapriv_param)] %>% unlist() %>% as.vector()
beta_sampspriv1 <- chain1[,which(colnames(chain1) %in% betakpriv_param)] %>% as.matrix()
# # chain 2 public and private
# alpha_sampspub2 <- chain2[,which(colnames(chain2)==alphapub_param)] %>% unlist() %>% as.vector()
# beta_sampspub2 <- chain2[,which(colnames(chain2) %in% betakpub_param)] %>% as.matrix()
# alpha_sampspriv2 <- chain2[,which(colnames(chain2)==alphapriv_param)] %>% unlist() %>% as.vector()
# beta_sampspriv2 <- chain2[,which(colnames(chain2) %in% betakpriv_param)] %>% as.matrix()
z_tmp[1:n_samps,m,p,t] <- alpha_sampspub1 + (B.ik[p,t,] %*% t(beta_sampspub1))
#z[(n_samps+1):(2*n_samps),m,p,t] <- alpha_sampspub2 + (B.ik[p,t,] %*% t(beta_sampspub2))
# private sector
r_tmp[1:n_samps,m,p,t] <- alpha_sampspriv1 + (B.ik[p,t,] %*% t(beta_sampspriv1))
#r[(n_samps+1):(2*n_samps),m,p,t] <- alpha_sampspriv2 + (B.ik[p,t,] %*% t(beta_sampspriv2))
} # end time loop
} # end M loop
} # end P loop
start <- ((n_chain-1)*n_samps)+1
end <- (n_chain*n_samps)
z[start:end,,,] <- z_tmp
r[start:end,,,] <- r_tmp
fz <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("zsamps.RDS"))
saveRDS(z, fz)
fr <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("rsamps.RDS"))
saveRDS(r, fr)
return(list(r = r,
z = z))
#' Apply method indexing to data
#' @name method_index_fun
#' @param my_data The sub-national family planning source data for the country of interest.
#' @param my_methods A vector of your contraceptive methods in the order you wished them indexed.
#' @return Dataframe with method indexing applied
#' @noRd
method_index_fun <- function(my_data, my_methods) {
for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
my_data$index_method[j] <- which(my_methods == my_data$Method[j])
# my_data$index_method <- rep(NA, nrow(my_data))
# for (i in 1:length(my_methods)) {
# for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
# method_name <- my_methods[i]
# if(my_data$Method[j]==method_name) {
# my_data$index_method[j] <- i
# }
# # else {
# # next
# # }
# }
# }
#' Plot median and 95% credible intervals for posterior samples of P from JAGS model with the relevant survey data
#' @name plot_national_point_estimates
#' @param pkg_data Output of the `mcmsupply::get_subnational_modelinputs()` function.
#' @param model_output The output of the `mcmsupply::run_jags_model()` function.
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE. local=FALSE retrieves the data for all subnational provinces across all countries. local=TRUE retrieves data for only one country.
#' @param mycountry The country name of interest in a local run. You must have local=TRUE for this functionality. A list of possible countries available found in data/mycountries.rda.
#' @return List of ggplot objects arranged by country name.
#' @noRd
plot_national_point_estimates <- function(pkg_data, model_output, local=FALSE, mycountry=NULL) {
# Get models estimates
estimates <- model_output$estimates
# Get model inputs for cross matching to estimates
n_country <- pkg_data$n_country
n_method <- pkg_data$n_method
n_sector <- c("Public", "Commercial_medical", "Other")
n_all_years <- pkg_data$n_years
mydata <- pkg_data$data
all_years <- pkg_data$all_years
# Creating index tables for reference
country_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Country = n_country, index_country = unique(mydata$index_country))
method_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Method = n_method, index_method = 1:length(n_method))
sector_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Sector = n_sector, index_sector = 1:length(n_sector))
year_index_table <- tibble::tibble(average_year = all_years,
index_year = 1:n_all_years,
floored_year = floor(all_years))
# Recreating data used in model for plotting
FP_source_data_long_SE <- mydata %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Method, average_year, Commercial_medical.SE, Public.SE, Other.SE) %>%
dplyr::rename(Commercial_medical = Commercial_medical.SE , Public = Public.SE, Other = Other.SE) %>%
tidyr::gather(Sector, SE.proportion, Commercial_medical:Other, factor_key=TRUE)
FP_source_data_long <- mydata %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Method, average_year, Commercial_medical, Public, Other) %>%
tidyr::gather(Sector, proportion, Commercial_medical:Other, factor_key=TRUE)
FP_source_data_long <- merge(FP_source_data_long, FP_source_data_long_SE)
# Adding error limits to data using SE
FP_source_data_long <- FP_source_data_long %>%
dplyr::mutate( prop_min = proportion - 2*SE.proportion,
prop_max = proportion + 2*SE.proportion ) %>%
dplyr::mutate(prop_max = ifelse(prop_max > 1, 1, prop_max)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(prop_min = ifelse(prop_min < 0, 0, prop_min))
# Country estimates
safe_colorblind_palette <- c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
plot_list<- list()
for(i in n_country) {
country_data <- FP_source_data_long[which(FP_source_data_long$Country==i), ] #%>% filter(sector_category=="Public")
country_calc <- estimates[which(estimates$Country==i), ] #%>% filter(sector_category=="Public")
ci_plot = ggplot2::ggplot() + # plot of true p value vs time using facet wrap
ggplot2::geom_line(data=country_calc, ggplot2::aes(x=average_year, y=median_p, color=Sector)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(data=country_data, ggplot2::aes(x=average_year, y=proportion, colour=Sector))+
ggplot2::geom_errorbar(data=country_data, ggplot2::aes(ymin = prop_min, ymax = prop_max, x=average_year, colour=Sector), width = 1.5) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(data=country_calc, ggplot2::aes(ymin = lower_95, ymax = upper_95, x=average_year, fill=Sector), alpha=0.2) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(data=country_calc, ggplot2::aes(ymin = lower_80, ymax = upper_80, x=average_year, fill=Sector), alpha=0.26) +
ggplot2::labs(y="Proportion of contraceptives supplied", x = "Year", title = i) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15), axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, size = 15), axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 20), axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 20)) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15), legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15))+
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(breaks = c("Public", "Commercial_medical", "Other"), values=safe_colorblind_palette) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(breaks = c("Public", "Commercial_medical", "Other"), values=safe_colorblind_palette) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom")+
ggplot2::labs(fill = "Sector") +
ggplot2::guides(color="none") +
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values=safe_colorblind_palette) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=safe_colorblind_palette) +
country_name <- i
plot_list[[i]] <- ci_plot
#' Plot median, 95% and 80% credible intervals for posterior samples of P from local JAGS model with the relevant survey data
#' @name plot_subnational_point_estimates
#' @param pkg_data Output of the `mcmsupply::get_subnational_modelinputs()` function.
#' @param model_output The output of the `mcmsupply::run_jags_model()` function.
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE. local=FALSE retrieves the data for all subnational provinces across all countries. local=TRUE retrieves data for only one country.
#' @param mycountry The country name of interest in a local run. You must have local=TRUE for this functionality. A list of possible countries available found in data/mycountries.rda.
#' @return List of ggplot objects arranged by country and subnational region name.
#' @noRd
plot_subnational_point_estimates <- function(pkg_data, model_output, local=FALSE, mycountry=NULL) {
# Get models estimates
estimates <- model_output$estimates
# Get model inputs for cross matching to estimates
n_country <- pkg_data$n_country
n_subnat <- pkg_data$n_subnat
n_method <- pkg_data$n_method
n_sector <- c("Public", "Commercial_medical", "Other")
n_all_years <- pkg_data$n_years
mydata <- pkg_data$data
all_years <- pkg_data$all_years
# Creating index tables for reference
subnat_index_table <- mydata %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Region, index_subnat) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
country_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Country = n_country, index_country = unique(mydata$index_country))
method_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Method = n_method, index_method = 1:length(n_method))
sector_index_table <- tibble::tibble(Sector = n_sector, index_sector = 1:length(n_sector))
year_index_table <- tibble::tibble(average_year = all_years,
index_year = 1:n_all_years,
floored_year = floor(all_years))
# Recreating data used in model for plotting
FP_source_data_long_SE <- mydata %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Region, Method, average_year, Commercial_medical.SE, Public.SE, Other.SE) %>%
dplyr::rename(Commercial_medical = Commercial_medical.SE , Public = Public.SE, Other = Other.SE) %>%
tidyr::gather(Sector, SE.proportion, Commercial_medical:Other, factor_key=TRUE)
FP_source_data_long <- mydata %>%
dplyr::select(Country, Region, Method, average_year, Commercial_medical, Public, Other) %>%
tidyr::gather(Sector, proportion, Commercial_medical:Other, factor_key=TRUE)
FP_source_data_long <- merge(FP_source_data_long, FP_source_data_long_SE)
# Adding error limits to data using SE
FP_source_data_long <- FP_source_data_long %>%
dplyr::mutate( prop_min = proportion - 2*SE.proportion,
prop_max = proportion + 2*SE.proportion ) %>%
dplyr::mutate(prop_max = ifelse(prop_max > 1, 1, prop_max)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(prop_min = ifelse(prop_min < 0, 0, prop_min))
# Country estimates
safe_colorblind_palette <- c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
plot_list <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(subnat_index_table)) {
country_data <- FP_source_data_long %>%
dplyr::filter(Country==subnat_index_table$Country[i] & Region==subnat_index_table$Region[i]) %>%
dplyr::rename(Sector = Sector)
country_calc <- estimates %>%
dplyr::filter(Country==subnat_index_table$Country[i] & Region==subnat_index_table$Region[i])
ci_plot = ggplot2::ggplot() + # plot of true p value vs time using facet wrap
ggplot2::geom_line(data=country_calc, ggplot2::aes(x=average_year, y=median_p, color=Sector)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(data=country_data, ggplot2::aes(x=average_year, y=proportion, colour=Sector))+
ggplot2::geom_errorbar(data=country_data, ggplot2::aes(ymin = prop_min, ymax = prop_max, x=average_year, colour=Sector), width = 1.5) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(data=country_calc, ggplot2::aes(ymin = lower_95, ymax = upper_95, x=average_year, fill=Sector), alpha=0.2) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(data=country_calc, ggplot2::aes(ymin = lower_80, ymax = upper_80, x=average_year, fill=Sector), alpha=0.26) +
ggplot2::labs(y="Proportion of contraceptives supplied", x = "Year", title = paste0(unique(country_calc$Region),", ",unique(country_data$Country))) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15), axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, size = 15), axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15), axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 20), axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 20)) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15), legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15))+
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(breaks = c("Public", "Commercial_medical", "Other"), values=safe_colorblind_palette) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(breaks = c("Public", "Commercial_medical", "Other"), values=safe_colorblind_palette) +
ggplot2::labs(fill = "Sector") +
ggplot2::guides(color="none") +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90), strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12)) +
#ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size=20), legend.key.size = ggplot2::unit(2.5, 'cm'), legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=20)) +
country_name <- subnat_index_table$Country[i]
region_name <- stringr::str_replace_all(subnat_index_table$Region[i], "[[:punct:]]", "_") # remove special characters
region_name <- stringr::str_replace_all(region_name, " ", "") # remove spaces
plot_list[[paste0(country_name, "_", region_name)]] <- ci_plot
#' Indexing function for regions used in data.
#' @name region_index_fun
#' @param my_data The data with a Region column you want to index.
#' @param n_region A vector of regions used in the data
#' @return returns data with region indexed
#' @noRd
region_index_fun <- function(my_data, n_region) {
for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
my_data$index_region[j] <- which(n_region == my_data$Region[j])
# my_data$index_region <- NA
# for (i in 1:length(n_region)) {
# for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
# region_name <- n_region[i]
# if(my_data$Region[j]==region_name) {
# my_data$index_region[j] <- i
# }
# # else {
# # next
# # }
# }
# }
#' Run the jags model for estimating the proportion of modern contraceptive methods supplied by the public & private Sectors using a Bayesian hierarchical penalized spline model
#' @name run_national_jags_model
#' @param jagsdata The inputs for the JAGS model
#' @param jagsparams The parameters of the JAGS model you wish to review
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE. local=FALSE retrieves the data for all subnational provinces across all countries. local=TRUE retrieves data for only one country.
#' @param n_iter Default is 80000. Number of itterations to do in JAGS model.
#' @param n_burnin Default is 10000. Number of samples to burn-in in JAGS model.
#' @param n_thin Default is 35. Number of samples to thin by in JAGS model.
#' @param n_chain Default is 2. Number of chains to run in your MCMC sample.
#' @param mycountry The country name of interest in a local run. You must have local=TRUE for this functionality. A list of possible countries available found in data/mycountries.rda.
#' @return returns the jags model object
#' @noRd
run_national_jags_model <- function(jagsdata, jagsparams = NULL, local=FALSE,
n_iter = 80000, n_burnin = 10000, n_thin = 35, n_chain = 2, mycountry=NULL) {
# Get default data input list for JAGS
myjagsdata <- get_national_JAGSinput_list(jagsdata, local= local, mycountry=mycountry)
# Get default parameters to monitor
if(is.null(jagsparams)==TRUE ) {
if(local==FALSE) { # global
jagsparams <- c("P",
} else { # local
jagsparams <- c("P",
# write JAGS model
#write_jags_model(main_path=main_path, model_type = "national", local=local)
if(local==TRUE & is.null(mycountry)==FALSE) {
jags_file <- system.file("model", "singlecountry_national_bivarlogitnormal_model.jags", package = "mcmsupply")
mod <- R2jags::jags(data=myjagsdata,,
model.file = jags_file, #system.file(main_path, "/model.txt", package = "mcmsupply"),
n.burnin = n_burnin,
n.iter = n_iter,
n.thin = n_thin,
n.chain = n_chain)
f <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("mod_",mycountry,"_national_results.RDS"))
saveRDS(mod, f)
} else {
jags_file <- system.file("model", "multicountry_national_bivarlogit_normal_model.jags", package = "mcmsupply")
mod <- R2jags::jags(data=myjagsdata,,
model.file = jags_file, #system.file(main_path, "/model.txt", package = "mcmsupply"),
n.burnin = n_burnin,
n.iter = n_iter,
n.thin = n_thin,
n.chain = n_chain)
f <- file.path(tempdir(), "mod_global_national_results.RDS")
saveRDS(mod, f)
#' Run the jags model for estimating the proportion of modern contraceptive methods supplied by the public & private sectors at a subnational level using a Bayesian hierarchical penalized spline model
#' @name run_subnational_jags_model
#' @param jagsdata The inputs for the JAGS model
#' @param jagsparams The parameters of the JAGS model you wish to review
#' @param local TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE. local=FALSE retrieves the data for all subnational provinces across all countries. local=TRUE retrieves data for only one country.
#' @param n_iter Default is 80000. Number of itterations to do in JAGS model.
#' @param n_burnin Default is 10000. Number of samples to burn-in in JAGS model.
#' @param n_thin Default is 35. Number of samples to thin by in JAGS model.
#' @param n_chain Default is 2. Number of chains to run in your MCMC sample.
#' @param n_cores The number of cores to use for parallel execution. If not specified, the number of cores is set to the value of options("cores"), if specified, or to approximately half the number of cores detected by the parallel package.
#' @param mycountry The country name of interest in a local run. You must have local=TRUE for this functionality. A list of possible countries available found in data/mycountries.rda.
#' @return returns the jags model object
#' @noRd
run_subnational_jags_model <- function(jagsdata, jagsparams = NULL, local=FALSE,
n_iter = 80000, n_burnin = 10000, n_thin = 35, n_chain = 2, n_cores=NULL, mycountry=NULL) {
# Get JAGS input data list
myjagsdata <- get_subnational_JAGSinput_list(jagsdata, local=local, mycountry=mycountry)
# Get JAGS params to monitor
if(is.null(jagsparams)==TRUE ) {
if(local==FALSE) { # global
jagsparams <- c("alpha_pms", # province-level intercept
"alpha_cms", # country-level
"tau_alpha_pms", # province-level precision
"beta.k", # spline coefficients
"inv.sigma_delta", # precision matrix
"delta.k") # rates of change between spline coefficients
} else { # local
jagsparams <- c("P", # estimated proportions
# run JAGS model
for(chain in 1:n_chain){ ## Do chains separately ------------------------------
if(local==FALSE) { # multi-country subnational
jags_file <- system.file("model", "multicountry_subnational_logitnormal_model.jags", package = "mcmsupply")
mod <- R2jags::jags(data = myjagsdata, = jagsparams,
model.file = jags_file,
n.chains = 1,
n.burnin = n_burnin,
n.iter = n_iter,
n.thin = n_thin)
} else { # single country subnational
jags_file <- system.file("model", "singlecountry_subnational_logitnormal_model.jags", package = "mcmsupply")
mod <- R2jags::jags(data = myjagsdata, = jagsparams,
model.file = jags_file , #system.file(main_path, "/model.txt", package = "mcmsupply"),
n.chains = 1,
n.burnin = n_burnin,
n.iter = n_iter,
n.thin = n_thin)
mod$BUGSoutput[names(mod$BUGSoutput) %in% c("sims.list", # REMOVING SOME DATA FROM FIT OBJECT TO REDUCE FILE SIZE
"sd")] <- NA
f <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(chain, "chain.rds"))
saveRDS(mod, f)
message(paste("MCMC results for chain ", chain, "complete"))
} # end chains
f <- file.path(tempdir(), "1chain.rds")
mod <- readRDS(f)
if(n_chain >1) { # combine the separate chains together into one object
for (chain in 2:n_chain) {
f2 <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(chain,"chain.rds"))
mod_for_one_chain <-readRDS(f2)
mod$BUGSoutput$sims.array <- mod$BUGSoutput$sims.array %>% abind::abind(mod_for_one_chain$BUGSoutput$sims.array, along = 2)
# now we need to hack the fit object such that it has correct meta data (as the original git object had meta data for just 1 chain)
mod$BUGSoutput$n.chains <- n_chain
if(local==TRUE) { # save local subnational models
f <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("mod_local_subnational_",mycountry,".RDS"))
saveRDS(mod, f)
} else { # save global subnational models
f <- file.path(tempdir(), "mod_global_subnational.RDS")
saveRDS(mod, f)
#' Indexing function for sectors used in data.
#' @name sector_index_fun
#' @param my_data The data with a sector_category column you want to index.
#' @param my_sectors A vector of sectors used in the data
#' @return returns data with sectors indexed
#' @noRd
sector_index_fun <- function(my_data, my_sectors) {
for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
my_data$index_sector[j] <- which(my_sectors == my_data$sector_category[j])
# for (i in 1:length(my_sectors)) {
# for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
# sector_name <- my_sectors[i]
# if(my_data$sector_category[j]==sector_name) {
# my_data$index_sector[j] <- i
# }
# # else {
# # next
# # }
# }
# }
#' Standardise the contraceptive method names
#' @name standard_method_names
#' @param my_data The input data with a Method column to standardise
#' @return Original input dataframe with Method column standardised.
#' @noRd
standard_method_names <- function(my_data) {
my_data <- my_data %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "Condom (m+f)", "Condom")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "male condom", "Condom")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "condom", "Condom")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "Sterilization (female)", "Female Sterilization")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "female sterilization", "Female Sterilization")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "Female sterilization", "Female Sterilization")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "Sterilization (male)", "Male Sterilization")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "Male sterilization", "Male Sterilization")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "male sterilization", "Male Sterilization")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "Pill", "OC Pills")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "pill", "OC Pills")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "injections", "Injectables")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method == "implants", "Implants")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Method = replace(Method, Method %in% c("Other", "Other Modern Methods", "LAM", "diaphragm", "female condom", "foam or jelly", "standard days method", "diaphragm, foam or jelly", "lactational amenorrhea", "emergency contraception", "other modern methods"), "Other Modern Methods"))
#' Apply subnational indexing to data
#' @name subnat_index_fun
#' @param my_data The sub-national family planning source data for the country of interest.
#' @param my_subnat A vector of the provinces/region names in your country of interest.
#' @param my_country The name of your country of interest. Must be a vector the same length as my_subnat.
#' @return Dataframe with subnational indexing applied
#' @noRd
subnat_index_fun <- function(my_data, my_subnat, my_country) {
for (i in 1:length(my_subnat)) {
for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
subnat_name <- my_subnat[i]
country_name <- my_country[i]
if(my_data$Country[j]==country_name & my_data$Region[j]==subnat_name) {
my_data$index_subnat[j] <- i
# else {
# next
# }
#' Apply subcontinent indexing to data
#' @name superregion_index_fun
#' @param my_data National level family planning source data
#' @param n_region A vector of subcontinents listed in the data set
#' @return Dataframe with sub-conintental indexing applied
#' @noRd
superregion_index_fun <- function(my_data, n_region) {
for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
my_data$index_superregion[j] <- which(n_region == my_data$Super_region[j])
# my_data$index_superregion <- NA
# for (i in 1:length(n_region)) {
# for (j in 1:nrow(my_data)) {
# region_name <- n_region[i]
# if(my_data$Super_region[j]==region_name) {
# my_data$index_superregion[j] <- i
# }
# # else {
# # next
# # }
# }
# }
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